POLICY Title Document # BD-A7 Section ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF INDIVIDUAL DIRECTORS Governance Revision # NEW Application Board of Directors Issue date July 1 2014 Issued By Board of Directors Replaces N/A Approved By Board Executive Policy Statement: A Bethell Hospice Director is expected to fulfill their role as a representative of Bethell Hospice, ensuring that they are aligned with Bethell Hospice’s mission vision and values. Procedures: Accountability: A Bethell Hospice Director acts ethically, honestly and in good faith with a view to ensuring the best interest of Bethell Hospice and exercises the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. A Director does not represent the specific interests of any constituency. A Director does not function as an advocate, except to promote excellent client care and sufficient resources to fulfill Bethell Hospice’s mandate. A Director complies with the Central West Local Integrated Health Systems Act and regulations, Bethell Hospice Board By-laws and policies and other relevant legislation. Exercise of Authority: A Director carries out the powers of office only when acting a as a voting member during a duly constituted meeting of the Board or one of its appointed bodies. A Director respects the responsibilities delegated by the Board to the Executive Director, avoiding interference with their duties but insisting upon accountability and reporting mechanisms to the Board for assessing organizational performance. Conflict of Interest: A Director complies with Bethell Hospice’s Conflict of Interest policy. Team Work: A Director works positively, cooperatively and respectfully with others in the performance of their duties. Board Solidarity: A Director supports the decisions and policies of the Board in discussions with outsiders, even if the Director holds another view or voiced another view during a Board discussion or was absent from the Board meeting. Formal Dissent: A Director who was absent from a Board meeting should review the minutes of that meeting, and will be deemed to have supported the decisions and policies of the Board taken in their absence unless they formally record a dissenting view with the Board Secretary in advance of the subsequent meeting of the Board. Confidentiality: A Director respects the confidentiality and privacy of clients and their families, volunteers and employees, and the confidential nature of the business of Bethell Hospice including in-camera discussions and information. POLICY Title Document # BD-A7 Section ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF INDIVIDUAL DIRECTORS Governance Revision # NEW Application Board of Directors Issue date July 1 2014 Issued By Board of Directors Replaces N/A Approved By Board Executive A Director will closely protect confidential information to prevent it from being inappropriately accessed, used or disclosed either directly by them, or by virtue of a password to systems, or by permitting breaches in physical security to occur. If a Director becomes aware of any violation of confidentiality, or loses any record containing confidential information or any key or other item that could be used to violate confidentiality, they will notify the Executive Director at the first reasonable opportunity. A Director will only access, use, transfer or disclose private and confidential information as required by the duties of their position and will cooperate with Bethell Hospice in any audit or investigation relating to confidential information and to provide any records requested in connection with such audits or investigations. Time and Commitment: A Director is expected to commit the time required to fulfill Board and Committee responsibilities. A Director is expected to attend a minimum of 75% of the regularly scheduled Board meetings (expected to be at least eight per year), and the meetings of the Board standing committees of which they are a member. All Directors are expected to serve on at least one Board Committee and to represent the Board when requested. Participation: A Director comes prepared for meetings of both the Board and its Committees, asks informed questions, and makes a constructive contribution to discussions. Competencies: A Director brings unique expertise and skills which will inform Board discussion and decisions, however it is recognized that a Director does not provide advice to the Board in a professional capacity. Education: A Director takes advantage of opportunities to be educated and informed about the Board, governance processes, key issues in Bethell Hospice and the broader health system through participation in an initial orientation and ongoing Board education. Evaluations: A Director participates in their own evaluation and in the evaluation of the Board using the Board SWOT Analysis. References: Central West Local Integrated Health Systems Act Corporations Act (https://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/statutes/english/elaws_statutes_10n15_e.htm) POLICY Title Document # BD-A7 Section ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF INDIVIDUAL DIRECTORS Governance Revision # NEW Application Board of Directors Issue date July 1 2014 Issued By Board of Directors Replaces N/A Approved By Board Executive Related Forms: Conflict of Interest Annual Board Evaluation Summary Board Member Self-Assessment Board SWOT Analysis Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. CCAC Policy V-A-3 Roles and Responsibilities of Individual Directors In principle this policy is likely being followed Board should agree that these processes are being followed CCAC policy and associated documents provided in Schedule binder