Words and Phrases 1964

To be ‘resolved’ is to express an opinion regarding some action following the
Words and Phrases 1964 (Permanent Edition )
Definition of the word “resolve,” given by Webster is “to express an opinion or determination by resolution or vote; as ‘it was
resolved by the legislature;” It is of similar force to the word “enact,” which is
defined by Bouvier as meaning “to establish by law”.
Should” is an auxiliary verb which expresses the desirability of the action of the
verb phrase following it, which, in the case, is to “legalize all or nearly all of one
or more of the following in the United States: marihuana, prostitution, online
gambling, the sale of human organs, physician assisted suicide.”
Cambridge Dictionary, 2000Cambridge University Press p.792
Should – v. aux. Used to express that it is necessary, desirable, admirable, or imperative to perform the
action of the following verb
B) Violation— The affirmative does not defend a topic area as a good idea
C) Vote Negative—
1) Without Limits debate becomes impossible—T is a jurisdictional voting issue
Shively 2k—Professor of Political Science, Texas A & M
Ruth, Political Theory and Partisan Politics, p. 181-2
The requirements thus far are primarily negative. The ambiguists must say “no”
. In other words, contestation rests on some basic agreement or harmony.
2) Role of the Ballot: Our role of the ballot is that the affirmative must present a
topical affirmative as per the resolution and the negative must prove it
undesirable or offer a competing policy option.
3) Process impact:– this is the only academic forum where we get education
based on clash and competition. If we aren’t able to prepare in advance for
affirmatives the round becomes a 2 hour conference presentation about
whatever books & articles they are reading, This education o/w any content
specific education because
a) you can get content specific education in any other forum
b) Without critical thinking skills developed through clash and competition we
can’t effectively act on content-specific knowledge
English et al 7
Eric English, Stephen Llano, Gordon R. Mitchell, Catherine E. Morrison, John Rief & Carly Woods,
all former debate coaches, “Debate as a Weapon of Mass Destruction”
It is our position, however, that rather than acting as a cultural technology
heirs to brand the activity as a ‘‘weapon of mass destruction.’’
c) without clash-based education we are likely to come to the wrong
conclusions about the content b/c we don’t see both sides
4) Switch-side debating on the topic is uniquely important. It allows debaters
to become better advocates and increases critical thinking – it also solves all
your offense
Dybvig and Iverson 99
Kristin Chisholm Dybvig, and Joel O. Iverson, Can Cutting Cards Carve into Our Personal Lives: An
Analysis of Debate Research on Personal Advocacy,
Not all debate research appears to generate personal advocacy and challenge peoples'
assumptions. Debaters
of various policy proposals helps debaters to strengthen their own stance on issues.
5) Our interpretation of debate is key to accessing the forms of civic education
on the law that maintains democracy, and allows us to make the law reflexive
through pursuits of justice
MBJ 13 [Jeff Paulsen, Margaret J. Krasnoff, and Bart P. O’Neill; Michigan Bar Journal; Law
Related Education: Why it is Important to America’s Future; May 2013;
Law-related education equips nonlawyers with knowledge and skills pertaining to the law,
and creation of the Law Related Edu- cation & Public Outreach Committee.
6) The aff’s focus on localized politics can’t solve—the void of politics will be filled
by reactionary elites, turning the aff and leading to massive forms of violence
Boggs 97—Professor of Social Sciences at National University in LA
Carl. The great retreat: Decline of the public sphere in late twentieth-century America. Theory
and Society, Vol. 26, No. 6, Dec., 1997
The decline of the public sphere in late twentieth-century America poses a series
universal, collec- tive interests that had vanished from civil society.75
7) Our interpretation is key to the agonistic forms of confrontation – that create
a democratic debate space – this debate over inclusion is key to the antagonism
that actually leads to inclusion and change in the debate space
Mouffe 5 [Chantal Mouffe; Belgian political theorist, held visiting positions at Harvard, Cornell, Princeton and the
CNRS (Paris). Currently holds a professorship at the Department of Politics and International Relations, University of
Westminster in the United Kingdom, where she directs the Centre for the Study of Democracy 2005; “On the Political:
Thinking in Action” //AnthonyOgbuli]
Many liberal theorists refuse to acknowledge the antagonistic dimension of politics and the role
only legitimate but also necessary. They provide the stuff of democratic politics.
Black Feminism jurisprudence doesn’t get you out of our links – it replicates the
same flaws of 2nd wave feminism and is worse because of the
overemphasization of identity politics – intersectionality is trapped in the logic
of capital. This card is the comparative card between the aff and the alt.
Unity and Struggle 13 [Marxist-Feminism vs. Subjectivism: A Response to Fire Next Time;
February 11, 2013; http://unityandstruggle.org/2013/02/11/marxist-feminism-vs-subjectivisma-response-to-fire-next-time/ //AnthonyOgbuli]
6. Second Wave Feminism’s Subjectivist Methodology.¶ Finally, I want to clarify what
, and anyone else, in the hopes of fleshing this out more.
Black feminism is inadequate to explain racism and sexism – the lack of
materialist focus and latent essentialism – defer to the alternative
Belkacem and Boggio 11 [Stella Magliani-Belkacem and Felix Boggio; "Debout !" : French
feminism and its discontents; Eighth Annual Conference - Spaces of Capital, Moments of
Struggle (10-13 November 2011, SOAS, London)
Abstracts.pdf //AnthonyOgbuli]
In a context of growing awareness at a global scale on new forms of ¶
among French feminists, and to provide directions for research and ¶ militancy.