Gamaliel Elementary Lesson Plan Template Unit Title/Subject: Topic 3: Native Americans Learning Targets: Dates: 9-2 to 9-5 Grade: 5th I can identify early Native-American cultures in the United States. I can explain and give examples of how Native Americans adapted to the physical environment to meet their needs. I can compare the way of life of Native Americans in the past to their way of life today (communication, technology, transportation, and education). I can describe social institutions (e.g., government, economy, education, religion, family) in Native-American cultures. Day 1 Instructional Activities: No School Day 2 Instructional Activities: 1. Bell Ringer: Daily Geography Week 4 and Flashback question 2. Vocabulary Words given out to students. Pre-test will be on Thursday. If not mastered the students will take home a note to be signed and will retake the test again on Friday. 3. Native American Culture Map: Students will receive a map to color code the Native American Regions. They will also be looking at artifacts and placing them in the region they belong based on clues from the Text. 4. Exit Slip: Describe one Native American culture. Day 3 Instructional Activities: 1. Bell Ringer: Daily Geography Week 4 and Flashback question 2. Students will review the Native American Cultural Regions map from the previous lesson. Students will analyze images from several Native American groups to compare and contrast the similarities and differences. This will include the elements of culture such as food, clothing, gender roles, and activities that support beliefs. 3. Review the elements of culture: music, clothing, food, art, literature, stories, traditions, religion, beliefs, and language. 4. Place students in pairs and give each pair one of the sheets from Resource 7A and a copy of Resource 7B. Tell students to analyze the images. It is important that the students look at the background and foreground to better understand the image. Each image has a caption that explains where the Native Americans live and the actions in the image. 5. We are going to put together a quilt that displays Native American cultures. 6. Exit Slip: Compare TWO of the quilt squares from today’s lesson. How are the cultures represented on the quilt squares the same and different? Day 4 Instructional Activities: 1. Bell Ringer: Daily Geography Week 4 and Flashback question 2. Vocabulary Pre-Test (Clickers) Assessments (formative and/or summative): Assessments (formative and/or summative): Bell Ringer Native American Map Exit Slip Assessments (formative and/or summative) Bell Ringer Quilt squares Exit Slip Assessments (formative and/or summative): Bell Ringer Vocabulary Pre-test Gamaliel Elementary Lesson Plan Template 3. Students will learn about how Native Americans overcame scarcity by effectively using their resources. Students will infer how Native Americans in the Plains Region used the buffalo in a variety of ways and let very little go to waste. After watching a video that describes how the natives used the buffalo, students will compare how we use resources today to how Native Americans used resources in the past. 4. 5. Exit Slip: Students who did not master vocabulary test this day will have vocabulary homework to complete this night as well as studying for the retake. Day 5 Instructional Activities: 1. Bell Ringer: Daily Geography Week 4 and Flashback question 2. Vocabulary Test- for those who did not master on Thursday 3. Exit Slip: Due to Reward day unsure of how long we will have class. 30- 40 minute classes. (Clickers) Exit slip Assessments (formative and/or summative) Bell Ringer Vocabulary Test Exit Slip