Ultra broadband phase measurements on nanostructured metasurfaces Ekaterina Pshenay-Severin, Matthias Falkner, Christian Helgert, and Thomas Pertsch Here we give more detailed description of our technique. The developed interferometric setup provides simultaneous measurements in transmission and reflection. The interferometric measurements are performed with a supercontinuum light source SuperK Versa from NKT Photonics (operating spectral range is from 0.4 µm to 1.7 µm). The broadband generation of this source is based on the supercontinuum generation in an optical fiber. The principal scheme of the interferometer is presented in Fig 1. The linear polarizer P1 (operating spectral range is from 0.65 µm to 2 µm) serves to control the polarization state of the input light. In the first birefringent beam displacer B1 (operating spectral range from 0.35 µm to 2.3 µm) linear polarized light is split into two orthogonally polarized beams forming the two arms of the interferometer. The intensity distribution between the sample and reference arm is controlled by the rotation of the linear polarizer P1. The second beam displacer B2, which serves to recombine the two beams, is followed by the linear polarizer P2, providing interference of the sample and reference beams. The recombined beam is coupled into a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) which is single-mode for 0.6 µm . The analysis of the interference signal is performed with an optical spectral analyzer (OSA) Yokogawa AQ6370B featuring a grating spectrometer. To avoid spatial overlapping of the higher diffraction orders of smaller wavelengths with the second diffraction order of larger wavelengths, an optical low pass filter F is used during the measurements in the VIS spectral range. Measurements of the phase in reflection are realized with the beam splitter BS (operating spectral range is from 0.42 µm to 1.7 µm). The sample and reference beams reflected from the sample are recombined in the first calcite beam displacer B1 and are guided to the part of the setup for the reflection measurements with a polarizing beam splitter BS. 1 The mirror symmetrical arrangement of the beam displacers causes an optical path difference of about 5.2 mm between the interferometer arms. To this phase difference corresponds an interference pattern (0.2 nm around 1 µm) which is close to the spectral resolution of the OSA. Therefore, the optical length difference between the arms was decreased to a value of 1 mm to enable a high sampling rate of the interference signal. This was realized by placing compensating plates D1 and D2 made of BK7, each 6 mm thick, in the sample arm of the interferometer. The period of the corresponding interference pattern was about 1 nm at 1 µm. As the measurements of signals are done in the wavelength domain, the measured signal has to be transformed to the frequency domain ( 2 c / ) and regularly sampled. The influence of the data interpolation, required to transform the spectra, on the accuracy of the phase definition has been investigated. It was shown that, if the sampling rate of a signal is close to the Nyquist limit, linear interpolation of the signal causes a noisy background in the retrieved phase. In the experiment, in the VIS spectral range the period of the interference pattern is about 0.5 nm at 0.7 µm. To provide an appropriate signal-to-noise-ratio, the signal acquisition is done with a resolution of 0.1 nm. To increase the sampling rate, a so-called zero-fitting procedure is applied to the signal. This technique is based on the Fourier transformation of the spectra from the wavelength space to an inverse space . Then the window size N is increased by adding additional points with zero amplitudes. In the experiments the window size was increased by a factor 4 . The backward Fourier transformation gives the initial spectrum with an increased sampling rate. Thereafter, the spectrum is linearly interpolated and the Fourier transformation can be performed. 2