Current: Article III. Membership 1. The regular membership of the University of Missouri-Columbia Panhellenic Association shall be composed of all members in good standing of National Panhellenic Conference fraternities at University of Missouri-Columbia. 2. The associate membership of the University of Missouri-Columbia Panhellenic Association shall be composed of all members in good standing of National Panhellenic Conference colonies or pledged chapters. 3. Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. Proposal: Article III. Membership 1. Membership Classes There shall be three classes of membership: Regular, Provisional and Associate. A. The Regular Membership of the University of Missouri-Columbia Panhellenic Association shall be composed of all chapters of NPC fraternities at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Regular members of the Panhellenic Association shall pay dues determined by the Panhellenic Association. Each regular member shall have voice and one vote on all matters. B. The Provisional Membership of the University of Missouri-Columbia Panhellenic Association shall be composed of all colonies of NPC fraternities at University of Missouri-Columbia. Provisional members shall pay no dues and shall have voice but no vote on all matters. A provisional member shall automatically become a regular member upon being installed as a chapter of an NPC fraternity. C. The Associate Membership of the University of Missouri-Columbia Panhellenic Association shall be composed of all members in good standing of local sororities or interest groups or national or regional non-National Panhellenic Conference member groups that have met the requirements for membership in the University of Missouri-Columbia Panhellenic Association. Associate members shall pay regular dues. Associate members shall have voice and one vote on all matters except those not related to Associate Members. An Associate member may be expelled for cause by a majority vote of the Panhellenic Council. As associate member shall not be entitled to vote on the question of its expulsion. D. Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. 2. Privileges and Responsibilities of Membership A. Duty of compliance: All members, without regard to membership class, shall comply with all NPC Unanimous Agreements and be subject to these University of Missouri-Columbia Panhellenic Association bylaws, code of ethics, and any additional rules this Panhellenic Association may adopt unless otherwise prescribed in these bylaws. Any rules adopted by this Panhellenic Association in conflict with the NPC Unanimous Agreements shall be void. B. Before Associate membership may be granted to all non-NPC fraternities, petitioning groups shall participate in an Application Period. The Application Period shall be 13-16 weeks, and may be extended at the request of the University of Missouri-Columbia Panhellenic Association. 1. The Panhellenic Association President shall oversee the period, providing any follow-ups and will extensively explain Panhellenic Guidelines to include the National Panhellenic Constitution, the Unanimous Agreements, the University of Missouri-Columbia Panhellenic Association Constitution and the M-Book policies. 2. Each week, the delegate from the requesting group shall attend all Panhellenic Association meetings and meet with a delegate from a member chapter and Panhellenic Executive Officer to discuss any questions or concerns following the meetings. 3. The requesting group must have goals and ideals in line with those of the Panhellenic Association member groups and are highly encouraged to fully participate in Panhellenic Association events, with the exception of Formal Recruitment. Requesting groups and Associate Members may not participate fully in Formal Recruitment, but can submit a request to be involved at some level. 4. Between the 13th and 16th week of the Application Period, the group may present themselves to the University of Missouri-Columbia Panhellenic Association and make their formal request to apply for Associate Membership status in the University of Missouri-Columbia Panhellenic Association. Requesting groups must have a minimum of ten members to apply. If the request is approved by 2/3 vote, the group is an Associate Member of the University of Missouri-Columbia Panhellenic Association.