AN ANALYSIS OF AN ENGLISH TEXTBOOK ENTITLED “ENGLISH IN FOCUS FOR GRADE VII” USED IN THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF SLTPN 1 TAMBAKSARI Wati Setiawati e-mail: English Education Study Program Language and Arts Department Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Siliwangi Bandung ABSTRACT The objective of the research entitled “An Analysis of an English textbook entitled English in Focus for Grade VII used in the First Year Students of SLTPN I Tambaksari”, was to find out whether or not this textbook appropriate for first grade students of Junior high school. In this research, the writer used descriptive qualitative method. The instrument of the research is an English textbook for first grade used in SLTPN 1 Tambaksari entitled English in focus for Grade VII (Wardiman, Jahur & Djusma, 2009). The subject of this research were all the contents of the book entitled English in Focus for Grade VII devided into eight chapters. The collected data were read, identified, classified, analyzed and interpreted based on Alwasilah theory (1997:135) in relation to the content and technical quality. The results of data analysis showed that: 1) Based on the content, this book is sufficient, because total scores of the evaluation in this research are 33, 2) Based on the technical quality, this book is sufficient, because total scores of the evaluation in this research are 30. Based on the data analysis above the writer concluded that the textbook entitled English in Focus for Grade VII is good and appropriate for first grade students of Junior high school, especially for SLTPN I Tambaksari. Key Words: English textbook “An objective of teaching English is intended to develop English communication ability that covers the skill of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills...”(GBPP,1999:1). A. BACKGROUND English is one of the major languages in the world. People need to master this language, because only English that can be used to communicate with other people in other nations, so English is almost used all over the world. Many nations use English as the first or the second language in their society. Consequently, in order to reach those goals, many factors are needed such as the qualified English teachers, the students, learning facilities, especially the textbook. An English teacher will be able to give material appropriately if s/h is supported by a good textbook. It therefore, will make the students easier to understand the English materials. In our country, Indonesia, English functions as foreign language to be learned by all students from junior high school to university level. Even, nowdays English is taught at elementary school as a local content subject. One of the professional teacher characteristics is s/h has a skill to choose a good textbook. In other words, s/he is able to evaluate textbook using the standard of professional criteria. Teaching English at elementary school is expected to wake the students have positive attitude toward English, so that they will not regard that English is a “difficult” subject any more. It will also develop the students basic skill of English. Based on the description above, the writer is interested in doing a research entitled: “An Analysis of an English Textbook entitled ”English in Focus for Grade VII” used in the First Year Student of SLTPN 1 Tambaksari”. The four basic language skills are stated in the English syllabus for junior high school as follows: B. LITERATURE REVIEW 1 descriptive, dialogue, and specific guide such as schedule, departure, atc for: (a). Getting particular information. (b). Getting overview of the content. (c). Getting implicit main idea. (d). Getting all implicit information. (e). Stating explicit main idea. (f). interpreting the words, Phrases, and sentences based on the conetext. (g). Having fun. 2).Listening, The students must be able to do some activities, such as: (a). Identifying the name of things mentioned by teacher. (b). Doing some oral instructions. (c). Getting particular information from the short oral text (Conversation, descriptive, narrative). 3).Speaking, Spelling or mentioning or pronouncing words. (a). Asking and answering simple forms. (b). Making short dialogues or conversation fluently. 4).Writing, (a). Writing simple sentences in correct spelling and punctuation. (b). Writing short sentences in dictation way. (c). Completing simple dialogues. (d). Making simple sentences. 1).English for Junior High School Students Teaching English as a foreign language is intended to enable students in colleges to adopt knowledge and science from books or others written in English. Indonesia needs much more preparations to face the global era in the new millenium. Many factors are needed to master English in colleges or school, among others are curricculum, textbook, teaching aids, and teacher themselves. Talking about curriculum or syllabus, it should cover as follows: 1). What the learners are expected to know at the end or objectives of the course. 2). What is to be taught or learned during the course, in the form of an inventory of items. 3). When it is to be taught, and at what rate of progress, relating to the inventory of items to different levels and stages as well as to the time constraints of the course. 4). How is to be taught, suggesting procedures, techniques, and materials. 5). How it is to be evaluated, suggested testing and evaluating mechanism. Olshtain,Elite and Dubin, Fraida (1986: 27-28). 3). English Teaching Method for Junior High School There are many kinds of methods in teaching English from traditional methods to modern methods. One of the modern methods which is used is communicative approach. Since the Based School Curriculum states that the approach in teaching English in Junior High School is communicative approach, in this opportunity this research tries to explain communicative approach. In this method teachers function as facilitators and managers of classroom activities. The students are communicators. They are involved in the communication even though their knowledge of the target language is incomplete. The characteristic of the teaching learning process in using this approach is that almost are done communicatively. The students use the target language in activities that involve communication such as games, role plays, and problem solving task. Based on those explanations above, there are some principles which should be considered in the communication approach as follows: 1) Whenever possible, “authentic language” as it used in a real context should be introduced. 2) The ability to figure out the speaker’s or writer’ intentions is part of communicative competence. 3) The target language (English) is a vehicle for communication not just an object of study. 4) One function can have many different However, curriculum is different from syllabus. Curriculum refers to a broad description of general goals by indicating an overall education cultural philosophy which applies across subjects together with a theoretical orientation to languange and language learning with respect to the subject matter at hand. A curriculum is often reflection of national and political trends as well. Whereas, syllabus is a more detailed and operational statement of teaching and learning elements which translates the philosophy of the curriculum into a series of planned steps towards more narrowly defined objectives to each level. 2). English Curriculum for Junior High School School is as a formal educational institution that has a basic concept of instructional program for each subject matter namely syllabus. Syllabus in arranged by the government as a reference for educators to reach the goals. However, in designing the syllabus, the syllabus designer should consider students’ age, needs, interests, and even future era. There are four language skills that are stated in the syllabus for the first year students of Junior High School to master. Sundayana (1998/1999: 20-21). 1). Reading, The students can read the text in narrative, 2 linguistic forms. A variety of linguistic forms is presented together. 5) Students should work with the language at the discourse level. They must learn about cohesion and coherence, those which bind the sentences together. 6) Games are important because they have certain features in common with real communicative events. 7) Students should be given an opportunity to express their ideas and options. 8) Errors are tolerated. 9) Teachers are responsible to create situations to communicate. 10) Communicative interaction encourages cooperative relationship among students. It give student opportunity to work on negotiating meaning. 11) The social context of the communicative event is essential in giving meaning to the utterances. .etc. LarsenFreeman, (1986: 128-130). 4). The Textbook Investigation a. Is the dimension of the book suitable for the student age? b. Is the cover good enough and attractive for the students? c. Is the paper used in good quality? d. Is the typography and setting handed well, readable and suitable for the student age? e. Are the pictures presented enough in number and help deliver the materilas? etc... Alwasilah (1997/135). So, a good textbook should have appropriate content, good quality, good supporting aspects and be completed with teaching aids. C. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY a). Method of the Research Alwasilah (1997: 135) states that to evaluate a textbook there are 4 points to be considered as follows: 1). The content (isi); 2) The technical quality (kualitas teknik); 3). Supporting aspects (aspek pendukung); 4). Teaching aids (alat peraga). This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. in order to get which are needed also uses some instruments. The instruments that used in this research is documentary observation that are in the book which is arranged by A. Chaedar Alwasilah, the title his book is “Politik Bahasa dan Pendidikan” is the instrument in her study. The evaluation for each point covers: The content consist of: “The test used by this study are two kinds: the one which is used to test content, and the other one used to test technical quality. Each of them has 13 items”.Alwasilah, (1997: 135). a. Are the materials presented entirely and continuously? b. Is the theme completely finished before continuing to another theme? c. Are the materials presented by following logical teaching theories and the principles of learning? d. Are the materials presented logically and clearly for the students? e. Is the presentation of the materials suitable with the approach of teaching used? f. Is the title of the book as like with the content of it? g. Is the book completed with words list and teaching aids needed? h. Are the exercises suitable for the students’ age? i. Are the materials free of any kind of taboos? j. The presentation of the materials can motivate students to learn and enjoy that book. b). Subject of the Research Subjects of this research are all the contents in English text book entitled “English in Focus for grade VII Junior High School” by Artono Wardiman, et al, published Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional contains material for semester 1 and 2. In presenting the materials, the authors of the book divided it into 8 chapters. c). Research Instrument Research instrument of this research is English textbook that used by the first year students of junior high school especially at SLTPN 1 Tambaksari. The title of the book is “English in Focus for Grade VII Junior High School” written by Artono Wardiman, et al. To complete process of evaluating that book, this research uses an instrument that is a test constructed by A. Chaedar Alwasilah in his book entitled is “Politik Bahasa dan Pendidikan”. The technical quality consist of: 3 According to Alwasilah (1997: 135-136) ”There are four aspects that are important and must be given attention in evaluation, namely; 1) Content, 2) Technical Quality; 3)Proponent Aspects, 4) Visual aids”. However, in this research the writer will examine that book only from content and technical quality. “There are four points to be evaluated in the textbook. They are the contents, the technical quality, proponent aspects and visual aids”. Alwasilah (1997: 135). d). Data Analysis Techniques In evaluating a book, Alwasilah (1997: 138) states that there are three categories for each item: 3 for sufficient, 2 for enough, 1 for insufficient. The final result of the evaluation is based on the following classification: But in this study the writer only evaluated the content and the technical quality of the textbook with 26 questions items. In evaluating the content and the technical quality of the textbook, the writer used three catagories for each items, namely 3 for sufficient, 2 for good enough, 1 for insufficient. The final result of the evaluation is classified through classifications as follows: Table 4.1 English Evaluation Textbook based the Content SCALE K The Content C B N o. Content Sufficient (3) 1 The materials are presented entirely and continuously The simple before the complex materials. X 3 Materials are presented logically and clearly. X 4 The communicati on approach is used. X 5 The contents are clearly described in the table of contents. X 6 The title and the sub title describe the content clearly. X 7 The table of contents is cosistent with the X : B/C/K:13 – 26 – 39 The Technical quality : B/C/K:13 – 26 – 39 2 Based on the scale above the writer could described that: 1. Sufficient (B/ Baik) if the final results of the evaluation are : 27-39 scores. 2. Enough (C/Cukup) if the final results of the evaluation are : 14-26 scores 3.Insufficient (K/Kurang) if the final results of the evaluation are : 0-13 scores e).Research Procedure In order to get the data which are needed in her study, the writer followed these procedures: 1. Studying the English curriculum for SLTP 2. Studying the English Textbook for SLTP student especially for the first year students. 3. Reading some references. 4. Analyzing the students’ textbook. 5. Drawing conclusions. D. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Findings Besides refering to the curriculum or syllabus the writer has also evaluated the textbook using a test. 4 X Enough (2) Insufficient (1) contents. 8 9 10 11 12 13 and durable Teaching aids are provided, words list is provided. X Phonetic transcription is provided. X The evaluations and the task are appropriate for the age. X 4 The papers are strong and eight penetrated. X 5 The typography clearly visible and easy to read. X 6 The measure of letters is appropriate for the user age. X 7 The position of page was well arranged. X 8 Distance between lines is suitable for user. X 9 An illustration / the map/ the graph of art or photography quality X 10 A balance that good between artistic technique and educational value. 11 An illustration and written under picture appropriate with the purpose of X X The materials are can motivate students’ eagnerss. Scores The cover is beautiful X The vocabulary and the technique of presenting materials are suitable for the students. The materials are free from many kind taboo. 3 X 27 4 2 Table 4.2 English Evaluation Textbook based Technical Quality Technical Quality Sufficient (3) Enough (2) Insufficient (1) No 1 2 The measure of book accordance with user importance. The cover is strong X X X 5 X so that the book entitled English in Focus for Grade VII by Artono Wardiman, Masduki B.jahur, M. Sukirman Ddjusma is good and appropriate first grade student of Junior high school, especially of SLTPN I Tambaksari. learning. 12 13 The position of an illustration exact until getting an optimum benefit. X The quantity of an illustration is enough and beautiful Scores B. Suggestion The writer gives some suggestions valuable to the English program in the Junior High School. 1). The textbook is very important in teaching and learning process. Because of that, the teachers should decide the textbook selectively and carefully. And the other hand the teachers should know well about the is teachers can teach their students more easily. The revision of the textbook is needed to be relevant to the curriculum or syllabus. 2). Although the language is taught integratedly, the teachers have to explain it orderly from the simple to the complex, from easy to the difficult ones. The teachers can also develop the materials by herself or himself. F. BIBLIOGRAPHY X 15 14 1 B. Discussions From the table above, we know that the final scores of the content of the textbook is 33. So, based on the Content the textbook entitled “English in Focus for Grade VII” is Sufficient, because the Sufficient categories have the scores between 30-39. Alwasilah, A. C. (1997). Politik Bahasa dan Pendidikan. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. (1999).Garis-garis Besar Program Pengajaran. Jakarta:Depdikbud. Wardiman, Artono et al. (2009). English in Focus for Grade VII Junior High School (SMP/MTS). Bandung: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Crowl, K. Thomas. (1990). Fundamentals of Educational Research. New York: Brown &Benchmark. Larsen-Freeman. (1986). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. New York: Oxford University Press. Grant, Neville. (1987). Making the Most of Your Textbook. New York: Longman Inc. Dubin, Fraida and Olshtain, Elite. (1986). Developing Programs and Materials For Language Learning. New York: Press Sindicate of the University of Cambridge. Sundayana,Wahyu. (1998/1999). Pedoman pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SLTP. Jakarta. Echols, J.M. Shadily,Hasan.(1975). Kamus Indonesia Inggris. Cornell University Press: Ithaca and London. Echols, J.M. Shadily, Hasan. (1975). Kamus Inggris Indonesia. Cornell University Press: Ithaca and London. The final scores of the tehnical quality is 30. So, based on the Technical Quality the textbook entitled “English in Focus for Grade VII” is Sufficient, because the Sufficient categories have the scores between 30-39. It means that the quality of content and technical quality are between B and C standard. So the writer concludes that book entitled English in Focus for Grade VII written by Artono Wardiman,et al, published by Pusat Perbukuan Departement Pendidikan Nasional is sufficient to be used as the textbook in Junior High School. E. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS A.Conclusions After analyzing and discussing the data the writer could draw some conclussions as follows: 1). Based on the content of this book is sufficient, because total scores of the evaluation in this research are33, 2). Based on the technical quality of this book is sufficient, because total scores of the evaluation in this research are 30, 6