SCMS Women’s Caucus, 2013 Page 1 Annual Report to the SCMS Board of Directors Caucus/Scholarly Interest Group Name: Women's Caucus Report submitted by (Name, Title, Institutional Affiliation): Co-chair: Hilary Radner, Professor, Department of History and Art History, Visual Culture Programme Coordinator, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand Co-chair: Christina Lane, Associate Professor, Department of Cinema and Interactive Media, Joint Appointment, American Studies Program, Director, Norton Herrick Motion Picture Studies Center, School of Communication, University of Miami Graduate Student Representative: Jennifer Lynn Jones, PhD candidate, Department of Communication and Culture, Indiana University. Date Submitted: 6 October 2013 I. Summary of Past Activities (since last report) A. Election Results Christina Lane has been elected co-chair of the Caucus, to serve through March 2015 Hilary Radner, co-chair of the Caucus, and Jennifer Lynn Jones, Graduate Student Rep, will serve through March 2014 B. Other Activities/Initiatives Jennifer Lynn Jones continues as Website Administrator o Setup Facebook Page o Administers Facebook Page (with 49 members) Sarah Projansky (past Caucus Co-Chair) initiated mentorship program (see below) II. Brief Summary of Activities (no more than a-half page) A. 2013 Annual Conference (e.g., summary of meeting agenda items, the number of sponsored panels, workshops, screenings, special events) Official Sponsor of 8 panels (SCMS conference 2013) Supported Grrrl’s Night Out (SCMS conference 2013) Awarded a grant-in-aid towards accommodation and travel to the graduate student representative (SCMS conference 2013) Allocated a grant-in-aid in support of the Public Media Workshop (SCMS conference 2013) Hosted Will Brooker, CJ editor Discussed mentorship initiative [see below] Discussed using social media in order to better serve members B. Other Future Activities (2014) Sponsorship of mentorship program by Sarah Projansky (former Caucus co-chair) [on going] “In Focus,” women and labor, in Cinema Journal, projected for Fall 2013, edited by Caetlin Benson-Allot (former Caucus co-chair) [on-going] Initiation and sponsorship of a student writing award (Shelley Stamp, Professor, Film and Digital Media Department, University of California, Santa Cruz [in-progress, 2013 initiative] Supporting co-sponsorship of event, “Seduction of the Innocent: Sex and Comics,” proposed by the Comics Scholarly Interest Group and the Queer Caucus, contact, Ramzi Fawaz (SCMS conference 2014) Sponsorship of grant-in-aid towards conference costs of graduate student representative (conference registrations, travel and accommodation) III. Bulleted Questions/Issues for SCMS Board of Directors’ consideration (if any) NA