“The Vital Nature Sign”, Kaunas 2015 (Title in Times New Roman

International Scientific Conference
Vital Nature Sign 2015
Registration deadline: April 30 2015
Please, fill in the form bellow and send it to: vns@gmf.vdu.lt
Scientific degree
Title of
Style and Format to be Used by Authors Preparing Abstracts for the 9th International
Scientific Conference “The Vital Nature Sign”, Kaunas 2015 (Title in Times New Roman
Font Size 11, Bold, Centered, Single Spaced, Starting Each Word with Capital Letter)
Natural products (foods, phytoproducts etc.)
Pharmaceutical and chemical technology
Synthetic, medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry
Biotechnology, biochemistry and bioanalysis
Energy & environment
Separation science: development & applications
Biophysics and biomedicine
Oral presentation
Poster presentation
Participation type
Free listener*
Qualification training**
*Free listener does not pay conference fee, therefore does not get conference package.
**Participants will be registered each day and participation certificates will have indications of how many academic hours and which
day was attended by the person.
Competition for
best poster/ oral
***Competitors for best poster presentation will have to present their work at the stage for not more than 3 minutes and not more than
5 slides: Poster number, Title, authors, affiliations, aims, tasks, methods, results and conclusions.
Type of payment
Bank transfer to conference account****
Pay with cash during conference
****Payment type should be specified: "VNS2015" and presenting author name and surname. (Conference fee 10€). Please do not
forget to have payment proof with you.
Not needed
Before payment
After payment // during the conference
Requisites for
*****Fill this area if invoice is needed: company name; code; VAT code; company address
File should be saved with title: Surname_name_VNS2015.doc/.docx.
For detail information please visit conference website: http://vns.microsep.org/
Style and Format to be Used by Authors Preparing Abstracts for the
9th International Scientific Conference “The Vital Nature Sign”,
Kaunas 2015 (Title in Times New Roman Font Size 14, Bold, Centered,
Single Spaced, Starting Each Word with Capital Letter)
Name followed by Middle Initial, and Last Name in Times New Roman size 12,
bold, centered. (Insert Author(s) name(s) one line below the Title)
(Use superscripts to link authors with institutions: Name Surname1 (affiliation 1),
Name Surname2 (affiliation 2), underline the presenting author)
Affiliation and address one, 2Affiliation and address two,
E-mail address to the main (corresponding) author (Times New Roman 10, Italic, and Centered)
This set of instructions is in the style and format to be used by authors preparing
abstracts for the 9th International Scientific conference The Vital Nature Sign, Kaunas
2015. Please, follow this example and these instructions when typing your abstract. The
abstract must be prepared in Microsoft Word PC version: Word 97, Word 2000, Word
2003, Word 2007 or Word 2010 etc. The abstract should be written in English and
should be single-spaced throughout, justified. The abstract should be written with type
face Times New Roman and the font size should be 14 bold for the title; 12 bold for the
name(s) of author(s); 10 italic for the affiliation(s) of the author(s); 12 regular for the
text. Maximum 3000 characters (about 400 words), with 3 cm margins on each sides
should be set.
No figures, no tables should be included in the abstract. Also citing other authors in
abstract is not recommended.
Keywords: Must be in English, Times New Roman, 12 regular, justified, separated by
References should be listed as below:
[1] A. Author, J. Sep. Sci. year, issue, first page-last page
Abstract must be submitted in English, and presentation (oral and poster) must be made
and presented in fluent English. Abstract will be published exactly as submitted. Please
rename file as Surname_name_VNS2015.doc(x) for quick identification. Send your
registration form and abstract as an attached file to vns@gmf.vdu.lt by April 30, 2015
(for Oral and Poster presentation).
Article should be sent to specified journal* editorial office directly with footnotes:
“Authors report was presented in the 9th International Scientific Conference The Vital
Nature Sign 2015”
*Journals: “Chemija”, “Fizika”, “Biologija”, “Toxicological & Environmental