
Trees for Cities (TfC) has 20 years experience of working with the most environmentally and socially deprived
urban communities to plant trees in cities across the UK and overseas.
Since we started 20 years ago, we have planted over 500,000 trees worldwide. We plant trees in London, 14
other UK cities and 8 cities overseas. Whether you operate in London, across the UK or internationally, we
can help your business reduce your carbon footprint, become more sustainable and engage your employees.
Why do we need more urban trees?
Trees in urban areas are not only good, they are essential. They clean the air, provide natural flood defences,
mask noise, calm traffic and promote a general sense of wellbeing. This makes trees one of the most
important armouries in city living. It’s estimated that by 2050, 80% of the population will live in cities, but
we’re planting fewer trees than the number we’re losing. Just as the Victorians created a legacy for us all to
enjoy today, it’s up to us all to safeguard it for generations to come.
Trees in the urban landscape provide enormous environmental, social and economic benefits which mitigate
the impacts of climate change and improve the health and well being of residents in urban spaces – and they
are a tangible way of engaging staff in green issues.
Trees for Cities can help you reduce your carbon footprint and support a more sustainable environment,
whilst you help us create a new generation of urban woodlands across the UK and overseas.
Carbon Reduction
Our CO2 emissions are directly linked to global warming, one of the most critical environmental and social
issues facing the world today. By the end of the century, average global temperatures are likely to rise by
more than 1.5c compared to 1850 to 1900, resulting in heat stress, flooding, air pollution and drought posing greater risk to urban residents, assets, economies, ecosystems and trees. Trees can help mitigate
global warming by reducing the level of CO2 in the atmosphere.
We work to a calculation of 2.67 trees to offset one tonne of CO2. We offer a straightforward process and
can tailor our tree planting programmes to meet your needs including arranging days to get your staff
directly involved in planting trees through team building days at our projects in the UK and also overseas.
Trees for Cities will provide project updates and a certificate that can be displayed in your office. We will
also acknowledge your support in our annual report, website and social media.
*Trees for Cities work with Carbon Smart who can help you calculate your carbon figures if you need this.
Registered Charity No. 1032154
An average business in London with 1 – 2 sites uses around 4 tonnes of carbon per employee. 4 tonnes per
person equates to planting 10 trees per employee at a cost of £50 per person. The total cost for that size
business to reduce carbon through tree planting would be approx £1250.
Through our urban community tree planting projects we can help you deliver on your sustainability targets
initiatives not only has positive environmental and social implications, IT SENDS OUT A STRONG POSITIVE
MESSAGE ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS, and CAN also save YOU time and money.
For example:
 We can introduce improved sustainability or energy efficiency measures to your business
(consultations are available with Carbon Smart) with YOUR cost-savings donated to Trees for Cities’
urban tree planting initiatives to facilitate FURTHER POSITIVE environmental and social impact.
 Or you can donate a tree for a particular saving that is measurable, e.g electricity consumption
(kWh) reduced, tons of paper recycled etc.
Pernod Ricard UK planted a tree for every 800 sheets of paper saved. They planted 125 trees, which was
equivalent to 10% of annual printing.
Through implementing Sustainability initiatives in your business, you can engage your employees in
sustainability or energy efficiency whilst linking this to Trees for Cities’ urban tree planting initiatives. This
might include donating a tree for every employee that bikes to work, or awarding sustainability
teams/individuals with a Trees for Cities Corporate Challenge Day or the decision of to which Trees for Cities
project to donate.
We can offer a range of activities to engage staff with the environment. These may include delivering
“Lunch & Learn sessions”, running a “Green Week” featuring “Meat free Mondays” and Walk in
Wednesdays”, inter office Energy Saving competitions and apprentice style “Blag it” challenges, to
empowering employees to plant 100 trees or even run marathons. Our unique and accessible planting
events are both fun and highly rewarding.
For more information, we’d be delighted to send you our Employee Engagement Package.
Support Packages
We offer the following three options to support our urban tree planting programmes:
£5.00 per tree (includes tree and planting only)
£7.50 per tree (tree, planting and on-going care)
£15.00 per tree (tree, planting, on-going care and a free Corporate Challenge Day for 20 people
(minimum donation of £5,000 to plant 1,000 trees)
Samantha Lagan, Marketing & Communications Manager –
Katie Greaves, Corporate Engagement and Marketing Co-ordinator –
Registered Charity No. 1032154