TEACHER NAME: Tyler Kwasnicka / Mary Beth Buck Nov. 11-15, 2013 Standards Alignment Materials/Resources Activities M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y ROOM: 210 WEEK BEGINNING: Relevance Connection To show students hoe scientists record seismic waves (p and s waves) Formative Assessment Written responses in explore learning The Refraction and reflection of seismic waves as they move through one type of material to another is used to differentiate the layers of the Earth’s interior. Earth has an inner outer core, an upper mantle and lower # 10 explain most mantle, and athe crust major geological events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hot spots, and motions) result from plate motion. lab book/pencil Computer (library) Review Sheet ? Reading #3 (earthquakes) in lab book pgs 63-69 (entrance ticket on Friday) 1. Finish Earthquake recording station in explore learning pages 346-349 Class Question PP Lab Book/ Pencil Smartboard Animations 1. Class question 2. Go Over Pages 34 in lab note book (Isostasy) 3. Have them work in group on page 35 4. Class animation on Isostasy Developing an understanding of Isostasy Class question, Observation, Questioning, group work # 10 explain the most major geological events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hot spots, and motions) result from plate motion. Class Question PP Lab Book/Pencils SmartBoard Animations 1. Class question 2. Go over pages 36 and top of page 37 together. 3. Individually do parts 1 and 2 on pages 37-38 using diagram to answer relationship questions 4. Emphasis good answers Developing an Understanding of earthquakes (focus, epicenter, p s and l waves) Class question, observation, Socratic questioning # 10 explain the most major geological events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hot spots, and motions) result from plate motion. Class Question PP Lab book/ Pencil 1. Class Question Review using smartboard 2. Have students complete activity on pages 42-44 “How does the Intensity of an Earthquake Change with Distance?” 3. HW if not completed Help students develop skills interrupting data and figures Class question, observation, review, and activity # 10 explain the most major geological events (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hot spots, and motions) result from plate motion. Lab book/Pencil Explore Learning Packet “Determination of Epicenter” 1. Go to computer lab (library 2. Have student complete “Determination of Epicenter lab” on explore learning pages 344-345 Help better understanding of what is the epicenter of an earthquake Develop a better understanding of the seismic effects of earthquakes Observation, animated lab activity, responses to lab activity.