Title: A capstone research experience in evolutionary genomics Christopher H. Chandler1* Affiliations: 1 Department of Biological Sciences, SUNY Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126 *Correspondence to: Christopher Chandler, christopher.chandler@oswego.edu, SUNY Oswego address.... Type of Manuscript: CourseSource Lesson Manuscript Funding & Conflict of Interest Statement: Sources of outside support for the creation of the resource must be named in the contributed manuscript. If funding is related to a potential conflict of interest, include the funding information here. Conflict of interest exists when an author, reviewer or editor has financial, personal, or professional relationships that could inappropriately bias or compromise his or her actions. For example, if the authors of a Lesson are assessing the effectiveness of the Lesson, a conflict of interest exists. The presence OR absence of perceived conflicts must be addressed on a Conflict of Interest Notification on the manuscript’s title page. List of Tables, Figures and Supplemental Material: Please list the Figures, Tables and Supplemental materials associated with the Lesson. Title and Description of Primary Image: We ask that an image be submitted with the manuscript that represents the information in the article (e.g. a picture of a dividing cell for a Lesson about mitosis or a picture taken of students doing the activity). This image will be displayed with the title of your article on the CourseSource website. If you do not have a primary image, the editorial staff will select one that best fits your article. Please be conscientious of the copyright associated with any image used in your Lesson! 1 Abstract Page The abstract should be a single paragraph of 250 words or less. Start with an opening sentence that sets the teaching challenge that you address in this manuscript, provide background information specific to this Lesson, briefly description the Lesson, and end with a concluding sentence. 2 Article Context Page: To make the submission process easier, you may want to fill out the following form, (you will be asked to select answers during the submission process). Choose all applicable options that effectively describe the conditions IN WHICH THE LESSON WAS TAUGHT. Modifications to expand the usability of the Lesson will be addressed later in the text. **Please delete this page prior to submission. **Not all categories will pertain to your article, in those cases, please select ‘N/A’ when submitting on the website. Course o o o o o o o Lesson Length o Portion of one class period o One class period o Multiple class periods o One term (semester or quarter) o One year o Other Key Scientific Process Skills o Reading research papers o Reviewing prior research o Asking a question o Formulating hypotheses o Designing/conducting experiments o Predicting outcomes o Gathering data/making observations o Analyzing data o Interpreting results/data o Displaying/modeling results/data o Communicating results Pedagogical Approaches o Think-Pair-Share o Brainstorming o Case Study o Clicker Question o Collaborative Work o One Minute Paper o Reflective Writing o Concept Maps o Strip Sequence o Computer Model o Physical Model o Interactive Lecture o Pre/Post Questions o Other Bloom’s Cognitive Level (based on learning objectives & assessments) o Foundational: factual knowledge & comprehension o Application & Analysis o Synthesis/Evaluation/Creation Biochemistry Cell Biology Developmental Biology Genetics Microbiology Molecular Biology Introductory Biology Course Level o Introductory o Upper Level o Graduate o High School o Other Class Type o Lecture o Lab o Seminar o Discussion Section o On-line o Other Audience o Life Sciences Major o Non-Life Science Major o Non-Traditional Student o 2-year College o 4-year College o University o Other Class Size o 1 – 50 o 51 – 100 o 101+ 3 Principles of how people learn o Motivates student to learn material o Focuses student on the material to be learned o Develops supportive community of learners o Leverages differences among learners o Reveals prior knowledge o Requires student to do the bulk of the work Vision and Change Core Concepts o Evolution o Structure and Function o Information flow, exchange and storage o Pathways and transformations of energy and matter o Systems Vision and Change Core Competencies o Ability to apply the process of science o Ability to use quantitative reasoning o Ability to use modeling and simulation o Ability to tap into the interdisciplinary nature of science o Ability to communicate and collaborate with other disciplines o Ability to understand the relationship between science and society Key Words: List 3 – 10 key words that are relevant for the Lesson (e.g. mitosis; meiosis; reproduction; egg; etc.) o o o o o o o o o o 4 Scientific Teaching Context Page Learning Goal(s): Students will understand the utility of next-generation DNA sequencing, especially applications for studying evolution and non-model organisms. Students will be able to formulate a scientific question and hypothesis relating to evolutionary genomics, design and carry out a test of this hypothesis (either a novel experiment or with existing data), and analyze and interpret data. Students will be able to communicate their results with others. Students will be able to analyze and evaluate scientific literature. Learning Objective(s): Write a project proposal clearly describing a novel research question and its significance and the methods (utilizing next-gen sequence data) that will be used to address it. Write a clear, complete final paper formatted like a journal article that provides the rationale behind the study and the specific question or hypothesis it addresses, the methods used, the results, and the interpretation and significance of those results. Write a detailed, constructive, formal peer review of another student's paper. Give a clear 12-15 minute presentation on the project that includes an appropriate amount of detail. 5 Main Text 1. Introduction: Rough outline: —Rationale: Next gen sequencing is revolutionizing the way biological research is conducted. Interdisciplinary skills (especially computational and quantitative skills) are increasingly important for success in a variety of biological careers. Understanding of the scientific method and the ability to communicate effectively is also essential for a scientifically literate society. —Intended audience: This is a 3-credit capstone research experience (BIO 492 at SUNY Oswego). The students are senior biology and zoology majors who have taken genetics, at least one biological statistics course, and a variety of electives in the biological sciences. There are twelve students per section. —Pre-requisite student knowledge: Students are expected to understand basic principles of inheritance and molecular genetics as well as essential evolutionary concepts (e.g., mutation, genetic drift, and selection). —Learning time: 14-week course (+1 final meeting during exam week for presentations); the course meets for a single 3-hour block each week. Students are also expected to commit substantial time outside of class to work on their projects independently. 2. Scientific Teaching Themes: —Active learning: The course will utilize in-class lab exercises giving students an opportunity to learn and apply bioinformatic skills, with instructor and peer support. Group discussions of primary literature on problems in genomics will reinforce key concepts. Students (working in pairs) will develop their own research questions within a single research framework that can be answered using existing datasets. They will continue analyses on their own outside of class time, and a portion of class time will be used similar to a lab meeting, in which students will share their progress and challenges they are facing, and provide suggestions to help other groups. Students will also provide peer reviews of rough drafts of papers and on final presentations. —Assessment: Smaller assessments will be given throughout the semester to test students' understanding of key concepts (e.g., importance of quality control for NGS data). After students complete these assessments individually or in small groups, their responses will be discussed as a class. There will also be multiple large assignments: a final paper in the form of a scientific manuscript describing the students' research project; a formal peer review of another students' final paper rough draft (written as though the draft was being reviewed for publication in a journal); and a 12-15 minute presentation, similar to a conference talk. —Inclusive teaching: Given the student makeup at SUNY Oswego and that taking a BIO492 is required, students with a variety of backgrounds are expected to enroll. Within the framework of the course, students will have freedom to develop their own specific research question/hypothesis, facilitating the exchange of ideas and viewpoints. 3. Lesson Plan: Week 1 Topic Introduction: present students with the broad research framework to be addressed in the course (bring a few specimens of the study organism to class), and the datasets that are available to them. Students will brainstorm some specific research questions and have a discussion about how those questions might be answered. Afterwards, to expose students to some potential applications of NGS, pairs of students will be assigned journal articles to read in which genomic data were used to answer an 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 evolutionary question. Students will prepare short presentations on their assigned papers for the following week. Brief student presentations on applications of NGS data Overview of sequencing technologies and how they work Introduction to UNIX—directories and files Assignment: log in and run some basic commands (e.g., cd, pwd, cp, mv, rm, mkdir) Sequence QC (trimming/filtering) Sequence assembly and measures of assembly quality (e.g., N50) Assignment: perform small sequence assembly and explore how varying k affects assembly quality Transcriptomes and brief introduction to annotation Assignment: perform a local BLAST search of a transcriptome to identify homologs of a specific protein ddRADseq and potential applications—identifying SNPs and sex-specific/sex-linked markers Assignment: 1-paragraph project idea utilizing datasets available to students Share and discuss preliminary project ideas Comparative genomics Assignment: Revise project ideas Discuss revised project ideas Introduction to R (using variables) Assignment: R exercise, begin analyses to address research questions R continued (if statements, loops) Analyses—group "lab meeting" Assignment: R exercise, continue analyses R continued (data frames and plotting) Analyses—group "lab meeting" Assignment: R exercise, continue analyses Analyses—group "lab meeting" (by this point, analyses should be nearly complete) Assignment: tie up loose ends in analyses; draft Introduction Due: Introductions In class: Exchange Introduction sections, provide informal peer feedback, discuss writing & revising strategies Assignment: Draft Methods & Results, including a figure In class: Exchange Methods & Results sections, provide informal peer feedback, discuss writing Assignment: A complete rough draft of final paper In class: Discuss peer review process and look at examples of actual peer reviews Assignment: Peer reviews In class: Return and discuss peer reviews; discuss presentations and begin working on presentations Finals week; due: presentations & revised final paper In the pilot version of the course at SUNY Oswego, student projects will center on the evolutionary genetics of a local species of terrestrial isopod (Trachelipus rathkei). They will have access to at least two datasets: a transcriptome dataset (raw Illumina reads from mRNA extracted from head/antenna, leg, ventral muscle/nerve, and gonads, from one male and one female); and a ddRAD-seq dataset (gDNA from 13 males and 13 females). Potential student projects could include: 7 —Identifying homologs of specific genes in the transcript data (e.g., look for homologs of doublesex), and comparing predicted protein sequences to those of other crustaceans or more distant arthropods (e.g., which regions are highly conserved or divergent?) —Demographic inferences based on allele frequencies from ddRAD-seq (e.g., inbreeding, polymorphism in coding vs. non-coding regions) —Exploring how varying parameter values affects assembly outcomes with these datasets 4. Teaching Discussion: Potential modifications/add-ons: —The open "lab meeting" weeks provide a buffer in case earlier activities take longer than expected. —While budget constraints will likely preclude generating new NGS datasets during the course, there may be some money for smaller follow-up work in the molecular lab. Thus, during weeks 7-11, if students finish NGS analyses early, they may be able to perform some follow-up experiments (e.g., use qRT-PCR to test for sex-specific or sex-biased expression of candidate genes) (Further detail to be added after course is taught) Subheadings: can be included within the sections above to increase readability and clarity. 8 Acknowledgments Begin the Acknowledgements on a new page. The acknowledgements can be multiple paragraphs. 9 References Begin the References on a new page. * Cite references in the text using superscript Arabic numbers. Use commas to separate multiple citation numbers. Superscript numbers are placed outside periods and commas and inside colons and semicolons. 1. Begin the reference list on a new page. The reference list is comprehensive and spans the text, figure captions and materials. 2. Number references in the order in which they appear in the text. Follow ASM style and abbreviate names of journals according to the journals list in NCBI. List all authors and/or editors up to 6; if more than 6, list the first 3 followed by “et al.” Note: Journal references should include the issue number in parentheses after the volume number. Examples of reference style: 1. Knight JK, Wood WB. 2005. Teaching more by lecturing less. Cell Biol Educ. 4(4):298-310. 2. Samford University. How to get the most out of studying: A video series. www.samford.edu/how-to-study/. Accessed August 20, 2013. 3. Handelsman J, Miller S, Pfund C. 2006. Scientific Teaching. New York, NY:W.H. Freeman. 3. Please add notes to the end of the reference list; do not mix in references with explanatory notes. 10 Figure and Table Legends Begin legends on a new page. * The actual figures, tables, and supplemental materials are uploaded as separate documents and should not be included in this text file. Tables: Table 1. Table legends should contain a short description of the table. Figures: Figure 1. The figure legend should begin with a sentence that describes the overall “take home message” of the figure. Figure parts are indicated with capital letters (A). Supplementary Materials: (Follow descriptions for Tables and Figures, listed above.) Tables S1-S# Figures S1-S# Presentations S1-S# Text Documents S1-S# Movies S1-S# Audio Files S1-S# External Databases S1-S# 11