Scientific Models Model – a pattern, plan, representation, or

Scientific Models
Model – a pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the structure or
workings of an object, system, or concept
Theory – an explanation that ties together many hypotheses and observations
Law – a summary of many experimental results and observations: a law tells how things work
Section Review
1. A theory is an explanation that matches many hypotheses but may still change.
2. A law tells you exactly what to expect in a situation.
3. A model represents an object or a system.
4. What are the three main types of models?
The three main types of models are physical, mathematical, and conceptual models.
5. How do scientists form theories and laws?
Scientists form theories and laws through observation and experimentation. Laws tell you
what will happen, and theories tell you why it will happen.
6. If Jerry is 2.1 m tall, how tall is a scale model of Jerry that is 10% of his size?
2.1 m * 10% = 2.1 * .1 = .21 m
7. Draw a map showing the way from your school to your home. What type of model have you
made? What are some limitations of your model?
My map is an example of a physical model. One limitation is that my map cannot include
all of the details on the actual path.
8. How could you use a solar system model to hypothesize why the moon appears to change
A physical model could be used to show how the objects line up and the light being
blocked could distort our view.