Guidelines for full paper preparation FULL PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE ON JULY 24th Paper should include: Title, author(s), address, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusion and references. TITLE CAPITALIZED and bold (as the example below). THE TITLE OF YOUR PAPER TO BE IN BOLD-TYPE AND UPPERCASE Title: 14 pt Arial, bold, all upper case, centred followed by one line spacing. Authors and co-authors: 12pt Times New Roman, centred, bold, sentence case One AB1, Two C1, Three DE2 One blank line followed by author’s affiliation: 10pt Times New Roman, centred, italic 1 Organization for Authors One and Two, Address, E-mail address; 2Organization for Author Three Address, E-mail address Authors affiliation followed by two line spacing LAYOUT The paper should be printed in Times New Roman 12pt with single line spacing in full justification – 2.5 cm margin throughout. Save your manuscript as MS Word (yourname.doc) AND as pdf file (yourname.pdf). Please state again the desired main session in which your paper should be included. The manuscript has to have a length of 8 pages maximum. The authors who intend to submit the paper to a special issue of a scientific journal have not to exceed 5 pages. HEADINGS Use headings of Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, and References. If any of those are inappropriate they may be omitted. In some cases, other headings may be used, if appropriate. Headings should be against the left margin, typed on a separate line, Times New Roman 12pt, bold, and with no line before the subsequent text. Type Headings as in the following example: Introduction The Italian rice production....... Materials and Methods Rice cultivars were investigated....... TABLES AND GRAPHS Tables should be incorporated in the text where appropriate. They should be numbered in Arabic in order of their reference in the text. The word Table should be followed by the number, one space, and the title of the table (see example below). That heading should be against the left margin. Only the first letter of the word Table and of the title should be in upper case. Do not use vertical lines and present the table with a minimum number of horizontal lines, for example 3 as shown below. Do not insert additional lines between the title and the table or within the table. The table should be separated from the adjoining text by one line. All tables must be input/typeset by the author; they are not to be scanned. Table 1 Presentation of a tabular data Column 1 Column 2 Row 1 Datum Row 2 Datum Column 3 Datum Datum Figures and photographs should be inserted in the body of the paper. The symbols used in the figure and their captions should be typed in one of the following fonts: Times New Roman, Symbol, Wingdings 1, Wingdings 2 and Wingdings 3. Every object must be greyscale RGB or CMYK, colour object will fail the printer. The style and format of the heading is the same as for tables, but should be placed below the figures Figure 1 Presentation of graphical data EQUATIONS All equations should appear in the manuscript where you want them to appear in the finished manuscript. When working in MS Word, please use the equation editor feature provided. UNITS AND ABBREVIATIONS Use the System International (SI) convention for units and symbols. REFERENCES Mark the text citations with first author and year in brackets (Hill et al., 1994; Catala et al., 1999; Hirochika, 1999; Trione, 1989). When there are three or more authors, the first author’s name followed by et al. will suffice. In the reference list, report all authors if there are five or fewer. When there are more than five, list the first five and add et al. Do not underline or use bold. Write the source in italics. Insert no spaces between initials as shown below. Separate author’s name by commas if there are 3, 4 or 5 authors. Hill JE, Smith RJ jr, Bayer DE (1994). Rice weed control: current technology and emerging issue in temperate rice. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. 34: 1021-1029. Catala MM, Eleftherohorinos IG, Martins L, Vidotto F, Ferrero A et al. (1999). Red rice control in Southern Europe with pre- and postemergence applied herbicides. In: Proceedings of the Second Temperate Rice Conference, 13-17June 1999, Sacramento, California, USA. Hirochika H (1999). Retrotransposon of rice as a tool for forward and riverse genetics. In: Shimamoto K, editor. Molecular Biology of rice. Berlin (Germany): Springer-Verlag. p 43-58. Trione EJ, Stockwell VO (1989). Development of detached wheat spikelets in culture. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult. 17:161-170. Please submit your manuscript before July 24, 2004. The file should be sent by e-mail: or dispatched by mail on 3.5” disk or CD-ROM. MAIL ADDRESS: Aldo Ferrero - Roberto Busi Dipartimento di Agronomia, Selvicoltura e Gestione del Territorio Via Leonardo da Vinci 44 10095 GRUGLIASCO (TO) ITALY