Spatial Objectives for RMA N-146: establish an MPA zoning framework 1. Protect unique areas 2. Protect vulnerable / sensitive species and habitats 3. Seasonal protection for spawning aggregations 4. Protection based on resources (based on the science/data about resources) 5. Protect high-density coral areas 6. a. Protect 20-30% of coral reefs and each type of associated representative reef habitat in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) b. Protect 20-30% of coral reefs in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) 7. Restore coral populations 8. Provide increased protection for key reef-associated fish species and habitats upon which they depend for their entire life cycle 9. Protect from boating, fishing, and diving impacts (eliminate habitat damage from fishing gear and all fishing interactions) 10. Protect from maritime industry impacts 11. Protect from coastal construction impacts 12. Protect from water quality issues 13. Restore depleted fish populations 14. Increase fish reproduction and supply of recruits to surrounding fishing grounds through larval dispersal