Donations Wish List At the Neighbourhood Centre, we rely upon and cherish your gifts. As a small local agency, a donation of needed office equipment or a children’s game will make a big difference in how we deliver our programs and how efficiently we use our financial resources to serve the community. Currently, these are our needs: DONATE GOODS, FUNDS & MATERIALS Family Support Program Item TTC Tickets for workshop participants Cost 100.00 Use Mothers and caregivers to attend parenting programs, especially in the winter months Art Easel with Chalkboard for kids to do their own paintings. OR: 500.00 Children’s playgroups and future after-school programs Books in different languages: KoreanEnglish, BangladeshiEnglish. 500.00 Children’s playgroups, literacy programs in partnership with elementary schools Rental bus for seasonal activities, e.g. Skating, skiing, hiking, etc. 500.00 Special outings for children and their families, especially on PA Days, March Break, summer holidays – an opportunity for families to leave the neighbourhood and explore Sponsor Books for 1000.00 The HOLA program was developed by three HOLA program different departments in the Toronto District School Board: Speech-Language Pathology Services, Early Years, and English as a Second Language. The program is intended to enrich teacher-parent partnerships, assist children in early literacy by using books that are translated in English and the child/parent’s first language and materials/games that assist in developing early literacy. Parents and teachers have the same goal of helping children to excel in school. The activities can be done in English or in the family’s first language. When children understand words and concepts in their first language (e.g., Urdu, Tamil, Spanish), they learn the English-equivalent words and concepts faster. Parents can be fully engaged in their children’s education. Rental of space for Children’s programs 1000.00 Rental space to expand our capacity to offer programs to low-income and newcomer children and their parents; currently, programs have to be shortened as we share space with two other users Community Services and Outreach Item Cost Use Purchase office supplies for outreach materials, posters, flyers 100.00 Reach isolated community members to advise about program and community opportunities to develop skills and connect with other community members TTC tokens for volunteers 100.00 To purchase tokens to support volunteers who help to deliver programs and support the community Sponsor new workshops for lowincome and newcomer community 500.00 Organize information sessions or workshops for community members on diverse topics such as financial literacy, healthy eating, balcony gardening etc. With $500, we can plan for three such workshops. members Sponsor families to provide Good Food Boxes – healthy fruits and vegetables that are too expensive for community members 1000.00 A good food box pilot project can be undertaken. The goal of the project is to promote access to affordable and fresh fruits and vegetables for low income families to be able to meet their nutritional needs. We can provide good Food Boxes for free to 5 (five) low-income families every 2 weeks. The length of the pilot project would be 6 months. Total projected cost: 5 boxes on each distribution day x 6 months @ 2 distributions a month= 60 boxes. If we provide small vegetables and fruit boxes, the estimated cost would be = 60 X $13= $780 If we provide large vegetables and fruit boxes, the estimated cost would be = 60 X $18= $1080 Elderly Person’s Centre (EPC) Item Cost Use Purchase 50 copies of Help Is Here 100.00 Purchase Arts and Crafts supplies for seniors and contract Arts & Crafts leaders 500.00 To purchase 50 “Help is Here” copies: a resource guide for seniors with information on services provided by a wide variety of GTA organizations. Seniors find this booklet very useful. It costs $142- $145 in total/season and is published twice a year. Arts and Crafts Instructors and Program Materials for seniors - Will be used for Arts and Crafts programs (Skilled theme based instructors and arts and craft materials for the fundraising events in spring, summer and winter) Breakdown: $40 honorarium/theme * 4 theme based instructors = $160 (approximately) $30 program materials/monthly * 12 months = $300 (Approximately) Purchase additional instructor hours to offer yoga to more lowincome seniors 1000.00 Our seniors’ yoga program has shown significant success and seniors report health and wellness benefits from it. We now have been invited to offer additional yoga classes in a building that houses many seniors who cannot come to our main office location. We would like to expand our offering of yoga and tai chi to seniors who cannot afford to pay for these classes. Another 11 classes would cost $990.