FOFP Thursday 12th November 2015 minutes

FOFP Thursday 12th November 2015
1. Welcome to all the new members; it was great to see so many new faces! Apologies
received from Kelly, Heather Mrs Lee & Miss Hooper.
2. Film night feedback: It was felt that film night was a success and raised £134. KS1 are
always a little more unsettled than KS2 but the children enjoy it!
3. Updates:
 Waterproof suits: Mrs Minns will order trousers for KS1. It was suggested
that KS2 also need some suits; however, sizes etc. need to be confirmed and
order placed by someone. Both sets can be purchased using the CCG money
administered by Birchen Coppice.
 Compost bins: Need to ask Mrs Lee about them.
 Spray paints: Mrs Hipwell is free to purchase what she wants and give the
receipt to Stew.
 Keyboards for ICT suite: Mr Farnsworth needs to let us know prices etc.
4. Allotment: Continues to be used regularly. New tools are now needed; spades, forks
etc. in various sizes. Stew to sort them out. Mrs Fox to liaise with Mrs Cooper at
Birchen Coppice regarding CCG funds, which currently stand approx. £4000.
5. Christmas Fayre:
 Stall list: Mrs Lee has put a list in the staffroom for Staff to complete.
Reception are to run cake stall – sending out paper plates to decorate and
return with cakes on.
 Santa & gifts: Santa booked and gifts purchased and wrapped by Stew and
Sam. Santa to have his grotto in the Nursery shed again as it was so
beautifully decorated for him last year by Nursery staff. Can they please do
it for us again? One member has offered to ask Little Owl Farm if they could
bring their reindeer. Although the reindeer from Cob House Farm were very
popular sadly they weren’t financially cost effective.
Volunteers for stalls: Contact Sam either in person or via if you are available to help.
Dates for non uniform days: Mrs Barber to let Sam know dates so that flyers can
be done. There are 3 planned; bottle & chocolate tombolas and Secret Santa.
Raffle prizes: One member works for the local bingo hall and may be able to get
surplus gifts from them to use. Another member is to approach a local beautician
about a voucher. Stew to approach Foley Fish Bar about a family meal voucher. It
was also suggested that Year 6 write to local businesses asking for donations. Stew
has found contact details for Sainsbury’s and the main Tesco in town who require
letters and he will pass on details to Year 6.
Sam, Stew and any other volunteers are to put raffle tickets on bottles on
Thursday 10th December, between 1:30 and 3:00pm.
6. Any other business: Miss Roberts has requested funds to pay towards the cost of a new
library. Plans are due in school in 10–12 days. The fitting out alone is expected to be
between £10000-£12000! Stew said FOFP should be able to give around £2000 towards
costs. More fundraising is to be done by school. Some suggestions include; Car wash, teddy
bears picnic, readathon, cake sales and possible book donations by parents/carers of any
unwanted books in good condition.
Secret Santa room was suggested and will take place in the last week of school from the 14th
December. Children will be able to buy and wrap a gift for their parents/carers at a cost of
£2 each. Volunteers and staff will be needed to help wrap and decorate. Details need to be
confirmed as to what and where materials needed are to be purchased ie. Paper, tape,
ribbons, tags etc.
Possible Christmas jumper day.
7. Next meeting will be Thursday 14th January 2016 at 3:15pm.