Global Climate Change

Name ____________________________________________ Core __________________ Date ________________________
Global Climate Change
When scientists talk about global climate
change, they're talking about the global climate and
a pattern of change that's happening over many
years. One of the most important trends that
scientists look at is the average temperature of the
Earth, which has been increasing for many years.
This is called global warming.
Rising global temperatures lead to other
changes around the world, such as stronger
hurricanes, melting glaciers, and the loss of wildlife
Our world is always changing. Look out
habitats. That's because the Earth's air, water, and
your window long enough, and you might see the
land are all related to one another and to the
weather change. Look even longer, and you'll see
climate. This means a change in one place can lead
the seasons change. The Earth's climate is changing,
to other changes somewhere else. For example,
too, but in ways that you can't easily see.
when air temperatures rise, the oceans absorb more
The Earth is getting warmer because people
are adding heat-trapping gases to the atmosphere,
mainly by burning fossil fuels. These gases are
heat from the atmosphere and become warmer.
Warmer oceans, in turn, can cause stronger storms.
More than 100 years ago, people around the
called greenhouse gases. Warmer temperatures are
world started burning large amounts of coal, oil, and
causing other changes around the world, such as
natural gas to power their homes, factories, and
melting glaciers and stronger storms. These changes
vehicles. Today, most of the world relies on these
are happening because the Earth's air, water, and
fossil fuels for their energy needs. Burning fossil
land are all linked to the climate. The Earth's
fuels releases carbon dioxide, a heat-trapping gas,
climate has changed before, but this time is
into the atmosphere, which is the main reason why
different. People are causing these changes, which
the climate is changing.
are bigger and happening faster than any climate
changes that modern society has ever seen before.
Climate refers to the average weather
Heat-trapping gases are also called
greenhouse gases. They exist naturally in the
atmosphere, where they help keep the Earth warm
conditions in a certain place over many years. For
enough for plants and animals to live. But people
example, the climate in Minnesota is cold and
are adding extra greenhouse gases to the
snowy in the winter, and the climate in Honolulu,
atmosphere. These extra gases are causing the Earth
Hawaii, is warm and humid all year long. The
to get warmer, setting off all sorts of other changes
climate in one area, like the Midwest or Hawaii, is
around the world—on land, in the oceans, and in the
called a regional climate. The average climate
atmosphere. And these changes affect people,
around the world is called global climate.
plants, and animals in many ways.
Name __________________________________________ Core ________________ Date _________________________
Multiple Choice: Circle the letter of the choice the best completes the statement. (2 points each)
1) Warmer temperatures are causing other changes
a) 30 Years
around the world such as?
b) 50 Years
a) Stronger Storms and Tornadoes
c) 75 Years
b) Melting Glaciers and Seasons Change
d) 100 Years
c) Melting Glaciers and Stronger Storms
d) Stronger Storms and Earthquakes
2) The average climate around the world is called
4) Today, most of the world relies on what
resource for their energy needs?
a) Fossil Fuels
b) Solar Energy
a) Local Climate
c) Nuclear Energy
b) Regional Climate
d) Hydroelectricity
c) Kanto Climate
d) Global Climate
3) How many years ago did people around the
5) Heat-trapping gases are also called?
a) Greenhouse Gases
b) Fossil Gases
world start burning large amounts of coal, oil,
c) Hydrogen Gases
and natural gas to power their homes, factories,
d) Argon Gases
and vehicles?
Directions: Indicate in the space below if you agree or disagree with the following statement. Explain your
answer. Children can be educated about global warming and climate change. If we teach children
environmentally healthy habits now, then they will develop life-long green habits. (5 points)