Useful Contacts for Wildlife Crime Advice The responsibility for the enforcement of the laws protecting our wildlife rests with the police service. Wildlife crime takes many forms, some of which involve extreme cruelty. The main wildlife issues we are actively involved in combating include: Destruction of wildlife habitats Illegal trapping, shooting, snaring or poisoning of birds or animals Badger digging/baiting Poaching of deer, game or fish Collecting/disturbing/destroying wild birds' eggs or bat roosts Theft of wild plants Illegal international trade in wildlife Disturbing cetaceans Illegal hunting Damaging protected sites Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime UK (PAW UK) was set up by Defra who co-chair with non-government organisations to combat wildlife crime together. Their objectives are to reduce wildlife crime through effective and targeted enforcement, better regulation and improved awareness. The 6 PAW UK priorities are: Raptor persecution Badger persecution Bat persecution CITES issues Freshwater pearl mussels Poaching UK National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU) can assist in the prevention and detection of wildlife crime across the UK. How to contact your Local County Council How to contact your Local Authority Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) - the UK government department responsible for safeguarding the natural environment, supporting the food and farming industry, and sustaining the rural economy. 08459 33 55 77 (Defra Helpline Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm) Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA) can provide advice on veterinary and laboratory services. The Badger Trust is a charitable organisation dedicated to the conservation and welfare of badgers and the protection of their setts and habitats for the public benefit. Bat Conservation Trust – can provide advice and support around case involving bat disturbance or destruction, and can offer support with live bat management Bat Helpline 0345 1300 228 (9am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday) Border Force - a law enforcement command within the Home Office. They have a CITE team dedicated to seizing animals and their products as part of the illegal wildlife trade, headed up by Grant Miller. Call 0203 014 5756 or Contact CITES Team: British Association for Shooting and Conservation – supports professional wildfowlers and can provide advice on land management of fowl British Wildlife Rescue Centre - cares for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife which is often brought in to us by members of the public and the RSPCA. Call 01889 271 308 or Email The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), an international agreement between governments that came into force in 1975. The import, export and use for commercial gain of certain species requires a CITES permit. For a list of CITES protect species: Countryside Alliance – advise on wildlife and management, as well as traditional rural practices Crimestoppers – for giving information regarding any crime anonymously Environment Agency – work to improve and protect the environment. They can provide advice on laws and legislation around environment and wildlife offences – particularly around land use, fisheries, conservation, ecology and waste management. Northern Ireland - Forestry Commission – covers England, Scotland and Wales. Support all forests through guidance, grants and regulations, and by shaping and implementing forestry policy under Government responsibility. Great Britain Non-native Species Secretariat – for tools and advice on non-native invasive species and a list of local groups you can contact directly Hawk and Owl Trust – advise on birds of prey, their care and management Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) – the public body that advises the UK Government and devolved administrations on UK-wide and international nature conservation (part of Defra). League Against Cruel Sports – a charitable organisation with advice on Hunting with dogs Local Trading Standards – for advice on trade laws and standards Natural Resources Wales – can provide advice on issues relating to the environment and its natural resources. They also regulate marine, forest and waste industries, and prosecute those who breach these regulations. Natural England – for advice on licencing, land management and protected sites. Tel: 0845 601 4523 (Local rate) or email: National Gamekeepers Organisation – advise on game keeping Plantlife – for advice on plant species and laws protected wild native plant species Raptor Rescue – can provide advice and raptor rehabilitation Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew – for advice on plant species and laws protected wild native plant species Royal Horticultural Society - for advice on plant species and laws protected wild native plant species Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) – can provide advice on raptor persecution and bird related wildlife crime Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) – can investigate and prosecute animal abusers. They also rescue and home animals that are suffering or need urgent treatment. 24-hour local cruelty line on 0300 1234 999 Scottish Natural Heritage – can advise on habitat and wildlife ecology The Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SSPCA) – can investigate and prosecute animal abusers. They also rescue and home animals that are suffering or need urgent treatment. Animal Helpline 03000 999 999 The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) - Scotland’s principal environmental regulator, protecting and improving Scotland’s environment. TRAFFIC - the wildlife trade monitoring network. Aims to ensure that trade in wild animals and plants is not a threat the conservation of nature. Ulster Society Prevention Cruelty to Animals (USPCA) – can investigate and prosecute animal abusers. They also rescue and home animals that are suffering or need urgent treatment. Wildlife Forensics PAW working group - for advice on Forensic techniques and their possible application in wildlife crime enforcement Contact Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme – can make enquiries into the death or illness of wildlife, pets and beneficial invertebrates that may have resulted from pesticide poisoning. Aim to provide information on regulator and hazards, and enforce correct use of pesticides. Wildlife Licensing and Registration Service (WLRS) - can provide advice on licences that could be required when disturbing or removing wildlife in England, or damage to habitats. The Wildlife Trusts – wildlife charities with expertise in habitats and ecology Local Wildlife Trusts in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland World Animal Protection – a global animal welfare charity campaigning on wildlife crime in the UK