chapter challenge - plate tectonics - with suggested

Chapter Challenge – Plate Tectonics [Adapted from Earth Comm – Earth’s Dynamic Geosphere]
In this unit you are studying plate tectonics – an important scientific theory. The theory of plate
tectonics explains the formation, movement, and changes of the outer, rigid layer of the Earth, called the
There are a number of learning targets that you are responsible for in this unit. Some will be assessed
through this project, others will be assessed through unit quizzes. For the project, learning targets 1b, 1c, and
1d, 2b, 2c, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b for this unit will be assessed through this project.
You have been asked to consult for a film that is set in the far, far future – 250 million years in the
future. The producers of the film want it to reflect the best science thinking at this point in time. Think about
how you can use the theory of plate tectonics to help the movie makers understand what the earth might be
like in 250 million years…
For your chapter challenge you will create a publication. In the publication, you will need to address
the following:
Part A: CURRENT – How do we know the Earth’s surface is moving? What causes the movement of Earth’s
Plates? [Focus on Activities 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
 What evidence do we have for movement and changes in the geosphere over time?
Key terms/ideas: GPS, Sea floor spreading, magnetic striping, earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains,
oceanic trenches, hot spots, growth of continents, growth of ocean basins, plate boundaries, rate and
direction of plate movement
 What is the current explanation for movement and changes in the geosphere over time?
Key terms: density, thermal convection, Earth’s interior (inner core, outer core, mantle, crust)
Part B: PAST – How has Plate Tectonics changed the Earth over time? What evidence do we have for this?
[Focus on Activity 5]
 Key terms: Alfred Wegener; continental drift; Pangea; fossils; paleomagnetism
Part C: FUTURE – What will the Earth’s surface look like in 250 million years?
You will not wait until the end of the unit to create your publication. Instead, you will build the publication as
we move through our activities. [Due dates will be in line with the completion of particular activities as noted
above.] Each part of the publication will be evaluated against this rubric:
complete; accurate; demonstrates deep understanding and/or skill mastery; appropriately
uses required and additional vocabulary; evidence of own work
Generally complete and accurate; demonstrates some understanding and/or skill mastery;
appropriate use of vocabulary; evidence of own work
Incomplete and/or inaccurate in part; some misconceptions or lack of skill apparent;
appropriate use of vocabulary is limited; some of the work is unprocessed by student
Very incomplete and/or inaccurate; many misconceptions evident or lack of skill obvious;
vocabulary much of the work is unprocessed by student; may be evidence of copying other
people’s work
Work not submitted – so no assessment can be made
Further Details: This information will help you as you prepare the various parts of the project 
Part A:
How do we know the Earth’s surface is moving? What causes the movement of
Earth’s Plates? [Focus on Activities 0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Write a 4-5 paragraph essay that answers the question: What evidence do we have for
movement and changes in the geosphere over time? Be sure you include at least one
paragraph about each of the following:
Write a 3 paragraph essay that answers the question: What is the current explanation for movement
and changes in the geosphere over time? Be sure you address the following:
Part B:
The flow of matter and energy in the Earth. (Activity 3: convection currents, plate, density)
The nature of the Earth’s interior. (Activity 3: convection currents, plate, density)
how plate tectonics (plate movements and their interactions) can change the arrangement of
continents and ocean basins on the Earth.
PAST – How has Plate Tectonics changed the Earth over time? What evidence do
we have for this? [Focus on Activity 5]
Write a 3 paragraph essay that answers the question: How has Plate Tectonics changed the
Earth’s surface over time? What evidence do we have for this? Be sure you address the
Part C:
GPS, including a description of how GPS works and information about rate and direction of plate
movement (Activity 1)
Sea Floor Spreading (Activity 1), including an explanation of the patterns on the sea floor and how
this is related to plate tectonics
Presence of particular features in certain locations and how they are associated with plate
boundaries), such as… earthquakes, volcanoes, mountains, oceanic trenches, hot spots,
growth/destruction of continents, and growth/destruction of ocean basins (Activities 0, 2, 4) You
must address at least 4 of these.
Describe how the Earth has changed through time – focus on the change from 250 million years ago
to present – include and refer to the visual you made for Activity 5.
identify and describe the evidence that supports our model of change
FUTURE – What will the Earth’s surface look like in 250 million years?
Construct a map that shows what the Earth’s surface will look like and write a one page paper
that explains your reasons for making the map the way it is.
o Your CLAIM should be a description of what the earth’s surface will look like in 250 million
years. This should be a visual (world map) that is revised from our current map.
 Changes in the oceans? continents?
 Presence of specific features (trenches, mountains, EQ, volcanoes, rift valleys, etc.)
 location / orientation of plates
o Your EVIDENCE / EXPLANATION should give the reasons behind your claims.
 address general rates and directions of the movements of specific plates
 address interactions of plates (plate boundaries) to link to features
Suggested Implementation:
1) After Activity 3 – Teacher Models the writing of some part of Part A…. perhaps the explanation????
because it is shorter… 3 paragraph essay ?
2) Have students complete and submit Part A after Activity 4 – 5 paragraph essay?
3) Have students complete and submit Part B after Activity 5 – 3 paragraph essay? and include/reference
diagram from Activity 5
4) Have students complete and submit Part C after Activity 5… and perhaps after some work with a
computer model that does something similar… – perhaps in the form of a modified world map (cut and
past current world map into a ‘new world map’ with annotated key points? Would include a map and
a one page explanation for their map.