Geography Our Instructional Plan PLC Group: Days/Length of Time

Our Instructional Plan
PLC Group:
Days/Length of
August 17September 4
Map Skills, 5
Themes of
Geography, and
Latitude and
Standards Addressed
by Unit
6. GR.8 Spatial Views of
the World: Explain
spatial patterns between
places and regions as well
as changes in their
cultural and
characteristics using
6. GR.9 Human
Environment Interaction:
Explain how the physical
and human
characteristics of places
and regions are
connected to human
identities and cultures.
Literacy Standard
Cite specific textual
evidence to support
Learning Targets
I can use a globe to
interpret patterns and
locations on the earth. I
can use the five themes
of geography accurately.
Specific Activities
and Texts
Exit slip, bell ringer, and
daily assessment
Summative assessment
Class discussion
Regional Maps
World Map
Text Book
Info. Readings
Classroom Maps
Charts, tables, Data
based Questions
Sept. 8-11
analysis of primary and
secondary sources
6. GR.9 Human
Environment Interaction:
Explain how the physical
and human characteristics
of places and regions are
connected to human
identities and cultures.
6 GR.10 Human
Populations Spatial
Patterns and Movements:
Explain how transportation
and communication
technology influence
spatial connections among
human settlement and
affect the diffusion of ideas
and cultural practices.
Literacy Standard
Integrate visual
information (e.g. in
charts, graphs,
photographs, videos, or
maps) with other
information in print and
digital text.
6 GR.10 Human
Sept. 14-Oct. 1
Culture/Population Populations Spatial
Patterns and Movements:
Explain how transportation
I can describe how
human and physical
characteristics create
advantages and
disadvantages for human
activities in present day.
Exit slip, bell ringer, and
daily assessment.
Summative assessment
Class discussion
Landform Book
Geographical landform
pictures, PowerPoint,
Geography Text Book.
I can explain how
elements of culture serve
to define specific groups
in present day and may
Exit slip, bell ringer, and
daily assessment.
Summative assessment
Class discussion
Regional Maps
World Maps
Nystrom’s Atlas
and communication
technology influence
spatial connections among
human settlement and
affect the diffusion of ideas
and cultural practices.
6 GR 11 Global
Interconnections Analyze
the ways cultural and
characteristics vary among
regions of the world.
Oct. 12-23
Literacy Standard
Integrate visual
information (e.g. in
charts, graphs,
photographs, videos, or
maps) with other
information in print and
digital text.
6. GR.8 Spatial Views of
the World: Explain spatial
patterns between places
and regions as well as
changes in their cultural
and environmental
characteristics using
6. GR.9 Human
Environment Interaction:
result in unique
perspectives: language,
religion, arts, customs,
belief, literature.
Text Book
Info. Readings
Classroom Maps
Various Work Sheets
I can describe how
regions are made
distinctive by human
I can describe patterns of
human settlement in
present day
I can describe the
importance of the British
Isle to the United States
I can explain history and
Exit slip, bell ringer, and
daily assessment.
Summative assessment
Class discussion
Text Book
Info. Readings
Classroom Maps
Various Work Sheets
Explain how the physical
and human characteristics
of places and regions are
connected to human
identities and cultures.
6 GR 11 Global
Interconnections Analyze
the ways cultural and
characteristics vary among
regions of the world.
Oct. 26- Nov. 24
Regions of US
Literacy Standard
Integrate visual
information (e.g. in
charts, graphs,
photographs, videos, or
maps) with other
information in print and
digital text.
6. GR.8 Spatial Views of
the World: Explain spatial
patterns between places
and regions as well as
changes in their cultural
and environmental
characteristics using
6. GR.9 Human
Environment Interaction:
Explain how the physical
I can describe how
regions are made
distinctive by human
I can investigate regional
information through
print, internet, and
geographic tools.
Exit slip, bell ringer, and
daily assessment.
Summative assessment
Class discussion
Text Book
Info. Readings
Classroom Maps
Various Work Sheets
and human characteristics
of places and regions are
connected to human
identities and cultures.
6 GR.10 Human
Populations Spatial
Patterns and Movements:
Explain how transportation
and communication
technology influence
spatial connections among
human settlement and
affect the diffusion of ideas
and cultural practices.
6 GR 11 Global
Interconnections Analyze
the ways cultural and
characteristics vary among
regions of the world.
Literacy Standard
Integrate visual
information (e.g. in charts,
graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other
information in print and
digital text.
Nov. 30- Jan. 15
US Constitution
6. CM.1 Civic and Political
Institutions Examine the
origins, functions and
Students will be able to
explain the Articles of
Confederation, The
Exit slip, bell ringer, and
daily assessment.
Summative assessment
Text Book
Info. Readings
Classroom Maps
structure of the U.S.
Constitution to determine
how it supports freedoms
within a society.
6. CM.2 Participation and
Deliberation: Applying
Civic Virtues and
Democratic Principles
Explain how personal
interests, civic virtues, and
democratic principles
influence decisions.
6CM.3 Processes, Rules
and Laws Determine the
procedures form making
civic decisions based on
the needs of society.
Compromise, Separation
of Powers and the
Organization of the
Constitution while
reading the Birth of the
Class discussion
Various Work Sheets
Students will explain
how scarcity affects
purchases. Students will
be able to describe and
explain command
economy, Market, Mixed
Exit slip, bell ringer, and
daily assessment.
Summative assessment
Class discussion
Text Book
Info. Readings
Classroom Maps
Various Work Sheets
Bartering Game
International Trade
Literacy Standard
Integrate visual
information (e.g. in charts,
graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other
information in print and
digital text.
Jan. 19 – March 4
6. EDM.4 Economic
Decision Making Explain
how economic decisions
affect the well-being of
individuals and society.
6 EDM.5 Exchange and
Markets Explain how
and Traditional
changes in supply and
demand cause fluctuation
in prices, the production of
goods and services, labor,
credit and currencies.
6. EDM.6 National
Economy Explain the
influence of changes in
interest rates on borrowing
and investing.
6. EDM.7 Global Economy
Explain barriers to trade
and how those barriers
influence trade among
Literacy Standard
Integrate visual
information (e.g. in charts,
graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other
information in print and
digital text.
March 7-18
Early Peoples
6.HT.12 Chronological
Reasoning: Causation and
Continuity. Analyze
connections among
historical events and
developments in order to
classify them as examples
Students will be able to
compare and contrast two
of the four groups: Maya,
Olmec, Aztec and Inca.
Students will be able to
recall specific facts and
information from
Exit slip, bell ringer, and
daily assessment.
Summative assessment
Class discussion
Text Book
Info. Readings
Classroom Maps
Various Work Sheets
of change and continuity.
readings and background
6.HT.13 Historical
Contextualization and
Perspectives. Analyze
primary and secondary
sources to explain how and
why perspectives of people
have changed over time.
Literacy Standard
Integrate visual
information (e.g. in charts,
graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other
information in print and
digital text.
March 21-April 1
Native Americans
6.HT.12 Chronological
Reasoning: Causation and
Continuity. Analyze
connections among
historical events and
developments in order to
classify them as examples
of change and continuity.
6.HT.13 Historical
Contextualization and
Perspectives. Analyze
Students will be able to
describe specific traits,
cultures and movements
of the Iroquois,
Cherokee, Creek, Navajo,
Apache. Students will
use a time line to
determine movement
from east to West and a
map for primary and
secondary sources when
determining routes taken
Exit slip, bell ringer, and
daily assessment.
Summative assessment
Class discussion
Text Book
Info. Readings
Classroom Maps
Various Work Sheets
primary and secondary
sources to explain how and
why perspectives of people
have changed over time.
April 11-29
Explorers: Leif
Erickson – Henry
Hudson 960 CE to
1700 CE
Literacy Standard
Integrate visual
information (e.g. in charts,
graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other
information in print and
digital text.
6.HT.12 Chronological
Reasoning: Causation and
Continuity. Analyze
connections among
historical events and
developments in order to
classify them as examples
of change and continuity.
6. HT.13 Historical
Contextualization and
Perspectives. Analyze
primary and secondary
sources to explain how and
why perspectives of people
have changed over time.
Literacy Standard
Integrate visual
Students will be able to
identify European
Explorers and their
conquests in the New
World and he impact on
the new world.
Exit slip, bell ringer, and
daily assessment.
Summative assessment
Class discussion
Text Book
Info. Readings
Classroom Maps
Various Work Sheets
information (e.g. in charts,
graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other
information in print and
digital text.
May 2- May 25
Colonial America
6. HT.14 Historical
Arguments Create an
argument about the past
that is supported by
possible evidence
generated from historical
6. HT.15 Interpretation and
Synthesis Classify the
kinds of historical sources
used in a secondary
interpretation and analyze
them to identify further
areas of inquiry and
additional sources.
Literacy Standard
Integrate visual
information (e.g. in charts,
graphs, photographs,
videos, or maps) with other
information in print and
digital text.
Students will be able to
analyze the cause and
effects of colonial life
and the impact on our
society today.
Exit slip, bell ringer, and
daily assessment.
Summative assessment
Class discussion
Text Book
Info. Readings
Classroom Maps
Various Work Sheets