Syllabus 7th Grade Reading Language Arts

Judy Pauley
7th Grade Reading Language Arts
Syllabus 7th Grade Reading Language Arts
The seventh grade reading curriculum, for all students, is comprised of skills and
attitudes in four areas: reading, writing, speaking and language. Students will read a
variety of texts (fiction and nonfiction) to attain the following learning goals:
1. By the end of the year students will demonstrate that they can read
proficiently and independently stories from a variety of genres, poems,
dramas and nonfiction works such as newspapers, special topic publications,
and online resources.
2. By the end of the year students will have had many opportunities to write for
research and to inform, for reflection and to persuade, and to create their own
Course Content and Sequence:
Unit One:
Evidence-Based Reading
and Writing
9 Weeks
Unit Two:
Elements of Text
9 Weeks
Content Focus
Working with Text
Writing to
Informative Writing
Analyzing Text
Determining Central
Text Structure and
Themes and Central
Analyzing Text
and/or Character
Analyzing Character
Point of View
Analyzing Author
Point of View
Arguments in Text
Analyzing Text
Integrating Multiple
Story Elements
Point of View
Argument and
Text Structure and
Literary Comparisons
and Source Material
Rhetorical Criticism
Unit Three: Argumentation
9 Weeks
Unit Four: Deeper
9 Weeks
Reading/Language Arts
Inference, and
Classroom Expectations, Policies and Procedures:
Students are graded on reading and language arts standards and on employability skills
standards. Employability standards are working with peers, working with adults, work
completion, and academic conduct. My classroom expectations related to these criteria
Judy Pauley
7th Grade Reading Language Arts
Focused Learning: Come to class on time with paper, pencil, and
positive learning attitude! Binders, cellphones and other items need to be
under their desk so the student is not distracted. Students will listen with
eyes and ears during all class discussions and participate fully during
class. Students, who are tardy to class or violate these rules, will serve
time during lunch; 5 minutes for the first warning and additional minutes
for further problems/warnings. After a student has served two lunch
detentions, I will call parents and request assistance/planning to ensure
positive and successful classroom conduct. The student behavior will be
entered as a level 1 in Infinite Campus. If problems persist, then I will
enter a level 2 behavioral referral in the system and seek administrative
Technology policy: Students may not have their cellphones out and
visible unless directed by the teacher to be used for classroom activities. If
there is a problem, the student and I will develop a plan to assist the
student in understanding the need to focus on learning without
distractions. If the problem persists, I will involve the parent in developing
a better plan to encourage positive adherence to the rule. If a student
needs to call or text a parent/guardian, please ask me and I will direct
them to use the phone in the hallway.
Tests/required reading/projects: For each major assignment, I will
provide a timeframe, list of criteria, and district defined grading scale. If a
student does not complete the test/required reading/project in the
established timeframe, then it is the student’s responsibility to finish their
work during lunch or afterschool. Standards referenced grading requires
that all projects/tests that demonstrate the student has mastered the
curriculum standard need to be completed in school. On occasion, there
are extenuating circumstances, and a student may be allowed to take in
class work home; this must be pre-arranged with the teacher, parent and
student. All assignments must be turned in one week before the required
deadline for having all grades entered in Infinite Campus.
Positive Engagement: When working with adults and other students, the
student practices the PBIS learner characteristics of caring, open
mindedness, and principled. The students use PBIS qualities and reflect
on conflicts and differences in a respectful way.
Buddy Room and re-entry plan: Mrs. White and Mr. Tamasi will serve as
my buddy room teachers. If I perceive that a student is having difficulty
and needs to take a time out, I will send the student to the buddy room
with a description of what I believe the problem to be and a PBIS think
sheet for the student to complete. After the student completes the PBIS
Judy Pauley
7th Grade Reading Language Arts
sheet and processes with the buddy teacher he/she is welcomed back to
my class with a smiling face and a fresh start!
Grading Policy/Assessment
Students will take district level benchmark tests and a variety of quizzes and tests in
each unit. Students will be engaged in writing as part of the process of learning the
course content. All these student works will be kept in a portfolio; I will meet with each
student to discuss his/her body of work during each term. Student scores will be entered
in the assessment categories listed in Infinite Campus.
Personal Statement
My philosophy of education is simple: all students can read and write at a high level
comparable to their potential. It is my job to create the conditions for challenge and
success. I achieve this by structuring assignments so that students master the skills in
chunks, and create their own learning. I make assignment choices with the students’
interest in mind; this, I believe, creates the conditions for developing curiosity and a
sense of life long learning.