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Title Name: Dr Camilla Floros
Qualification: PhD (University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2011)
Job title: Scientist
Portfolio: Reef Biodiversity Programme
Research interests as keywords: coral reef ecology, reef fish, coral communities, marine protected areas, effects of human activities
Importance of Acropora austera on reef fish communities
Coral associated indicators
MPA connectivity in reef fish
Long term monitoring of coral communities at Sodwana Bay
Management of underwater temperature data from Sodwana Bay
Current students: None
Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife
iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authorities
University of KwaZulu-Natal
South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB)
Recent publications and selected reports:
Floros C. (submitted). First observation of Acropora pinguis on the high-latitude coral reefs of South
Africa. Westen Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science
Floros C & Schleyer MH. (submitted). Fish indicators of diving and fishing pressure on South
African coral reefs. Ocean and Coastal Management
Floros C, Schleyer MH, Maggs J & L Celliers. 2012. Ichthyological baseline assessment of high- latitude coral reef fish communities in southern Africa. African Journal of Marine Science. 34(1):
Floros C & Schleyer MH. 2012. Critical habitats in the Western Indian Ocean: status and links to fisheries. In: Van der Elst RP (ed). Mainstreaming biodiversity in fisheries management: a retrospective analysis of existing data on vulnerable organisms in the South West Indian Ocean.
Specialist report prepared for the South West Indian Ocean Project. SWIOFP RMU, KMFRI,
Mombasa, Kenya. 206p.
Maggs JQ, Floros C, Pereira MAM & Schleyer MH. 2010. Rapid visual assessment of fish communities on selected reefs in the Bazaruto Archipelago. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine
Science. 9(1):115-134
Schleyer MH, Celliers L, Glassom D, Macdonald AHH, Kruger A, Starzak DE, & Floros C. 2008.
South Africa Reefs: current status and research. In: Coastal Ocean research and development in the
Indian Ocean: Status Report 2008. CORDIO, Mombasa:107-111
Floros C, Samways MJ, & Armstrong B. 2005. Polychaete ( Spirobranchus giganteus ) loading on
South African corals. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 15:
Floros C, Samways MJ, & Armstrong B. 2004. Taxonomic patterns of bleaching in a South African coral assemblage. Biodiversity and Conservation. 13: 1175-1194, http://za.linkedin.com/pub/camilla-floros/29/812/671