Middle School STEM Science Lab/Activity Planner

Middle School STEM Science Lab/Activity Planner
Name of Lab/Activity: Topographic Maps
California Science Standard(s):
 7.b Select and use appropriate tools and technology (including calculators, computers,
balances, spring scales, microscopes, and binoculars) to perform tests, collect data, and
display data.
 7.f Read a topographic map and a geologic map for evidence provided on the maps and
construct and interpret a simple map scale
Learning Objective/Goal:
 Students will be able to construct a topographic map of their model of a
 Students will be able to correctly label contour lines and determine the contour
 Students will be able to interpret the contour lines and identify steep and flat areas on
the map.
Language Objective/Goal: (based on California Common Core Standards)
 Students will be able to engage effectively in collaborative discussion with their partner
to complete the activity. (Speaking and Listening Standard 1)
 Students will determine the meaning of map symbols and colors, key terms: contour
line, contour interval, index line. (Reading Standard 4)
 Students will be able to present sound arguments for the best location for an airport
and route for a new road in a coherent manner with relevant evidence. (Speaking and
Listening Standard 4)
Materials & Resources:
 Play-Doh,
 fishing line
 Student handout
 Topographic maps
 Student notebook
Teaching Notes: (include timing)
2 Teaching Periods
1st Class Period
1st Class Period
Part 1: Hook – Imagine you are in charge of
Post the objectives, questions,
mapping out the San Jose portion of the Amgen Tour sentence starters/academic response
of California. You must design a challenging 20 mile frames, vocabulary
race route. In order to do so, you must be able to use Part 1: (10 min)
a topographic map.
Provide real topographic maps for students to
Academic response frame: My
partner and I observed that _____.
This project has been made possible in part by a grant from the Texas Instruments
Community Fund, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation.
Must know vocabulary: topographic map, elevation,
sea level, contour line, contour interval
Part 2: Direct instruction – Distribute the student
worksheet. Teacher provides direct instruction of the
activity, and models the procedure to make the map.
Part 2: (10 min)
Use document camera to
Part 3: (25 min)
Part 3: Students get materials. Working in pairs, they
construct a play-Doh mountain and make the
topographic map.
2nd Class Period
2nd Class Period
Pick up where you left off. Discuss what the contour
lines represent. Point to different locations on the
same contour line, and ask students to tell you the
On a topographic map, pairs will determine the best
location for an airport, new road, and race route.
Pairs will present their argument to class.
Math Connection:
Students can determine change in elevation
Students can create a map scale and compute
various distances on their map
Teaching Notes::
Technology Extension of Learning:
Web-based activity using individual
computers/laptops with internet access
Teaching Notes:
Check ahead of time that the laptops
are available and working.
ils.html http://erg.usgs.gov/isb/pubs/teacherspackets/mapshow/activity4.html
Formative Assessment: (please attach a copy)
Show a topographic map, and ask:
1. Where is the landscape the steepest? (A, B,
C, or D)
2. What is the change in elevation from point A
to point B?
3. What is the contour interval?
Strategies for EL and Special Needs Students:
Teaching Notes
Project images. Use white boards or
class response system
This project has been made possible in part by a grant from the Texas Instruments
Community Fund, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation.
Posted discussion questions and academic response Topography, elevation, sea level,
frames, sentence starters, modeling, Graphic
contour line, contour interval
organizers, homework – labeling, use of images.
Alignment in science unit: (Brief description of lessons taught prior to & after this lab/activity)
Unit: Mapping Earth’s Surface
The lessons prior to teaching Topographic Maps: Lesson/Discussion/Activity on types of
maps and their uses, features common to most maps: map key/legend, compass rose, map
scale, map view, profile view, using latitude and longitude coordinates to pinpoint location
After teaching about topographic maps, the next lesson would be on geologic maps: rock
formations, depositional and fault contacts, real world uses.
Brief description of lessons taught after this lab/activity:
After learning about topographic maps, students will learn about the uses of geologic maps.
Much later in the year, students are introduced to bathymetric maps, so there is opportunity
to review and access prior knowledge of maps.
Lab/Activity adapted from: (website, textbook, etc.)
This lesson was developed by:
Teacher’s Name
Formative Assessment
adapted from:
Currently Teaching at:
(School & District)
Hoover Middle School, San
Jose Unified School District
George Middle School, Alum
Rock Unified School District
Subha Banerjee
Karen Lombardo
This project has been made possible in part by a grant from the Texas Instruments
Community Fund, an advised fund of Silicon Valley Community Foundation.