Mitosis Dance -

Mitosis Dance:
Period 1 and half of Period 3 will be on the outside circle REPRESNTING the Cell membrane. Wear
WGAM shirts!
Remaining Period 3 will be on the Inner Circle representing the Nucleus Membrane. Wear White!
Period 4 will be the DNA materials in the center of 2 circles- ½ the students will represent one part of
the DNA (original cell)= Wear Purple! and then other ½ will represent the DNA pulling apart to form
the daughter cell) – Wear Blue! A very small group representing chromatids wear yellow!
JUMP AROUND: all students will be in their designated groups and will jump up and down to the beat
in the same place (i.e. not moving side to side).
The announcer breaks in to introduce Prophase! (at .40 sec)
PROPHASE : The first stage of mitosis, during which the chromosomes condense and become
visible, the nuclear membrane breaks down, and the spindle apparatus forms at opposite poles of the
The white Nuclear Membrane breaks up and backs up (dancing and jumping and joins the
outer circle.
At the end of the song they leave the circle and sit outside the circle until Telophase
The red and blue groups form two distinct groups- break up and jump around free style.
The announcer breaks in to introduce Metaphase! (at 1.26 sec)
METAPHASE: In Metaphase, the nuclear membrane has dissolved while the chromatids aid the
chromosome alignment along the equatorial wall.
(during this time of announcer) the purple, blue and yellow groups get into position.
The yellow group huddles in a tight circle
The purple and red group face each other at the “equator”- the middle
The outer circle (dark shirts) is stationary holding their hands up.
The yellow group breaks into two and ½ each dances to either side
The announcer breaks in to introduce Anaphase! (at 2.10 sec)
ANAPHASE, the proteins binding to sister chromatids are cleaved and the chromatids
become distinct chromosomes as they are pulled to opposite poles.
One yellow chromatids from either group will run into the middle with the blue and red DNA.
The Blue and Purple group must quickly regroup to get into mixed ½ BLUE and RED into 2 separate
groups and back up to either sides (the poles) with the Yellow Chromatid.
The announcer breaks in to introduce Telophase! (At 2.27 sec)
TELOPHASE: The final stage of mitosis or meiosis during which the chromosomes of daughter cells are grouped
in new nuclei. Can you believe the cell becomes two identical daughter cells? I can’t really believe it, I think we
have to see it!
the left)
During the announcer transitions of telophase, all members (white sweatshirts) rejoin the circle.
White sweatshirt group (nuclear membrane) gets in a circle within the outer circle (cell membrane)
All students kick with alternating feet to the beat.
Dark sweatshirt group starts to “cleave” – the middle side starts pull into the center to form two distinct
“cells” or circles.
The white sweatshirt group starts to cleave as well but is reforming two distinct outer nuclear
membranes for the two new daughter cells
The mixed group of DNA (purple and blue) and chromatids (yellow) are in the middle of the two new
nuclear membranes.
All members in their distinct position follow the song (to the left, two the right, kick it, walk it by your self )