Acta Universitatis Ouluensis pre

Surname, Forename, Main title of the publication. Possible subtitle of the
University of Oulu Graduate School; University of Oulu, faculty, department,
clinic etc. to appear on the cover
Acta Univ. Oul. X XXX, 201X
Oulu, Finland
The Finnish and English abstracts must include the following information in the
language in question: 1. main title of the publication and possible subtitle, 2. first
name and surname of the author or authors, 3. name and address of the graduate
school, department, division or clinic of the University of Oulu for which the
dissertation has been done, 4. possible other significant cooperation partners to
appear on the cover and 5. keywords. When choosing the keywords it is
recommended that the library of the discipline in question is consulted. The
keywords are listed in alphabetical order, they are not combined into strings,
italicized or otherwise emphasized.
The maximum length of the abstract body text is 2400 characters (including
punctuation, spaces etc.).
Keywords: aliquam, Ullamcorper, dignissim, molestie, Mollis, tortor, vitae,
Sukunimi, Etunimi, Väitöskirjan otsikko. Väitöskirjan mahdollinen
Oulun yliopiston tutkijakoulu; Oulun yliopisto, kanteen merkittävä tiedekunta,
laitos, klinikka, osasto tms.
Acta Univ. Oul. X XXX, 201X
Englannin ja suomenkielisellä tiivistelmäsivuilla on oltava kyseisellä kielellä
seuraavat tiedot: 1. julkaisun pääotsikko ja mahdollinen alaotsikko, 2.
tekijän/tekijöiden etu- ja sukunimi, 3. Oulun yliopiston tutkijakoulun,
tiedekunnan sekä sen laitoksen, klinikan tai osaston nimi, johon väitöskirja
tehdään, 4. muut mahdolliset kanteen merkittävät yhteistyötahot ja 5. asiasanat.
Asiasanoja valitessaan tekijän on oltava yhteydessä oman tieteenalansa
kirjastoon. Asiasanat esite¬tään aakkosjärjestyksessä, niitä ei ketjuteta eikä
kursivointia tai muita korostuksia käytetä.
Tiivistelmätekstin pituus on enintään 2400 merkkiä. Merkkimäärään
sisältyvät välilyönnit ja välimerkit.
Asiasanat: aliquam, Ullamcorper, dignissim, molestie, Mollis, tortor, vitae,
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ►
Acknowledgements ►
The publication can include a preface which explains the aim of the study and the
different stages of the work and presents the background organizations of the
research. Acknowledgements to other researchers and contributing assistant staff
and to the financiers of the study can be presented either in the preface or in
separate acknowledgements. ►
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. ►
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix.
Author’s name ►
Abbreviations ►
et cetera ►
id est
exempli gratia
Original publications ►
This thesis is based on the following publications, which are referred throughout
the text by their Roman numerals:
In the summary, references are cited by their Roman numerals: ►
Körkkö M, Laitinen O, Vahlroos S, Ämmälä A & Niinimäki J (2008) Components
removal in flotation deinking. Prog Pap Recycl 17(4): 15–22. ►
II Körkkö M, Laitinen O, Haapala A, Ämmälä A & Niinimäki J (2011) Scattering
properties of recycled pulp at the near infrared region and its effect on the
determination of residual ink. TAPPI J 10(6): 17–22.
III Körkkö M, Haapala A, Liimatainen H, Ämmälä A & Niinimäki J (2011) Challenges
in residual ink measurement – Effect of fibre fines and fillers. Appita 64(1): 71–75.
IV Körkkö M, Haapala A, Mäkinen L, Ämmälä A & Niinimäki J (2011) Comparison of
test medium preparation methods for residual ink analysis. TAPPI J 10(10): 7–14.
Contributions may also be listed after the list of publications. ►
Contents ►
Acknowledgements ►
Abbreviations ►
Original publications ►
Contents ►
1 Introduction ►
2 First level numbered heading ►
2.1 Second level numbered heading ► ........................................................... 16
2.1.1 Third level numbered heading ► ................................................... 16
3 Inserting images and figures
4 Inserting tables
5 Direct quotations, lists (bulleted lists), formulas and character
List of references ►
Original publications ►
Introduction ►
The purpose of the document template is to facilitate the layout of dissertations to
comply with the form required for the series Acta Universitatis Ouluensis. The
template includes examples and example texts. It also contains the correct page
settings and styles, the use of which is required for publications in the Acta series.
Using styles
A style is a collection of paragraph and/or character formatting attributes, which
can be applied with one command. Using styles will speed up the writing of your
dissertation, make its structuring easier and improve its readability. You can focus
on writing the text, instead of formatting it.
To view the Styles menu go to the Home tab and click the small arrow in the
lower right corner of the Styles pane or press Alt + Ctrl + Shifts + S on the
keyboard. The Styles menu containing the ActaOulu2010 styles will open. Do not
use the styles displayed in the ribbon in Word.
When you select text in a document, you can go to the Styles menu in the
template to find out what style has been used to format the text. In the pre-filled
document template style-related issues are explained in the comment field only
when they first occur in the template. Chapter 2 gives an overview of the Acta
Using comment fields
Red arrows indicate that further instructions can be found in the comment field:
the style to be used, when it appears for the first time in the template, possible
link to the Acta instructions and to the illustrated stage-by-stage instructions. To
open the Acta instructions (PDF), press Crtl + left mouse button.
To hide the comment fields, go to Review → Tracking → Show Markup, and
deselect Comments. To display the comments, select Comments again. If you
delete the comments or the red arrows, you will no longer be able to view the
comments. You can delete the comments and arrows when you submit the
finalized manuscript to the editorial office.
Importing text into the template
After opening the template save it under your own name:
To replace the example text in the template, select e.g. one heading or
paragraph at a time and overwrite it with your own text.
Similarly, if you import text into the template, do it one heading or paragraph
at a time. Import the text in such a way that the styles from the original document
are not carried over into the template. The imported text must be formatted using
the styles in the template. After copying the text in the original document paste
it into the template for example by pressing Alt + Ctrl + V on the keyboard
and select Formatted Text (RTF) in the menu.
If the Acta styles do not function correctly, you can reimport the original
document template into the pre-filled template. ►
Front matter
Obligatory front matter pages are the English and Finnish abstracts and the table
of contents. Other pages are included if necessary. For instructions on the
formatting of these pages see the example pages at the beginning of this template.
Bibliographic management
To manage the references in a dissertation, it is advisable to use a bibliographic
management tool that includes the styles required for the Acta series. For more
detailed instructions on how to create in-text citations, see the Acta instructions.
First level numbered heading ►
This chapter gives an overview of the heading levels and paragraph styles used in
the Acta series. ►
There are three numbered heading levels. In addition to these, unnumbered
main headings (preface, acknowledgements, abbreviations and legend of symbols,
list of original articles, table of contents, list of references and appendices) and
unnumbered subheadings are used. ►
The space between heading and body text is determined by the heading style.
All other headings except unnumbered subheadings (Heading 4) are included in
the table of contents.
The first line of the first body text paragraph is not indented, but the first lines
of all the following paragraphs are. No extra line breaks are inserted between
paragraphs. For further information about paragraph styles see Chapter 5.
Second level numbered heading ►
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex. Sit
omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix.
2.1.1 Third level unnumbered heading ►
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex. Sit
omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix.
Fourth level heading or subheading (unnumbered) ►
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex. Sit
omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix.
Inserting images and figures
It is recommended that images and figures are always saved as separate files.
Acceptable file formats for vector graphics images are Enhanced Metafile (EMF)
and Windows Metafile (WMF). Photographs and other bitmap images must have a
minimum resolution of 250 ppi; recommended file formats are Tagged Image File
Format (TIFF) and Portable Network Graphics (PNG). The maximum width of a
figure is 122 mm on a portrait page and 183 mm on a landscape page (page
numbering and page setup for landscape pages are done at the editorial office).
Use the following styles for figure headings: Heading 6 for figure headings in
publications in English and Heading 8 for figure headings in publications in
Finnish. Write the caption before inserting the image. The image is anchored to
the beginning of the caption. For more detailed information about inserting
images see the Acta instructions and the illustrated stage-by-stage instructions.
Fig. 1. Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. ►
Inserting a table
All tables must follow the table formats presented in the Acta instructions. Tables
are created using the Word table editor. Select Design → Table Styles → Table
Acta. Select the correct styles for the table cells. Column 1 is always justified to
the left and the only possible styles for it are Table Left, Table Left Indent and
Table Left Indent 2. For other columns table styles from the template may also be
used: Table Center and Table Right. A table must always have at least two
columns and every column must have a title. The width of portrait tables is
always 122 mm and the width of landscape tables is always 183 mm. ►
Use the following styles for table headings: Heading 5 for table headings in
publications in English and Heading 7 for table headings in publications in
Taulukko 1. Basic table. ►
Value under observation ►
Head of nursing ►
Nursing staff
Nursing supervisors and nursing staff
Combination of different methods
Statistical methods
Content analysis
Analysis triangulation
Source of information
Method of data collection
Method of analysis
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex. Sit
omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. ►
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad
animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex. Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad
animal repudiare vix.
Table 2. Table with separate main titles and subtitles. ►
Start of the fall, SVTOT (g)
Velocity, v0 (ms-1)
Posture PI (g)
Impact SVTOT (g)
Impact SVMaxmin (g)
Impact Z2 (g)
Posture detection not applied in method, ND = not determined ►
When you import a Word format table from another document to the template,
you must convert it to the Acta table style and its styles to the template’s table
styles: Table Tools → Design → Table ACTA. Do not import the table as a picture.
The page numbering and page setup for landscape pages are done at the editorial
office. Further instructions on tables:
landscape tables ►
long tables. ►
Direct quotations, lists (bulleted lists),
formulas and character styles
Direct quotations
Two different styles can be used for direct quotations.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. ►
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. Sit omnis facer animal ex.
Sit omnis facer animal ex, ad animal repudiare vix. ►
Direct quotations must be indented from body text.
Lists (bulleted lists)
There are many different list styles. Two examples are given below.
Unnumbered lists
Criteria for a bulleted list:
introductory sentence
list items are identical in form
hyphen or other bullet symbol
standard punctuation. ►
Numbered lists
Criteria for a bulleted list:
clear introductory sentence
list items are identical in form
list items are indicated by a sign
standard punctuation ►
The first line of a paragraph that comes after a bulleted list is not indented from
the body text.
𝐸 = 𝑚𝑐 2
Character styles
If you need to use for example ►italics, ►bolding, ►superscript1 or
►subscript2, use the styles available in the Styles menu in the document template.
The styles in the ribbon may disappear, if paragraph styles are modified. You can
find more character styles in the Acta instructions. ►
List of references ►
Aliev MR & Watson JKG (1985) Higher-order effects in the vibration-rotation spectra of
semirigid molecules. In: Rao KN (ed) Molecular spectroscopy: modern research.
Orlando, Academic Press: 1–67. ►
HART Communication Foundation (2009) Wireless hart. URI:
Cited 2009/12/22.
Mitra SK (1991) Some unconventional signal processing applications of multirate
techniques. Proc IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Raffles
City, Singapore 1: 13–16.
Paulsson M (1992) Basement membrane proteins: structure, assembly and cellular
interactions. Biochem Mol Biol 27: 93–127.
Paulsson M, Saladin K & Landwehr R (1988) Binding of Ca2+ influences susceptibility of
laminin to proteolytic digestion and interactions between domain-specific laminin
fragments. Eur J Biochem 177: 477–481.
The Royal Mardsen Hospital Bone-Marrow Transplantation Team (1977) Failure of
syngeneic bonemarrow graft without preconditioning in post-hepatitis marrow aplasia.
Lancet 2: 742–744.
Zar JH (1984) Biostatistical analysis. Englewood Cliffs NJ, Prentice-Hall International.
Aliev MR & Watson JKG (1985) Higher-order effects in the vibration-rotation spectra
of semirigid molecules. In: Rao KN (ed) Molecular spectroscopy: modern research.
Orlando, Academic Press: 1–67. ►
Mitra SK (1991) Some unconventional signal processing applications of multirate
techniques. Proc IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Raffles
City, Singapore 1: 13–16.
Paulsson M (1992) Basement membrane proteins: structure, assembly and cellular
interactions. Biochem Mol Biol 27: 93–127.
Paulsson M, Saladin K & Landwehr R (1988) Binding of Ca2+ influences
susceptibility of laminin to proteolytic digestion and interactions between domainspecific laminin fragments. Eur J Biochem 177: 477–481.
Zar JH (1984) Biostatistical analysis. Englewood Cliffs NJ, Prentice-Hall
URI: Cited 2009/12/22.
The Royal Mardsen Hospital Bone-Marrow Transplantation Team (1977) Failure of
syngeneic bonemarrow graft without preconditioning in post-hepatitis marrow aplasia.
Lancet 2: 742►–744.
Appendices ►
Possible appendices
Original publications ►
Körkkö M, Laitinen O, Vahlroos S, Ämmälä A & Niinimäki J (2008) Components
removal in flotation deinking. Prog Pap Recycl 17(4): 15–22. ►
II Körkkö M, Laitinen O, Haapala A, Ämmälä A & Niinimäki J (2011) Scattering
properties of recycled pulp at the near infrared region and its effect on the
determination of residual ink. TAPPI J 10(6): 17–22.
III Körkkö M, Haapala A, Liimatainen H, Ämmälä A & Niinimäki J (2011) Challenges
in residual ink measurement – Effect of fibre fines and fillers. Appita 64(1): 71–75.
IV Körkkö M, Haapala A, Mäkinen L, Ämmälä A & Niinimäki J (2011) Comparison of
test medium preparation methods for residual ink analysis. TAPPI J 10(10): 7–14.
Reprinted with permission from… (I). ►
Original publications are not included in the electronic version of the dissertation.