We are recruiting a representative for the Health and Social

Thank you for requesting an application pack for the position of Third Sector
Assembly (TSA) representative.
We are recruiting a representative for the Health and Social Care network to sit on
the Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group’s Strategic
Commissioning Committee.
The clinical commissioning group will be responsible for 'commissioning' or 'buying
health services for its resident population. These services include the following:
Community healthcare services and rehabilitation services
Urgent and emergency care including accident and emergency care
Maternity services, fertility and infertility services
Elective hospital care
Mental health services
Children's services
Continuing healthcare services for those with long term or complex needs
Wheelchair, home oxygen and treatment of infectious diseases
The purpose of the committee is to:
Provide the Board, within the scope of the committee’s Terms of Reference,
with assurance that it is meeting the obligations of an effective commissioning
Ensure effective and efficient delivery of the CCG’s strategic commissioning
Ensure all commissioning intentions; strategically determined or locality
derived, are aligned to the strategic commissioning plan
Please find the following documents enclosed within this pack:
Roles and Responsibilities of a Third Sector Assembly representative
Third Sector Assembly representative Application Form
Third sector Assembly representative recruitment process
Third Sector Assembly Terms of Reference
If any of the items are missing, please contact us on the details given at the bottom
of this letter as soon as possible. Alternatively, copies can be downloaded from the
following website: www.bvsc.org.
What does a Third Sector Assembly Network representative do?
Third Sector Assembly network representatives are individuals, senior within third
sector organisations in Birmingham, which already possess the skills and expertise
to operate strategically on behalf of the community and voluntary sector, at the
highest levels within the city.
Network representatives are selected to represent their sector on multi-agency
strategic partnership boards or other decision making committees.
What is expected of a representative?
Representatives are expected to attend all relevant meetings of the board or forum
on which they sit and contribute to the best of their abilities to wider discussions and
developments in their chosen theme and/or service areas.
Representatives’ posts are voluntary and there is no financial support to individuals
or their organisations beyond the reimbursement of out of pocket expenses e.g.
Applicants are asked to provide details relating to experience and how they feel they
meet the competencies required for the role of an Assembly representative (full
details on the role and competencies required of representatives are enclosed within
this pack).
Could you please submit your completed application form by 5pm on Friday
23rd December 2012 and send the form to: assembly@bvsc.org or by post to:
Nora Darby – Special Projects Coordinator
138 Digbeth,
B5 6DR
T: 0121 678 8819
Thank you
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