Enrollment Management Plan AY 2011

Enrollment Management Plan AY 2011
Goal 1 – Maintain a fall enrollment of 1750 FTE
Overall Strategy
Replace students lost to attrition with new students.
Argument: This seems deceptively simple. However, the reasons for attrition are often not understood. Neither can we predict student
decisions to enroll with much precision. At the same time, without an understanding of the reasons for attrition, we cannot form
expectations of improvement associated with proposed actions. Likewise, we cannot assess the expected success of contemplated
recruiting changes, without an understanding of why students choose to enroll. Therefore, we must first comprehend attrition and
recruitment before we can exert control over attrition and recruitment.
Strategy 1
Comprehend and control attrition
Objective 1 – Understand the rates, reasons for, and implications of attrition, both desirable and undesirable.
Objective 1.1 – Create and maintain a predictive model of enrollment with a capability to ask “what if?”
(IR) Provide an easy to use enrollment model available to everyone on campus, updated in the fall and spring
semester within 2 weeks of the census date. (September 2010)
Objective 1.2 – Compile historical data describing attrition patterns.
(IR) Provide the means by which anyone on campus can quickly and easily view clear and complete data
describing attrition patterns for the previous 6 cohorts of fall freshmen. (February 2010)
Objective 1.3 – Compile historical data identifying where students go when they leave our institution.
(IR) Provide the means by which anyone on campus can quickly and easily view clear and complete summaries
of where students go when they leave our institution. (November 2010)
Objective 1.4 – Design the means to determine the reasons for attrition.
(IR) Provide information on reasons for attrition to decision-makers who can use it to improve their operations
(December 2010)
(1) Identify types of attrition
(2) Determine means of communication with students who leave
(3) Work with appropriate staff to design and implement instruments to measure the reasons for attrition
(4) Create and maintain databases that archive responses
(5) Provide periodic reports summarizing responses
Objective 1.5 – Develop the ability to anticipate changes in attrition patterns.
(IR) Based on an acquired understanding of the reasons for attrition (Objective 1.3), develop a periodic
environmental scan that identifies patterns of change in those reasons. (September 2011)
Objective 2 – Initiate and implement programs that reduce undesirable attrition, i.e. increase student retention.
Objective 2.1 – (Student Services) Evaluate Summer Orientation and Academic Registration Programs (SOAR).
Objective 2.2 – (Student Services) Increase Freshman Seminar enrollment.
Objective 2.3 – (Student Services) Evaluate the Career Exploration Course.
Objective 2.4 – (Student Services) Evaluate the new Spring Term Freshmen Seminar.
Objective 2.5 – (Student Services) Offer a Transfer Student Seminar.
Objective 2.6 – (Student Services) Implement and coordinate MAPWORKS an early warning system for Freshman.
Objective 2.7 – (Student Services) Evaluate the Peer Mentoring Programs. Select and train upperclass students to guide and
support freshmen, transfer students, and their peers. Includes Commuter Mentors, Peer Leaders, Resident
Assistants, SOAR Leaders, and Village Mentors. Develop a talented group of mentors who will see themselves
developing as leaders and helping students.
Objective 2.8 – (Financial Aid) Contact students who are in jeopardy of having a registration hold being placed on their account
due to outstanding financial obligations.
Objective 2.9 – (Academic Affairs) Develop a richer offering of academic programs
Add Spanish as a secondary certification area for Secondary Education (Fall 2012)
Explore development of a marketing concentration in management and possibly human resources.
Explore additional minors; multimedia, forensic science, film studies, legal studies.
Strengthen Pre-Med program through an articulation agreement with LECON.
Objective 2.10 – (Business Affairs Office) Participate in the Summer Orientation and Academic Registration Programs (SOAR)
to provide financial information on University tuition billing procedures to incoming freshman and parents.
Objective 2.11 – (Business Affairs Office) Participate in the Transfer Student Seminar that is held by Student Services by
providing information to students about billing procedures and tuition payment plan.
Objective 2.12 – (Business Affairs Office) Participate in the MAPWORKS program to identify freshman students who are
having financial difficulties.
Objective 2.13 – (Business Affairs Office) Coordinate with the Office of Financial Aid to assist students who are in jeopardy of
having a registration hold placed on their account due to financial obligations. Our Student Accounts
representative counsels students on how to make satisfactory tuition payment arrangements to allow them to
continue their enrollment at Pitt-Greensburg.
Objective 2.14 – (Business Affairs Office) Through the Student Financial Services Department (Pittsburgh) will offer a new
payment plan this fall that will give students the ability to make up to six (6) monthly installments for fall or
spring terms, or twelve (12) for the year, depending on when they enroll. The installments are automatically
debited from the bank account or credit card designated by the student/authorized payer.
Objective 2.15 – (Bookstore) Participate in the Summer Orientation and Academic Registration Programs (SOAR) to provide
information on textbooks to incoming freshman and parents. Additionally, the Bookstore offers a textbook
reservation program to incoming students where the bookstore will put together new and used textbooks
according to the student class schedule for their first term. When the student arrives on campus, they simply go
to the bookstore to pick up their textbooks that have been set aside for them. This allows new students to save
time and ensures that they are getting the correct books for their classes.
Objective 2.16 – (Safety and Security) Support the summer Orientation and Academic Registration by speaking at all of these
programs. The student and parents will hear about the policies of the campus regarding safety and security.
Objective 2.17 – (Safety and Security) Support the Freshmen Seminar program by speaking at all of the Freshmen Seminars on
campus. This provides an opportunity to talk with as many of the students as possible about current safety and
security issues.
Objective 2.18 – (Safety and Security) Participate in the MAPWORKS program by engaging with troubled students and
referring students at risk to appropriate agencies on campus.
Objective 2.19 – (Computing Services) Ensure quality student experiences using campus technology.
the resident student segment of the network by providing ResNet startup CDs that will install the
latest Symantec Endpoint protection and scanning for viruses before allowing network connections
Provide sign on user authentication for students in the residence halls to protect students from others
using their network connection.
Monitor network bandwidth in residence halls to ensure fair network bandwidth share for all students
Shape network traffic in the residence halls to ensure higher priority communications receive
preferential access
Provide wireless network access in student common areas to facilitate group computing
Encourage students to take advantage of free software, especially the substantial Microsoft packages
for which they are eligible.
Objective 2.20 – (Plant Maintenance) Ensure that the grounds and facilities are maintained to a standard that is inviting to
potential candidates.
Objective 2.10 – (University Relations) Convert current program/major web pages to the new website. Develop web pages for
programs/majors that currently do not have a web presence.
Objective 3 – Initiate and implement programs that increase desirable attrition.
Objective 3.1 – (Advising) Increase rates of academic progress through effective advising.
Objective 3.2 – Increase the 4, 5, and 6-year graduation rates
Strategy 2
Comprehend and control student recruiting
Objective 1 – Understand the admission decision process exercised by prospective students and their parents
Objective 1.1 – (Admissions) Conduct focus group research on college selection process – student and parent groups. (URIA)
Objective 1.2 – (Admissions) Continue conducting Freshmen Survey and Cancel Survey; compile results to inform marketing
and recruiting efforts.
Objective 1.3 – (Admissions) Explore ways to engage newly enrolled students in college decision research – possibly through
FreshmenSeminar (Acad. Affairs).
Objective 1.4 – (Admissions) Track prospective students’ activities during the recruitment/admission process and use data to
inform decisions about future recruitment efforts.
Objective 2 – Improve student search strategies and tactics.
Objective 2.1 – (Admissions) Using historical data, make search selections based on specific zip codes rather than geo-markets.
Objective 2.2 – (Admissions) Purchase AP Search on a small scale as a test initiative.
Objective 2.3 – (Admissions) Recruit search non-responders more actively with increased email contact.
Objective 3 – Increase the efficiency and productivity of recruitment travel.
Objective 3.1 – (Admissions) Integrate SAT score reporting trends into data matrix used in developing travel priorities.
Objective 3.2 – (Admissions) Send email and written notice to prospects notifying them of high school visit (in addition to
current notice toguidance counselor).
Objective 4 – Improve the overall marketing strategies used to recruit students
Objective 4.1 – (Admissions) Develop a recruitment advertising plan for 2010-2011 cycle. (URIA)
Objective 4.2 – (Admissions) Create online information sessions using WebEx and market to non-local students as introduction
to campus.
Objective 4.3 – (University Relations) Develop collateral materials that can be used to promote Pitt-Greensburg to various
audiences. i.e. a collection of quotes/testimonials (video and written) from faculty to illustrate the quality
educational experience students receive.
Objective 4.4 – (University Relations) Develop a University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg print and written style guide.
Objective 4.5 – (Alumni Relations) Publish online references, accessible to the public, that promote a positive and prestigious
University image as represented by its alumni.
Objective 5 – Incorporate assessment into currently un-assessed activities
Objective 5.1 – (Admissions) Migrate all assessment surveys into EMT system and compile/evaluate all assessment data to
inform decisions on recruitment and admission policy, procedure and activities.
Objective 5.2 – (Admissions) Create tracking system for all recruitment advertising (URIA)
Objective 5.3 – (Admissions) Increase efforts to identify origin of stealth applicants.
Objective 6 – Increase the scope of collaborative efforts with other staff offices and faculty
Objective 6.1 – (Admissions) Initiate faculty calling program to assist in increasing yield of direct admits. (Acad. Affairs /
Objective 6.2 – (Admissions) Establish program specific recruiting initiative on a pilot basis (Acad. Affairs/Faculty/URIA)
Objective 6.3 – (Admissions) Collaborate with Housing and Orientation to provide incentives for earlier payment of tuition
deposits. (Student Services)
Objective 6.4 – (Admissions) Serve as partner with Career Services in organizing and executing Quest Career Camp. (Student
Objective 6.5 – (Advising) Maintain an annual rotation of meetings between advising and faculty representatives of all academic
Objective 6.6 – (Conferencing) Coordinate conferencing activities with the Admissions office when conferences include
potential students or related groups.
Objective 6.7 – (Plant Maintenance) Work closely with the Admissions office to prepare for special recruiting events.
Objective 7 – Increase attendance at all on-campus recruiting events by 10%
Objective 7.1 – (Admissions) Increase web presence of on-campus recruiting event information/registration. (URIA)
Objective 7.2 – (Admissions) Implement day-before-event email and phone reminder plan in an effort to reduce no-shows.
Objective 7.3 – (Admissions) Improve day-after communication with no-shows encouraging them to reschedule visit and track
reasons for no-show.
Objective 7.4 – (Admissions) Include suspects in email invitations to all on-campus recruiting events.
Objective 8 – Improve prospective student satisfaction with Discovery Days
Objective 8.1 – (Advising) Contribute to success of Discovery Days by participating in information sessions on selected
Objective 8.2 – (Business Affairs Office) Attend the Discovery Day programs offered by the Admissions department that are
held on various Saturdays throughout the academic year to provide financial information to prospective
Objective 8.3 – (Bookstore) Open the bookstore during the Discovery Day programs that are held by the Admissions department
on various Saturdays throughout the academic year.
Objective 9 – Maximize the positive effective of financial aid on enrollment decisions
Objective 9.1 – (Financial Aid) Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the financial aid department through use of the
NASFAA self evaluation guide.
Objective 9.2 – (Financial Aid) Establish, maintain, and assess management of endowed scholarship awards.
Objective 9.3 – (Institutional Advancement) Develop a case statement for Undergraduate Scholarship support
Objective 9.4 – (Institutional Advancement) Submit grant applications that are targeted toward increasing available scholarship
dollars, providing direct support services for students and/or enhancing academic programming.
Objective 10 – Increase Transfer student enrollment
Objective 10.1 – (Advising) Develop and maintain current Articulation Guides and course Equivalency Sheets for WCCC and
Objective 10.2 – (Advising) Participate in community college transfer fairs.
Goal 2 – Increase student success
Overall Strategy
Identify the dimensions of student success and implement programs to increase student success in those dimensions.
Argument: Student success is an omnibus term that is positive by definition, but not very useful unless we establish a specific definition. If
we are careful to identify meaningful measurable indicators of student success, then we can determine means by which we can increase the
level of student success. For the purposes of creating this initial plan, student success is defined as academic growth, personal maturation,
and professional participation.
Strategy 1
Identify the dimensions of student success
Objective 1 – (ACE) Construct a definition of student success (December 2010)
Objective 2 – Determine meaningful measurements of student success
Objective 2.1 – (IR) To the extent possible, operationalize the definition of student success. (May 2011)
Objective 3 – Establish historical baseline levels of student success using available measures.
Objective 3.1 – (IR) For those measures already available, summarize their historical levels (May 2011)
Objective 3.2 – (IR) For those measures not already available, determine the feasibility of measurement. (May 2011)
Objective 3 – Improve the measurements of success.
Strategy 2
Implement programs to increase student success
Objective 1 – Increase student learning
Objective 1.1 – (Student Services) Evaluate the new Academic Villages Freshman Seminar section.
Objective 1.2 – (Student Services) Evaluate the Engineering Freshman Seminar Section.
Objective 1.3 – (Student Services) Evaluate several learning communities
First Year Experience (FYE) Residence Community
Science Academic Learning Community
Objective 1.4 – (Student Services) Implement an Accounting Academic Learning Community in Fall, 2010.
Objective 1.5 – (Computing Services) Provide enhanced hardware and software support to students for student-owned equipment
and software.
Objective 1.6 – (Computing Services) Encourage students to take advantage of free software, especially the substantial Microsoft
packages for which they are eligible.
Objective 1.7 – (Computing Services) Provide media assistance to students for audio and video presentation preparation.
Objective 1.8 – (Computing Services) Provide student consulting on labs software packages.
Objective 2 – Increase student retention (see Goal 1, Strategy 1, Objective 2)
Objective 3 – Increase rates of academic progress (see Goal 1, Strategy 1, Objective 3.1)
Objective 4 – Increase the 4, 5, and 6-year graduation rates (see Goal 1, Strategy 1, Objective 3.2)
Objective 5 – Increase proportion of students with GPA over 2.0
Objective 5.1 – (Advising) Through use of the AIM program and possibly new TRIO grant funds, increase the success of
students with a GPA of 2.1 or below.
Objective 6 – Increase the proportion of graduates who are employed or continue to graduate or professional school within 6 months
of graduation.
Objective 6.1 – (Student Services) Offer a broad range of Career Service Programs.
Objective 7 – Increase participation in community service
Objective 8 – Increase club membership
Objective 8.1 – (Student Services) Expand efforts at SOAR and the Activities Fair to develop new and strengthen existing
student clubs.
Objective 8.2 – (Student Services) Evaluate the new Advanced Leadership Development Series. Develop a class of trained
leaders to strengthen student clubs.
Objective 9 – Increase honor society membership
Objective 9.1 – (Student Services) Evaluate and provide staff coordination of Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honor Society and Phi
Kappa Phi Honor Society.
Objective 10 – Increase participation in student life
Objective 10.1 – (Student Services) Offer a comprehensive program of educational, social and leadership programs.
Objective 11 – Increase the proportion of students who perform an internship prior to graduation
Objective 11.1 – (Student Services) Develop and coordinate the annual Internship Fair.
Objective 11.2 – (Safety and Security) Provide assistance to appropriate students to place them with agencies related to safety
and security.
Objective 12 – Increase the proportion of graduates employed within 6 months of graduation who are employed in their field of
Objective 12.1 – (Student Services) Evaluate Career Services programs.
Goal 3 – Increase recruited student quality
Overall Strategy
Identify characteristics of student quality and then attract more students with those characteristics.
Argument: We define student quality as potential for success. In other words, a higher quality student will be one that is more likely to
succeed. In order to determine the characteristics associated with the potential to succeed, we find those characteristics successful students
share in common. More higher quality students will result in a higher rate of success. Having acquired a greater understanding and
capability for recruiting students (Goal 1), those abilities will be directed in particular to attracting higher quality students.
Strategy 1
Identify characteristics of student quality
Objective 1 – Identify characteristics associated with success. For this initial plan, success is measured with GPA and retention.
Objective 1.1 – (IR) Through predictive modeling using historical data, determine student characteristics associated with GPA
(December 2010)
Objective 1.2 – (IR) Through predictive modeling using historical data, determine student characteristics associated with
retention. (December 2010)
Objective 2 – If possible, understand the causal relationships involved.
Objective 1.1 – (IR) Conduct a search of the literature to determine if any experimental evidence exists of causal relationships.
(December 2010)
Objective 1.2 – (IR) Explore the possibility of conducting experimental or quasi-experimental investigations. (May 2011)
Strategy 2
Attract more high quality students
Objective 1 – Increase the percent of the freshman class in the top 3 deciles of their HS class
Objective 1.1 – Increase the effectiveness of available scholarship funds in the recruitment of prospects in the top 3 deciles
(Admissions, Financial Aid) Assess past strategies to determine what changes could be implemented to increase
effectiveness of these funds (September 2010)
Objective 2 – Increase the freshman HS GPA
Objective 2.1 – Increase the effectiveness of available scholarship funds in the recruitment of prospects with high HS GPAs
(Admissions, Financial Aid) Assess past strategies to determine what changes could be implemented to increase
effectiveness of these funds (September 2010)
Objective 2.3 – (Student Services) Increase the number of residents with a 3.25 or higher G.P.A.
Objective 2.4 – (Student Services) Implement Quest Career Camps.
Objective 2.5 – (Safety and Security) Support the Quest Career Camp by presenting a Criminal Justice program.
Objective 2.6 – (Student Services) Improve the Overnight Residence Hall Visitation Program.
Objective 2.7 – (Student Services) Coordinate Outcomes Task Force.
Objective 3 – Improve the level of commitment to a Pitt-Greensburg degree
Goal 4 – Increase student diversity
Overall Strategy
Identify the desirable aspects of diversity and implement programs to increase those aspects of diversity.
Argument: Assuming that there are desirable aspects of diversity, a cogent argument (or arguments) from consensual principles can be
constructed to justify expending resources to increase those desirable aspects of diversity on campus. That argument has not yet been
constructed, and consequently no meaningful consensus (a true consensus is too much to ask for) has been established.
Strategy 1
Identify desirable aspects of diversity
Objective 1 – (Diversity Committee?) Construct a convincing argument identifying positive aspects of diversity.
Objective 2 – (Diversity Committee?) Acquire meaningful consensus on identified positive aspects of diversity.
Objective 3 – (Diversity Committee?) Improve the measurements of those aspects of diversity of which we currently have no
Strategy 2
Implement programs to increase desirable aspects of diversity
Objective 1 – Increase the number of international students.
Objective 2 – Increase the number of out-of-state students.
Objective 2.1 – (Admissions, Financial Aid) Implement and assess an out-of-state scholarship (February 2010)
Objective 3 – Increase the number of students from other PA counties besides Allegheny and Westmoreland.
Objective 3.1 – (Student Services, Admissions, Financial Aid) Implement a Residential Scholarship to attract students from
select eastern PA counties.
Objective 3.2 – (Student Services) Increase the number of recruited student-athletes from Eastern PA counties.
Objective 4 – Increase the number of ethnic minority students.
Objective 5 – Increase participation of our students in study abroad.
Objective 5.1 – (Student Services) Increase marketing of the SGA Truex Study Abroad Scholarship.
Objective 6 – Increase the acceptance of diversity; the tolerance for ambiguity and multiple perspectives.
Objective 7 – Increase the diversity of perspectives presented to students on campus.