Paper Template (WORD)

The 17th Marine Industries Conference (MIC2015)
22-25 December 2015 – Kish Island
Paper Formatting and Preparation (Times New Roman Bold 12 pt)
First author1, Second author2, Third author3 (Times New Roman bold 10 pt)
First author affiliation, University/Institute; First author Email address (Times New Roman 9 pt)
Second author affiliation, University/Institute; Second author Email address (Times New Roman 9 pt)
Third author affiliation, University/Institute; third author Email address (Times New Roman 9 pt)
The Proceeding of the conference will be prepared directly through the electronic word files that authors prepare.
So, it should be noted that the papers that are not prepared according to the following guidelines, will lose the priority of
being processed and reviewed. The abstract of full paper must be between 150 to 200 words.
Keywords: first keyword, second keyword, third keyword, …
The authors are invited to use the following guidelines in preparing papers, exactly. We are sure that the authors will
respect the following guidelines in order to raise the quality of the conference.
The length of the full paper must be between 6 to 10 pages. Please use the following guidelines in preparing your full
Elements of a Paper
The basic elements of a paper are listed below in the order in which they should appear:
1. Conference header
2. The title of paper
3. Authors' names and affiliations and Email addresses
4. Abstract
5. Keywords
6. Introduction
7. The main body of the paper (including figures and tables)
8. Results and discussions
9. Summary and conclusions
10. Acknowledgments (Optional)
11. List of symbols (Optional)
12. References
13. Appendices (Optional)
All papers should have an abstract. The abstract should include the method of study and analysis, main results and
discussion about them. Mentioning the background and importance of the subject of study is not necessary in this part.
Introduction includes the importance of the research and problem definition, literature review with referring to the
related references, and the scientific gap and novelty of the current research. Referring to references is used with
mentioning reference numbers, namely [1]. According to the contents of the paper, main body of the paper should be
divided into separate parts, appropriately.
The main results of the paper are presented and discussed in "Results and discussion" while the main conclusion and
summary of the research are depicted in "Summary and conclusion". References must be noted in "References" at the
end the paper, respectively.
Paper Preparation and Submission
Papers may be written in English or Persian (Farsi), For English papers; the fonts for different parts of the paper are in
Times New Roman as follows:
 Title: 12 pt bold (centered)
 Author(s): 10 pt bold (centered)
 Affiliations: 10 pt (centered)
 Keywords: 10 pt
 Section Headings: 10 pt bold
 Subsection Headings: 10 pt
 Others: 10 pt
 Caption of tables and figures: 9 pt
The paper size for manuscripts is A4 with 20 mm margins from all sides and should be written in an one-column
format. Authors can use the present template for configuring their papers.
Furthermore, the section headings will start from the left and use the single spacing paragraph format, with no space
between the section headings and also the paragraph following it. The first line of the first paragraph of each section is
not indented, but the others are indented by 5 mm. Put one space between the texts of main sections. Paper must have
the page numbers.
The length of the full paper must not exceed 10 pages.
Papers must be prepared using Word 2007 or 2010 software and Both WORD-DOCX and PDF formats of
the papers are to be submitted to the secretariat office of the conference only through conference website
In PDF formats of the papers, the authors list and their affiliation must be omitted.
The papers that are not prepared according to the guidelines, will not be processed and reviewed.
It should be noted that paper submission only through conference website is acceptable.
The updates on conference are available in conference website. For being updated, please visit the
conference website.
System of Units
SI system of units must be used. If necessary, use the equivalent value in the other systems of units in brackets after the
SI system of units.
Equations start from the right of the column and numbered consecutively. The equation numbers must be bracketed and
placed opposite to the equation on the right of the line in that column.
P  RT
Tables, Figures and Photographs
1. Tables must be numbered, and the title of the table must be placed on the top of the table with the footnotes on the
bottom. Tables must appear where (or as close as to where) they are first mentioned in the text. They must be
referred in the text as "Table 1".
Table 1: An example of a table
Area (m2)
2. Figures must be numbered, and the caption of the figures must be noted at the bottom of the figure. All the legends
and the numerical values on figures must be clear and readable. Figures must appear where (or as close as to where)
they are first mentioned in the text. They must be referred in the text as "Figure 1".
3. Photographs must be original and are treated similar to figures. Leave one space between the Table/Figure and
the text following it.
Figure 1: An Example of a figure
Results and Discussion
Results of the work and discussions are presented here.
Summary and conclusions
Main conclusions of the research and the summary must be put here.
Acknowledgment (Optional)
Acknowledgments are written here.
List of Symbols (Optional)
The list of symbols comes after the acknowledgment and before references. The English symbols come first followed
by the Greek symbols. Both must be typed in alphabetical order and separated.
Modulus of elasticity
Acoustical pressure
Amplitude of the excitation plane wave
Blocked pressure
Greek symbols
Flow resistivity
References must be numbered and be listed in the list of references in the order they were referred to in the text.
Their numbers must be put in the squared bracket, e.g., [1]. The complete details of the references will appear in the list
of references. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). For
journal papers, books and conference papers use the following formats:
[1] Family, M. M., and Family, J. G., ‘‘The concepts of energy, environment, and cost for process design,’’
International Journal of Green Energy, Vol. 1, pp. 137-151, 2004.
[2] Family, F., and Family, J., Principles of solar engineering, Hemisphere-McGraw Hill. 1978.
[3] Family, R. R., Family, M. X., and Family, M. J., ‘‘Fundamental studies of transition-metal sulfide catalytic
materials,’’ In Advances in Catalysis, Vol. 40, edited by D. D., Eley, H., Pines, and W. O., Haag, Burlington, Mass,
Academic press. 1994.
[4] Family, C. H., Family, B. X., and Family, X. F., ‘‘Experimental investigation on boiling of nano-particle
suspension,’’ Boiling Heat Transfer Conference, Jamaica, 2003.