Pupil Premium Funding Impact 2014-15 Funding Grant is £210,000 Year 7- 13 Learning & Teaching Learning to Learn £100 per pupil Feedback £100 per pupil Collaborative Learning £20 per pupil Literacy / Numeracy £10 per pupil Document1 Activity Students participate in a ‘learning to learn’ curriculum in Year 7 which is then developed through each subject. All students are equipped with skills to learn more effectively. ‘Pack types ‘training (a programme to raise self-awareness through learning to listen and communicate in a way that works for an individual) was provided for all staff and student leaders. Impact PP students know what they are learning in their subject lessons and how to improve. PP students in year 7 are more aware of their preferred way of learning and their contribution within lessons. Resources Development of a creative learning curriculum; Keynote speaker, Bill Lucas, for Expansive Education at our annual Learning and Teaching conference; TLR 3 post to oversee learning to learn provision particularly for the most able disadvantaged students; Pack type training programme Activity All PP students have structured conversations during the autumn term. Students making insufficient progress have follow up conversations and targeted interventions during the spring and summer terms. Targeted PP students in Year 7 and 8 have structured conversations with their keyworker and parents /carers There is enhanced marking ( STAR) for all students but with a particular focus on PP students Impact PP students are engaging more in developing their knowledge, skills and understanding. There are increased opportunities for students to address their misconceptions. Resources Structured conversation time for PP students with their parents / carers; CPD learning shops in ‘marking for improvement’; Marking March ; Able April, Progress check stickers, Green pens, appointment of retired Maths teacher to provide targeted intervention following progress checks Activity Illuminated seating plans provide a profile of students within the class. The plans are used to create groups for effective collaborative learning. Impact Staff know who are PP students, within their classes, and their needs. They use this information to create effective groups. Students are given clear roles and responsibilities to ensure active engagement in their learning. Resources CPD learning shops in collaborative working Activity All students are expected to develop their oracy skills following the school’s literacy essentials. Whole school expectations for reading and writing are applied. HLTA supports small groups to develop their numeracy Impact PP students have improved their confidence in speaking and listening. GCSE results for PP students are very good in high literacy dependent subjects – English, Philosophy, Sociology and History All catch up students made progress. 78% reached age related expectations in English by the end of year 7and 100% of students reached age related expectations in Maths by the end of year 7. Resources Literacy bitesize inset each month; literacy pocket books for parents of new year 7; Literacy placemats; every new year 7 student received an age appropriate reading book Total Expenditure £24,200 £24,200 £4,840 £2,420 Pupil Premium Funding Impact 2014-15 Funding Grant is £210,000 Total Expenditure Tutoring Use of Data Year 7- 13 Data Tracking £10 per pupil Activity Enhanced tracking of student progress – intervention booklets for faculties identify progress of PP students. The attendance of PP students is monitored on a daily basis and an education welfare officer employed by the school visits vulnerable families Impact The progress of PP students is closely tracked and those making insufficient progress can be identified The attendance of PP students is above the national average and persistent absence low Resources Assessment Manager produces detailed analysis of performance of PP students. Introduction of CPOMS (a database to record CP incidents) to monitor potential safeguarding incidents, Funding for an family outreach worker (1.5 days) £2,420 One to one tuition / mentoring £100 per pupil Activity Student support mentors have a case load of PP students whose responsibility is to hear each student read, to monitor their home learning, to support students in lessons they are struggling Impact Much improved attainment and progress in GCSE English grades for PP students Year 7 catch up students make good progress (see above) Resources Increased hours for student support mentors to support students during tutor time and before and after school £24,200 Small group tutoring in maths, science and English £200 per pupil Activity PP students who are making insufficient progress are taught in small groups Impact Much improved attainment and progress in GCSE English grades for PP students Improved Science and Maths outcomes for targeted PP students Resources Staffing in En, Ma and Sc to provide small group tutoring £48,400 Document1 Pupil Premium Funding Impact 2014-15 Technology Home Learning £80 per pupil Digital technology £40 per pupil Accelerated Reader £120 per pupil Document1 Funding Grant Year 7- 13 Activity On line home learning provides improved opportunities to offer support, guidance and where needed challenge. Improved ability to track PP student completion of home learning Peer and Self- assessment is encouraged Impact Increased home learning which offers increased differentiation and closer monitoring Resources Firefly subscription costs; staff training for firefly Activity ECDL – students in Year 9 achieve this certificate GCSE short course Citizenship Impact GCSE qualifications Resources Cost of exam entries Activity All students participate in AR programme to improve their reading Impact PP students have accelerated their reading ages Resources Reading books, license for AR is £210,000 Total Expenditure £19,360 £9,680 £29,040 Pupil Premium Funding Impact 2014-15 Enrichment Music lessons £36 per pupil Learning beyond the classroom £10 per pupil on average Enrichment £10 per pupil Document1 Funding Grant Year 7- 13 Activity Activity Brass and woodwind band Small group and 1 to 1 music lessons for targeted PP lessons students Impact Impact PP students learn to play Development of PP student confidence and self –worth an instrument Resources Resources Peripatetic teachers; Class band Class Band tuition Activity All students take part in at least one trip. PP students are subsidised where necessary Impact All PP students have accessed at least one trip. Increased confidence and widened their experience outside home and school. Opportunity for targeted PP students to contribute to Africa Inspire project in Uganda. Year 10 students visit universities during Summer term to raise their aspirations. No NEETs Resources Subsidised costs for trips available for PP students; Enhanced careers advice Twycross zoo £65.00; Blood Brothers £11; Northern France £50; Paris £230; Alton Towers £15; Dol y Moch £50; Music experience £13; Symphony Hall £10; Ackers £45.00; Weston Super Mare £10 Activity PP students are well represented in after school clubs Impact PP students participate well in after school clubs Resources Staffing to monitor provision is £210,000 Total Expenditure £1700 £2,420 £1,210 Bespoke SEL Pupil Premium Funding Impact 2014-15 Social and Emotional Learning £50 per pupil Funding Grant is Year 7- 13 Activity Outreach worker and student youth worker offer counselling and group activities for self -help and selfesteem programmes Impact Improved attendance and behaviour; improved Attitude to learning Resources Funding for an outreach worker, education welfare officer and a youth worker £210,000 Total Expenditure £12,100 Year 11 students (12) – Art essentials pack. Subject bids to support impact on student progress Year 11 students – provision of model kit for GCSE technology coursework. £3,000 budget Year 11 students – peripatetic music lessons to boost engagement. TOTAL £209,190 Document1