West Linn Cheer Varsity and JV Tryouts April 27 – April 30th 2015 th Welcome to West Linn Cheer We are thrilled that you are trying out for West Linn Cheer! There is nothing more exciting than to stand in front of a crowd as representative of our school! Our program strives for excellence as students and as athletes and nothing beats the long tradition of LION Pride. As a staff we are committed to coaching your student as an athlete! With the increased physical demands of cheer we believe that there needs to be an emphasis on proper technique and safety. OCCA Safety certified, our coaches will provide your child with the best possible experience both in practice and on the floor! Academics are our number one priority and we look forward to helping your athlete achieve their academic goals this year. All Squad members (JV and Varsity) are required to cheer for the Fall, Winter and part of Spring Seasons. (Approximately August through the end of March due to playoffs or Nationals). In the Fall, all Varsity members will cheer at Football games (both home and away, and will be broken into stunt teams for other sport obligations. (soccer and volleyball). In the Fall and Winter, all JV members will cheer for JV football and basketball games (home) and Freshman (home games only). During Winter, both JV and Varsity squad members will be chosen to participate in Varsity Men and Women’s basketball games by stunt group. Non Cheering Squad members will be allowed to attend games in their cheer sweatshirts, but may not wear their cheer uniform. Half-time Performances!!! During daily doubles, Varsity squad members will learn coordinated routines to be performed at basketball and football games. Routines will include stunting and tumbling and will be required by all members. Practices are REQUIRED by all members of the team. Any unexcused absence will result in sitting out during a half-time performance, game or pep assembly. Excused absences need to be cleared by the head coach one week in advance. Our Varsity squad will be competitive and will practice at the high school twice a week. In addition, members will be required to attend weekly Fall and Winter team training/tumbling classes. Team training/tumbling classes will be held twice a week at a cheer gym to focus on tumbling skills and stunts as needed. Practice schedule for Varsity and JV will tentatively be: Monday (WLHS), Tuesday (Cheer Gym), Wednesday Varsity and JV (WLHS) and Thursday Varsity ONLY (Cheer Gym) during the Fall. Times will vary due to gym space, but a Monthly schedule will be made available for planning purposes. Eligibility Requirements: Cheerleaders must Be a full time student at West Linn High School during the 2014-15 school year. Have passed all classes during the first semester of the 2013-2014 school year. If selected for the 2014-15 squad, must pass all classes during the second semester of the 2014-15 school year to remain eligible. Cheerleader must have good attendance in order to be eligible to cheer. BE ABLE TO ATTEND MANDATORY SUMMER CAMP and practices o JV conditioning: 9-11 a.m. August 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th, 12th and 13th JV 2 a days: 6:00-8:00 p.m. August (TBD 10th, 12th, 13th) JV SUMMER CAMP: July 13th – 16th. OSU o VARSITY CAMP: AUGUST 17TH – AUGUST 20TH o Varsity conditioning: 9-11 a.m. August 3rd, 5th, 6th, 10th, 12th and 13th o Varsity 2 a days: 6:00 -8:00 p.m. (TBD August 10th, 12th, 13th ) Varsity Retreat: August 21 – 23rd (location TBD) Youth Camp: 25th, 26th, 27th 5-7 p.m. West Linn HS Cost: In an effort to keep costs down, Varsity will re-order one uniform from last year and use this uniform for games. We will order a second uniform to be worn at competition. The exact amount will not be known until after uniforms are ordered, which happens after try-outs. The fitting date when uniform ordering takes place is May 12th at 6:00 p.m. in the Forum at West Linn High School. A $250.00 payment is required at the parent meeting held in the Commons at WLHS on May 12th at 7p.m. $250.00 payment goes towards coaching, choreography and administrative fees. Money that is left over from this payment will be applied towards team tumbling in the Fall. Full payment of your child’s uniform will be required in the August before school begins. (NEW THIS YEAR…Cookie dough fundraiser and sponsor money fundraisers will be subtracted from uniform fees before payment is due.) A one-time $300 Athletic fee will be required by the high school athletic department in the Fall to cover cheer with the district. This is required by all sports teams. JV Camp at OSU will be a separate fee of $345 per girl. (Includes meals and overnight stay). Varsity retreat money will be separate from uniform fees and required at the time of our retreat. Team tumbling is mandatory for JV and Varsity through February. We negotiate a team price for the year, and typically have enough in the cheer fund to cover the first couple of months beginning in August. Tryout Information: Monday, April 27th 5:30 pm-7:30 pm. Parent meeting 6:00 (West Linn High School Auxiliary Gym). - Students arrive at 5:30 p.m. and learn try-out material. Tuesday, April 28th 5:30 pm-7:30 pm (West Linn High School Aux. Gym)) -learn and review try-out material Wednesday, April 29th 5:30 pm-7:30 pm (West Linn High School Aux. Gym) -review try-out material and prepare for try-outs Thursday, April 30th 5:30 pm (West Linn High School Aux. Gym)-tryouts start promptly at 5:30, applicants need to stay until the end in case of callbacks. Applications are due no later than April 24th th at 3:10 p.m. at the West Linn High school office. (C/O Shannon Maloney/Cheer mailbox at West Linn High School. Please Note* All teachers must be given the teacher evaluation form prior to tryouts. Please make sure to separate the forms and print your teachers name and class before you ask your teacher to fill it out. Report to tryouts wearing shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes. Please wear your hair up and off your face. No jewelry, gum, body piercings of any kind, or previous cheerleading attire. Be aware that special notice will be given to attitude and enthusiasm during practice and tryouts – so be positive and smile! Students may not ask for individual help outside of the practice sessions from senior cheerleaders who are teaching the tryout routines. Failure to comply may result in disqualification. Selection Criteria: Cheer, Dance, Jumps, Tumbling, Overall Impression/Teacher Evaluation; report card. SQUAD Mandatory REQUIREMENTS Each cheerleader must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA per term and a 2.0 cumulative GPA in order to be eligible to remain a member of the squad. Each cheerleader must attend the cheerleading camp prior to the academic year. JV camp is July 13th – 16th at OSU and Varsity dates are August 17th – August 20th. Varsity retreat is August 21st – 23rd. Location TBD. Varsity practices will consist of four mandatory practices a week. Varsity Practices will be held on specified evenings (Depending on gym space: Monday night 7:30 to 9:30 and Wednesday usually from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. (Tumbling and team practices will be held on Tuesdays for both squads and Thursdays depending on gym space. Additional practices will be scheduled as deemed necessary throughout the year. JV Practices will be held on Monday and Wednesday nights (Time TBD depending on gym space) and mandatory team tumbling on Tuesdays all season. Other activities that conflict with cheer practices, games and meetings will be considered unexcused unless school related and prearranged in advance with the head coach. If a cheerleader misses a practice or receives an unexcused absence during the week they will not be allowed to suit up for the game that week. We will also have occasional squad meetings, called by the coaches, which will be mandatory. TIME COMMITMENT Practices will vary depending on upcoming events (i.e. homecoming, other performances). Road trips: Possibly out of town games (Varsity Only) , usually for football games or team play-offs Every member of the squad will be expected to attend all designated games, unless approved by coach at least one week prior to game. Varsity Only (Date TBD, Nationals in Anaheim, CA or other national competition) * Fundraisers are mandatory by all team members. (i.e. car wash, cookie fundraiser, kids camp, social media platform, poster.) CONDUCT Promoting good sportsmanship by way of example is required at all times. Members must cooperate with all faculty members, squad members, game officials and coaches. Cheerleaders must maintain an attitude of enthusiasm and cooperation with the captains, squad members, and the coaches at all functions relating to cheerleading. Working together may mean making personal sacrifices at times for the good of the whole squad and doing so with enthusiasm (i.e. going along with a majority decision) or ultimately, respecting the decision and authority of the coach of the squad. As a representative of WLHS, the cheerleaders and mascot are expected to uphold all policies at home or away. Cheerleaders must display proper behavior in class, including being on time, not skipping, and not cheating. Excessive public displays of affection are never considered appropriate, especially in uniform, at games or in school. Proper appearance is required at all times, with clothing appropriate to the occasion. By being part of the cheer squad, you are accepting the fact that your actions are more prominent than those not associated with such an activity. Because of this, exemplary behavior is mandatory at all times, anywhere in the community, and at all school functions where you are recognized as a representative of West Linn High School. Each case of discipline will be judged individually. The advisor/coach with the assistance of the administration, if deemed necessary, has the final decision in any discipline situation. Every attempt will be made to discipline fairly/equally, and to make consequences of actions known ahead of time. Parents will be kept informed of problem situations. Severity of, or repeated offenses may dictate harsher action. Use of alcohol or drugs is not permitted. Failure to comply with this standard will result in immediate punishment. DISCIPLINE POLICY A cheerleader will be asked to resign from the squad if he/she cannot fulfill their obligations as a cheerleader as set forth in the agreement before you. Every member of the squad will be required to sign a “Policies and Procedures” letter of agreement stating they understand the disciplinary rules and regulations in advance of participating in the program. Disciplinary action will consist of sitting out of a game, being put on probation and or removal from the squad. If a squad member quits, he or she will not be able to tryout again in a given year, however, reinstatement the following year will be voted upon by the coach & captains Cont. Information Sheet Please complete the following information. Please write LEGIBLY. Attach a photograph and a 2nd Semester report card. Student Name: Current Grade Level: Home Phone: Cell Phone: Student Email address: Address: Parent/Guardian Name: Parent/Guardian Phone: Parent/Guardian Work Phone: Parent/Guardian Cell Phone: Parent’s Email: Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Phone: Allergies/Health Problems/ Medications that we need to be aware of (Please describe in detail): Why do you want to be a West Linn Cheerleader? (Please describe in detail): Which team would you be willing to cheer on? Varsity JV Either Team CHEERLEADER APPLICATION FORM Class Schedule – Second Semester Period: _____ Class: ________________________ Teacher: ________________ Room: ______ Period: _____ Class: ________________________ Teacher: ________________ Room: ______ Period: _____ Class: ________________________ Teacher: ________________ Room: ______ Period: _____ Class: ________________________ Teacher: ________________ Room: ______ Period: _____ Class: ________________________ Teacher: ________________ Room: ______ Period: _____ Class: ________________________ Teacher: ________________ Room: ______ Period: EB Class: ________________________ Teacher: ________________ Room: ______ (If you have an Early Bird class, get an additional teacher recommendation form from coach Maloney). Cont. Statement of Permission and Agreement If you make the cheerleading squad, realize that you are making a commitment to West Linn High School, your coaches, your teammates, and yourself for the complete season. The decision to tryout should not be taken lightly. You will be expected to put cheerleading as one of your top priorities. Furthermore, as a representative of WLHS, you must maintain proper behavior at all times. Student Agreement I, ___________________________________, have read and understand this tryout packet. I agree to abide by the policies described if I am chosen as a member of the squad. I am agreeing to the information in the packet and understand that failure to adhere to these rules policies could result in dismissal from the squad. Student Signature __________________________________________ Date _________________ Parent Permission Form I have read and understand the Cheerleader Tryout Procedure and agree to abide by the final decision made according to the outlined criteria and scoring procedures. I have read the West Linn Training Rules (http://www.wlhs.wlwv.k12.or.us/ScheidH/Athletic_Clearance/Training%20Rules.pdf) and fully understand the rules and regulations which will govern my child if they are chosen to represent West Linn High School as a cheerleader. I further understand that this is a co-curricular activity; attendance at all practices, games, fundraisers, special functions, and summer camp is a requirement. I understand if my child has any outstanding dues/fees that they will not be allowed to tryout. I also understand that if my child is chosen as a cheerleader, once any uniforms have been ordered, I will be responsible for payment of all uniforms ordered by my child. I understand that I will pay approximately $1100.00 (one payment or in installments, dates to be determined) to cover uniforms, accessories, and camp. A $250.00 payment is due the day of the Parent Meeting. I give my consent for ___________________________ to try-out for cheerleading at West Linn High School and recognize the requirements and responsibilities of a cheerleader for this school. Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________________ Date _________________ CHEERLEADER APPLICATION FORM/ Faculty Recommendation Form: Cheerleader, please print your name, the teacher’s name, and the name of the class below. Then give the form to all of your 2nd semester teachers by Friday, April 10th in order to give them ample time to fill out. Late? Work with your teachers to meet the April 24th Deadline. Applicant’s Name Teacher’s Name & Class __________________________ _________________________ Teachers: Thank you for taking the time to fill out the form below. This form is assigned a point value and is used in the selection of our 2015-2016 Cheerleading Squad. Please rate the candidate honestly and put this form in the Holly Scheid’s (Athletic Secretary at West Linn ) mailbox no later than Friday, April 24 th by 3:10 p.m. These evaluations are kept confidential. 8th Graders, please coordinate pick up with your teacher or have them deliver to Holly Scheid via inner school mail system. Please rate the following: 0- not at all 5- absolutely 1. Does this student cooperate well with other students and teachers? 0 1 2 3 4 5 2. Is the candidate responsible with such things as homework, grades, etc.? 0 1 2 3 4 5 3. Does the candidate have good attendance? 0 1 2 3 4 5 4. Does the candidate have leadership ability? 0 1 2 3 4 5 5. Does the candidate display proper classroom behavior? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6. Does the candidate show respect to authority? 0 1 2 3 4 5 7. Does the candidate show a positive school attitude? 0 1 2 3 4 5 8. Does the candidate show appropriate enthusiasm? 0 1 2 3 4 5 9. Would this candidate be a good role model for the WLHS cheer squad? 0 1 2 3 4 5 Teacher’s Signature ______________________________ Date form received _____________