solar-lunar reversals in xly - Merriman Market Timing Academy

S&P Consumer Discretionary Select Sector index
By Izabella Suleymanova Richard Smoot Anant Kasture
Steve Fellows
Correlations between solar lunar sign combinations and 4% or greater swings in XLY are presented. The
correlations to 3.5% or greater “Big Range Days” between solar lunar combinations are also
documented. The MMA studies within the “Far for the Galactic Trader” software program are the
primary tools used to generate these studies.
This study begins with the ETF XLY first trade date December 22, 1998. We will utilize the 15 years of
daily data available for the study utilizing the moon’s signs to focus upon short term changes in trend. In
“ The Ultimate Book On Stock Market Timing Vol. 4 Solar / Lunar Correlations To Short-Term Trading
Reversals“ by Raymond Merriman the DJIA is analyzed from November 10, 1942 – May 13, 2002.
Our work is patterned around similar studies utilizing XLY data from December 22, 1998 through
December 31, 2013.
Our goal is to determine the correlations between solar lunar sign combinations and 4% or greater
swings in XLY. The correlations to 3.5% or greater “Big Range Days” between solar lunar combinations
will also be studied. The MMA studies within the “Far for the Galactic Trader” software program are to
be the primary tools used to generate these correlations.
XLY is an ETF that is designed to closely match the returns and characteristics of the S&P Consumer
Discretionary Select Sector index (index ticker; IXY). The nature of XLY, representing a cyclical
component of the broader stock market, lends itself as a leading indicator and, on occasions, a divergent
indicator at cycle trend changes. We continue our research by applying the MMA Solar Lunar studies to
the ETF XLY. RM – very good!
In these studies Weighted Value scores above 100 will imply the signature has a higher than average
correlation to a 4% or greater reversal. Anything above 120 is worth considering, and above 150 is
considered critical. Anything above 200 is considered to be an extreme critical level. One would look for
greater price swings than usual to commence during these periods. Anything below 100 means the
signature has a less than average correlation to a 4 % or greater reversal. Anything below 83 is worth
considering, and below 66.7 is considered critical. Any value below 50 is considered to be at an extreme
critical level of non-volatility. It suggests the market will mostly trade within a small trading range, or
trend without many significant corrections during the time in which this signature is in effect.
In the study of 4% or greater reversals, the FAR program isolates those that were crests from those that
were troughs. Each of these is then examined to see if certain solar lunar combinations occurred much
more or much less frequently than the norm. Crest signatures and Trough signatures can be identified.
To be considered specifically a Crest signature, there had to be at least twice as many instances of crests
than troughs, and a weighted value of greater than 150, preferably, greater than 200.
To be considered specifically a Trough signature, there had to be at least twice as many instances of
troughs than crests, and a weighted value of greater than 150, preferably, greater than 200.
Each sign will also contain a study of “Big Range Days”. A breakdown of all the days in which XLY had a
range of at least 3.5% of the value of the low of that day are examined. Those combinations that result
in unusually large scores are noted as high probability “Big Range Days” for day trade considerations.
RM – excellent intro.
XLY Base Line & Big Range Days
XLY Crests & Troughs
The baseline group for XLY shows 3774 trading days in effect between December 22, 1998 through
December 31, 2013. Of these , 417 contained a high or low from which prices reversed at least 4%. The
rate of frequency of a 4% or greater reversal was 11% or approximately once every 9 trading days
(approximately once every 2 weeks).
The only sun sign that stands out with a weighted value score of over 120 is Scorpio. The Sun in Scorpio
had a weighted value of (126.00 *). The weighted values of Sagittarius and Capricorn were (71.27 #) and
(77.64 #) respectively, below the “worth noting” level of 83 for low volatility.
The highest weighted values for moon signs are Libra and Aries with scores of (133.85 *) and (121.21 *)
respectively. The moon signs least likely to correlate with 4% reversals in XLY would be Leo and Virgo
with scores of (76.96 #) and (75.48 #) respectively.
From the results of Mercury we can see that 4 % or greater reversals have a greater probability of
occurrence when Mercury is in sign of Taurus ( 127.81*), Libra ( 141.58*) or Aquarius ( 141.31*). RM =
this is interesting and different than DJIA study I think. That’s useful!
From the results of Venus we can conclude that 4 % or greater reversals have a greater probability of
occurrence when Venus is in Aries ( 131.99*).
In the study of crests the following combinations had a weighted value score of over 120: Sun in Scorpio
(120.62*), Moon in Aries ( 146.96*) and Libra ( 163.34**), Mercury in Taurus ( 121.36*), Gemini
(133.48*), Libra ( 155.82**) and Aquarius ( 144.69*), Venus in Aries ( 146.44*) and Pisces ( 120.91*).
In the study of troughs the following combinations had a weighted value score of over 120: Sun in
Scorpio ( 131.37*) and Pisces ( 121.57*), Moon in Cancer ( 138.86*) and Sagittarius ( 150.48**), Mercury
in Taurus ( 134.26*), Libra ( 127.34*) and Aquarius ( 137.92*), Venus had no weighted values above 120
for troughs.
The study of volatility known as “Big Range Days” are days in which the range of XLY was at least 3.5% of
the value of the low of the day. The following combinations had a weighted value score of over 120: Sun
in Libra ( 178.15**), Scorpio ( 124.21*) and Pisces ( 149.99**), Moon in Capricorn ( 125.40*), Mercury in
Libra ( 250.06***) and Aquarius ( 145.44*), Venus in Aries ( 184.77**), Scorpio ( 127.46*) and Sagittarius
(148.00*). We would like to draw attention, also to Mars as it transits the consecutive signs of Scorpio
(172.15**), Sagittarius ( 133.20*), Capricorn (172.15**) and Aquarius ( 145.66*) with reference to “Big
Range Days”.
Sun in Aries Base Line & Big Range Days
Sun in Aries Crests & Troughs
The baseline of our study shows that Sun was in Aries 315 trading days during the study.
From the results of the Mercury signs we can see that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun is
in Aries have a greater probability of occurrence when Mercury is in Taurus ( 129.56*).
From the results of the Venus signs we can conclude that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun
is in Aries have a greater probability of occurrence when Venus is in Pisces ( 133.02*) and a low
probability of occurrence with Venus in Aquarius (44.82###), Taurus (71.16#) or Gemini (86.90).
High Probability Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs we can conclude that 4 % or
greater reversals when the Sun is in Aries have a greater probability of occurrence when the Moon is
also in Aries (182.3 **), and Sagittarius ( 164.0 **). Both are fire signs and their weighted value is above
the critical 150.0 level. The Moon in Libra (128.47 *), Scorpio (128.47*) and Aquarius (123.11 *) are
worth noting, above 120.0 level.
Low Probabilities Reversals: from the results of the Moon sign with the Sun in Aries we can
conclude that 4 % or greater reversals have the least probability of occurrence when the Moon is in
Taurus (35.21###), Virgo ( 41.8 ###), less than 50 - extreme critical importance, Capricorn ( 67.89 ##),
and Pisces ( 67.89 ##) both very close to 67 – critical importance.
Crest Correlations: In the table of crests we can see that the Moon in Scorpio (3 ), in Aquarius (
3), in Aries ( 3), and in Libra ( 2 ) contained the most instances from which 4 % or greater declines
commenced. The weighted value of the Moon in Scorpio (256.7 ***) did not have any trough under that
signature, so we can conclude that the Moon in Scorpio is clearly crest signature. The Moon in Aquarius
weighted value (246.0***) had 3 crests and no troughs whatsoever. Here again we can conclude that
the Moon in Aquarius is also crest signature. The Moon in Aries has weighted value (218.75 ***) with 3
crests and 2 troughs. The Moon in Aries cannot be crest signature because it did not contained twice as
many crests and troughs. It is interesting to note that we had no crests in XLY when the Moon was in
Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
Trough Correlation: In the table of troughs we can see that the Moon in Sagittarius was present
4 times, and we did not have any crest with the Moon in Sagittarius. The weighted value of trough with
the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Sagittarius is (328.13 ***), more than required 150 level. So it certainly
becomes a trough signature. The Moon in Aries (145.83 *) had 2 troughs and 3 crests. It is interesting to
note that there were no troughs with the Moon in Taurus, in Scorpio, and Aquarius.
High Probability Big Range Days for Day Trading: The most consistent “big range” volatility days
when the Sun is in Aries is when the Moon is also in Libra (256.7 ***) full Moon, Aquarius (164.0 **),
and Leo (151.44**). All have weighted value more than 150. Gemini (135.78 *), and Pisces (135.78 *)
are also worth noting. All air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius ) have weighted values more than 120.
Therefore we can conclude that when the Sun is in Aries the probability of a “big range days” is greater
when the Moon is also in air signs.
The low volatility days are Cancer ( 67.89 #), Capricorn ( 67.89 #), and Aries (72.92 #). Volatility is
low, and weighted value is below required 83.
Sun in Taurus Base Line & Big Range Days
Sun in Taurus Crests & Troughs
The baseline of our study shows that Sun was in Taurus 329 trading days during the study.
From the results of the Mercury signs we can see no significance with 4 % or greater reversals
occurred when the Sun was in Taurus.
From the results of the Venus signs we can conclude that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun
is in Aries have a greater probability of occurrence when Venus is in Pisces ( 241.82 ***) and a low
probability of occurrence with Venus in Capricorn (48.36###).
High Probability Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs we can conclude that 4 % or
greater reversals when the Sun is in Taurus have a greater probability of occurrence when the Moon is
also in Libra ( 250.89***), Aries (200.24***), Taurus (143.30*), and Capricorn (133.42 *). The Moon in
Libra and Aries has a weighted value above the extreme critical 200 level. The Moon in Taurus and
Capricorn are worth noting their weighted value is above the 120 level.
Low Probabilities Reversals: from the results of the Moon signs with the Sun in Aries we can
conclude that 4 % or greater reversals have the least probability of occurrence when the Moon is in Leo
(32.24 ###), Cancer (33.35 ###), Gemini (40.3 ###), Virgo (71.65 #), and Scorpio ( 77.38 #). Three
consecutive signs – Gemini, Cancer, and Leo have weighted value below extreme critical importance
level. We expect no 4 % reversals during that time. Virgo and Scorpio are below 83 level. We expect low
Crest Correlations: In the table of crests we can see that the Moon in Libra had 6 crests and had
a weighted value (384.81***). Aries had 4 crests with weighted value (238.81 ***). Both cases
contained the most instances from which 4 % or greater declines commenced. The Moon in Libra had 6
crests versus 1 trough. The Moon in Aries had 4 crests and 2 troughs. Both contained at least twice as
many crests than troughs, their weighted value more than 150. Both are certainly the crest signatures. It
is interesting to note that there were no instances of crests when the Moon was in Gemini, in Cancer,
and in Capricorn while the Sun was in Taurus. We can assume that XLY does not tend to form a crest
from which prices fall at least 4 % during that time.
Trough Correlation: In the table of troughs we can see that the Moon in Capricorn was present 4
times. Its weighted value is (302.57 ***), much more required 150 level. We had no crest with the Moon
in Capricorn. It fulfills required ratio 2:1, or troughs to crests. The Moon in Capricorn with the Sun in
Taurus has a strong correlation to trough. The Moon in Taurus was present 3 times, whereas it
correlated with the crest only once. Also the weighted value of the Taurus Moon is (243.70 ***), more
that required 150. So the Moon in Taurus with the Sun in Taurus, or new moon, has a strong correlation
to trough. It is interesting to note that we had no instances of troughs with the Moon in Leo, Virgo, and
Sagittarius while the Sun was in Taurus.
High Probability Big Range Days for Day Trading: The most consistent “big range” volatility days,
when the Sun is in Taurus, is when the Moon is also in Aquarius with weighted score (320.42 ***), and
Pisces with weighted score (427.23 ***). Both signs have extremely high weighted score, much more
than required 150 level. Therefore we can conclude that when the Sun is in Taurus, the probability of
“big range days” is greater when the Moon is also in two consecutive signs Aquarius and Pisces.
Sun in Gemini Base Line & Big Range Days
Sun in Gemini Crests & Troughs
The baseline of our study shows that Sun was in Gemini 321 trading days during the study.
From the results of the Mercury signs we can see that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun is
in Gemini have a greater probability of occurrence when Mercury is in Taurus ( 162.31 **) and a low
probability of occurrence with Mercury in Cancer (63.32##).
From the results of the Venus signs we can conclude that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun
is in Gemini have a greater probability of occurrence when Venus is in Aries (146.97 *) and Cancer
(128.90*) and a low probability of occurrence with Venus in Taurus (70.53#) and Leo ( 74.80#).
High Probability Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs we can conclude that 4 % or
greater reversals when the Sun is in Gemini have a greater probability of occurrence when the Moon is
also in Libra (219.46 ***). The weighted value of that solar-lunar combination is much higher than
required 150 level. The Moon in Gemini, the New Moon, had the weighted value 146.97 *, very close to
required level of 150. We can see that air signs have a high correlation to 4 % or greater reversals.
Low Probabilities Reversals: from the results of the Moon sign with the Sun in Gemini we can
conclude that 4 % or greater reversals have the least probability of occurrence when the Moon is in
Scorpio ( 32.87 ### ). The weighted value of that solar-lunar combination is below the very critical 50
level. The Moon in Taurus ( 60.99 ##), the Moon in Pisces ( 63.34 ## ), and the Moon in Sagittarius (
65.87 ##) had a weighted value below the critical 67 level. All these signs had a lower than expected
correlation to 4 % or greater reversals while the Sun was in Gemini.
Crest Correlations: In the table of crests we can see that the Moon in Libra was present 6 times,
in Aquarius 3 times, and in Gemini 3 times as well, in most instances from which 4 % or greater decline
commenced. In the case of Libra the weighted value of the crest was extremely high – 305.70 *** and
we had 2 troughs versus 6 crests. Therefore the Moon in Libra with the Sun in Gemini is clearly a crest
combination. Weighted value of the Moon in Aquarius is 176.4 **. We had 3 crests and no troughs
whatsoever. That solar-lunar combination also becomes a crest signature. Weighted value of the Moon
in Gemini is 163.82 **. It had 3 crests and 2 troughs, so the ratio of crests versus troughs was not quite
2:1 as required. We can add that all abovementioned solar-lunar combinations belong to air trinity
which is quite remarkable. Also there were no crests with the Moon in Aries, Scorpio, and Sagittarius
with the Sun in Gemini.
Trough Correlation: In the table of troughs we can see that the Moon was in Aries 3 times, and
in Sagittarius 2 times. The Moon in both cases was in a fire signs. The weighted value of the Moon in
Aries is 191.11 **, and the weighted value of the Moon in Sagittarius is 142.65 **. Both solar-lunar
combinations had no crests. Therefore we can conclude that both solar-lunar combinations have a
trough correlation.
High Probability Big Range Days for Day Trading: The most consistent “big range” volatility days,
when the Sun is in Gemini, is when the Moon is also in Virgo ( 316.24***), Cancer ( 176.43 **), Pisces
(176.43 **), Capricorn ( 169.89 **), Gemini (163.82 **) and Libra (152.90**). Three of these signs are
mutable, the same as the Sun sign. The other two are cardinal. It is interesting to note that the other 6
Moon signs had no historical instances of reversal. Therefore we can conclude that Big Range Days are
more probable when the Sun is in Gemini and the Moon is in mutable signs except Sagittarius. Also
when the Moon transits through cardinal signs Cancer and Capricorn it can be a very reliable reversal.
Sun in Cancer Base Line & Big Range Days
Sun in Cancer Crests & Troughs
The baseline of our study shows that Sun was in Cancer 322 trading days during the study.
From the results of the Mercury signs we can see that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun is
in Cancer have a greater probability of occurrence when Mercury also is in Gemini ( 191.38**) and a low
probability of occurrence with Mercury in Cancer (82.62#) and Leo (79.13#).
From the results of the Venus signs we can conclude that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun
is in Cancer have a greater probability of occurrence when Venus also is in Cancer ( 126.14 *), and in Leo
( 120.64 *) and a low probability of occurrence with Venus in Gemini ( 77.54#) and Virgo ( 56.19#).
High Probability Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs we can conclude that 4 % or
greater reversals when the Sun is in Cancer have a greater probability of occurrence when the Moon is
also in Cancer ( 180.10 **), Capricorn ( 186.53 **), and Pisces ( 124.32*). The Moon in Cancer and
Capricorn is above the critical 150 level in each case. The Moon in Pisces is above “worth noting” 120
level. The Moon in Cancer, or New Moon, and the Moon in Capricorn, or Full Moon, is both cardinal
Low Probability Reversals: from the results of the Moon sign with the Sun in Gemini we can
conclude that 4 % or greater reversals have the least probability of occurrence when the Moon is in Leo
(34.78 ###), Taurus (56.19 ##), Virgo (64.52 ##), and Sagittarius (69.68 #). The weighted value of the
Moon in Leo is below 50 - extreme critical importance level. The weighted value of the Moon in Taurus
and the Moon in Virgo are below 67 – critical importance level. The weighted value of the Moon in
Sagittarius is below worth considering 83 level. Here we have interesting positions of the Moon
contributing to low probability reversals – 2 fixed signs (Taurus and Leo) and 2 mutable signs (Virgo and
Sagittarius), and another position of the Moon – 2 fire signs (Leo and Sagittarius), and 2 earth signs
(Taurus and Virgo).
Crest Correlations: In the table of crests we can see that the Moon in Cancer was present 3
times, in Capricorn 3 times, in Aquarius 2 times, and in Pisces also 2 times (135.24 *). The Moon in
Cancer, the New Moon has a weighted value (195.98 **). The Moon in Capricorn, the Full Moon, has a
weighted value (202.98 ***). Both have a weighted value around extreme critical 200 level. At the same
time both solar-lunar combinations have equal amount of troughs and crests and because of that they
did not fulfill our 2:1 criterion. The weighted value of the Moon in Aquarius is (140.25 *), and we had 2
crests versus 1 trough but it was slightly below our required 150 level. The Moon in Pisces has a
weighted value (135.24 *), also slightly below 150 level. We can conclude the Sun in Cancer while the
Moon is in Aquarius has a potential correlation of a crest signature.
Trough Correlations: In the table of troughs we can see that the Moon was in Cancer 3 times, in
Capricorn 3 times, in Sagittarius 2 times, and in Aries 2 times. The weighted value of the Moon in Cancer
is (166.55 **). The weighted value of the Moon in Capricorn is (172.50 **). We already discussed these
solar-lunar combinations and came to conclusion that there is no strong correlation to crests or to
troughs. The weighted value of the Moon in Sagittarius and the Moon in Pisces is (128.80 *), less than
required 150 level. The Moon in Sagittarius had 2 troughs and no crests.
High Probability Big Range Days for Day Trading: The most consistent “big range” volatility days
when the Sun is in Cancer, is when the Moon is also in Capricorn (143.75**), Virgo (149.07**), and
Pisces ( 143.75**). All signs have weighted value around 150 level. The Moon in Scorpio had a weighted
value (125.78*), and the Moon in Gemini had a weighted value (121.92*) both above the “worth noting”
Sun in Leo Base Line & Big Range Days
Sun in Leo Crests & Troughs
The baseline of our study shows that Sun was in Leo 335 trading days during the study.
From the results of the Mercury signs we can see that there is no significance to 4 % or greater
reversals when the Sun is in Leo when Mercury also is in Cancer, Leo or Virgo.
From the results of the Venus signs we can conclude that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun
is in Leo have a greater probability of occurrence when Venus is an evening star in Libra (120.71*), and
in Virgo (119.17*). With the Sun in Leo, Venus as a morning star, would have low probabilities of 4% or
greater reversals with Venus in Gemini (71.5 #) and Venus in Cancer (62.0 ##).
High Probability Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs we can conclude that 4 % or
greater reversals when the Sun is in Leo have a greater probability of occurrence when the Moon is in
Sagittarius (150.86 **), Aries (124.87 *), Leo ( 124.87 *), and Gemini ( 120.71 *).The weighted value of
the Moon in Sagittarius is above the critical level of 150. The weighted value of the Moon in Aries, Leo,
and Gemini is above “worth noting” 120 level. Considering that the Sun is in fire sign of Leo we can
conclude that the Moon in all fire signs plays important role in reversals.
Low Probabilities Reversals: from the results of the Moon sign with the Sun in Leo we can
conclude that 4 % or greater reversals have the least probability of occurrence when the Moon is in
Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn. There were no reversals when the Sun was in Leo, and the Moon was in
Virgo. Weighted value of the Moon in Taurus was (64.73 ##), below critical importance 67 level.
Weighted value of the Moon in Capricorn is (72.49 #), below worth considering 83 level. We can
conclude that the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Earth signs have lower than usual probability of
Crest Correlations: In the table of crests we can see that the Moon in Aries was 2 times, in
Gemini 2 times, in Sagittarius 4 times, in Aquarius 3 times, and in Pisces 2 times. The weighted value of
the Moon in Sagittarius is (262.75 ***) above 200 extreme critical importance. Considering that it was 4
crests and one trough that solar-lunar combination becomes most reliable crest correlation. The
weighted value of the Moon in Aquarius is (184.77 **). That solar-lunar combination has 3 crests versus
1 trough. We can conclude that the Sun in Leo while the Moon is in Aquarius is very reliable crest
correlation. The weighted value of the Moon in Pisces is (145.91 **). It is very close to required 150
level. That solar-lunar combination has 2 crests versus 1 trough, so most likely it can be reliable crest
correlation. The weighted value of the Moon in Aries is (135.85 *). It is above “worth considering” 120
level but we had 2 crests versus 2 troughs. The Moon in Gemini has the weighted value (131.32 *), it is
above the “worth noting” level of 120 but that solar-lunar combination also does not have required ratio
of crests and troughs. It has 2 crests versus 2 troughs.
Trough Correlation: In the table of troughs we can see that the Moon was in Cancer 2 times, in
Leo 3 times, in Libra 3 times, and in Capricorn 2 times. The weighted value of the Moon in Leo, the New
Moon, is (173.28 **). It has 3 troughs versus 1 crest. The Moon in Libra also had a high weighted value
(157.03 **). It has 3 troughs and no crests, thereby it fulfills 1:2 ratio. Therefore we can conclude that
the Moon in Leo and the Moon in Libra are trough correlations. The Moon in Cancer with the weighted
value (145.65 *), and the Moon in Capricorn with the weighted value (134.00 *) both are below the
required 150 level. The Moon in Cancer has 2 troughs versus 1 crest, and the Moon in Capricorn had 2
troughs as well and no crests. Probably in time Leo-Cancer and Leo-Capricorn solar-lunar combinations
will be upgraded to reliable trough correlations.
High Probability Big Range Days for Day Trading: The most consistent “big range” volatility days,
when the Sun is in Leo, is when the Moon is also in Sagittarius (152.31 **), and Capricorn (304.58 ***).
The weighted value score of the Moon in Sagittarius is above the “critical” 150 level. The Moon
Capricorn is above 200 extreme critical importance. The Moon in Libra has the weighted value
(142.79 *), and the Moon in Scorpio (121.81*) which is above “worth noting” 120 level. It is Interesting
to note that all “volatile” days are in consecutive order from Libra to Capricorn.
Sun in Virgo Base Line & Big Range Days
Sun in Virgo Crests & Troughs
The baseline of our study shows that Sun was in Virgo 312 trading days during the study.
From the results of the Mercury signs we can see that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun is
in Virgo have a greater probability of occurrence when Mercury is in Libra (139.29 *) and a low
probability of occurrence with Mercury in Virgo (68.41#).
From the results of the Venus signs we can conclude that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun
is in Virgo have a greater probability of occurrence when Venus is also in Virgo (123.80 *).
High Probability Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs we can conclude that 4 % or
greater reversals when the Sun is in Virgo have a greater probability of occurrence when the Moon is in
Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Pisces. The Moon in Pisces has the weighted value (154.77**), above 150
critical importance level, thus we can conclude that it is a very reliable reversal. The weighted value of
the Moon in Sagittarius is (138.65 *), and the Moon in Capricorn is (123.80 *). Both solar-lunar
combinations have better than average probability of coinciding with a reversal.
Low Probabilities Reversals: from the results of the Moon sign with the Sun in Gemini we can
conclude that 4 % or greater reversals have the least probability of occurrence when the Moon is in
Aries, Taurus, and Leo. The weighted value of the Moon in Aries is (39.43###), which is below extreme
critical importance. The weighted value of the Moon in Taurus is (61.95 ##), which is below our critical
importance, and the weighted value of the Moon in Leo is (69.39 #) below of worth considering level.
Crest Correlations: In the table of crests we can see that the Moon in Sagittarius and the Moon
in Pisces was 3 times in each sign, the Moon in Virgo and the Moon in Libra was 2 times in each sign. The
weighted value of the Moon in Sagittarius is (187.20 **). It has 3 instances of crests versus 1 trough; it is
a very reliable reversal. The weighted value of the Moon in Pisces is (167.14 **). In that case there were
3 crests and 2 troughs, so it did not quite fulfill the 2:1 ratio requirement. The weighted value of the
Moon in Virgo was (120.00 *), and the weighted value of the Moon in Libra is (135.65*). In both
instances there were 2 crests and 1 trough; both they have better than average probability of coinciding
with reversal.
Trough Correlation: In the table of troughs we can see that the Moon was in Gemini 2 times, in
Cancer 2 times, in Capricorn 2 times, and in Pisces 2 times as well. The weighted value of the Moon in
Gemini is (150.00 **), the weighted value of the Moon in Cancer is (162.50 **). In both instances there
were 2 troughs versus 1 crest; thus both solar-lunar combinations become very reliable reversals. The
weighted value of the Moon in Capricorn is (139.29 *) which is above worth considering level but there
were 2 troughs versus 2 crests. The weighted value of the Moon in Pisces is (139.29 *). In that instance
there were 2 troughs versus 3 crests. Therefore we can conclude that the Moon in Capricorn and the
Moon in Pisces have a better than average probability of reversal but not necessarily with a trough or
crest. It is interesting to note that during 15 years of study there were no instances of a trough when the
Sun was in Virgo and the Moon was in Aries.
High Probability Big Range Days for Day Trading: The most consistent “big range” volatility days
when the Sun is in Virgo is when the Moon is also in Aries (223.91 ***), in Taurus (175.95 **), in Cancer
(273.65 ***), in Libra (142.84 *), and in Aquarius (121.68 *). The weighted value of the Moon in Cancer
and the Moon in Aries is above extreme critical importance. The weighted value of the Moon in Taurus
and the Moon in Libra is above the worth considering level. Note: 3 cardinal signs are more active and
Sun in Libra Base Line & Big Range Days
Sun in Libra Crests & Troughs
The baseline of our study shows that Sun was in Libra 322 trading days during the study.
From the results of the Mercury signs we can see that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun is
in Virgo have a greater probability of occurrence when Mercury also is in Libra (126.28 *) and a low
probability of occurrence with Mercury in Virgo (63.49##) and Scorpio (73.06#).
From the results of the Venus signs we can conclude that it is no 4 % or greater reversals when
the Sun is in Libra while the Venus is in Leo (45.89 ###), in Virgo (111.15), in Scorpio (107.41), and in
Sagittarius (68.83 #).
High Probability Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs we can conclude that 4 % or
greater reversals when the Sun is in Libra have a greater probability of occurrence when the Moon is in
Libra (137.66 *), and in Scorpio (152.89 **). The weighted value of the Moon in Scorpio is above critical
importance, therefore the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Scorpio is very reliable solar-lunar reversal
combination. The Moon in Libra has weighted value above worth considering level, thus it has better
than average probability to coincide with reversal.
Low Probabilities Reversals: from the results of the Moon sign with the Sun in Libra we can
conclude there is one particular Moon sign corresponding to low probability of 4 % or greater reversals.
Moon in Virgo (34.35###).
Crest Correlations: In the table of crests we can see that the Moon in Aries was 2 times, the
Moon in Gemini 2 times, the Moon in Libra 3 times, the Moon in Scorpio 3 times, and the Moon in
Capricorn 2 times. The Moon in Libra, the New Moon has a weighted value (223.66 ***). There are 3
crests versus 1 trough. We can conclude that the Moon in Libra is the most reliable solar-lunar
correlation. The weighted value of the Moon in Scorpio is (198.81**). There are 3 crests versus 2
troughs. The weighted value of the Moon in Capricorn is (137.59 *), the weighted value of the Moon in
Aries is (132.50 *), and the Moon in Gemini is (127.77 *). In all three instances there are 2 crests versus
1 trough. Therefore we can conclude that all three abovementioned solar-lunar combinations have
better than average probability of coinciding with reversals. It is interesting to note that the Sun is in
cardinal sign of Libra, and three cardinal played important role in reversals.
Trough Correlation: In the table of troughs we can see that the Moon was in Taurus 3 times, in
Aquarius 3 times, and in Pisces 3 times as well. The weighted value of the Moon in Taurus is (158.67 **),
the weighted value of the Moon in Aquarius is (164.34 **), and the weighted value of the Moon in
Pisces is (158.67 **). Since all three Moon positions are above critical importance level and all have a
ratio of at least 2:1 troughs versus crests we can conclude that these solar-lunar combinations are very
reliable reversals.
High Probability Big Range Days for Day Trading: The most consistent “big range” volatility days
when the Sun is Libra, is when the Moon is also in Aries (125.58 *), in Cancer (237.25 ***), in Libra
(141.28 *), in Scorpio (188.31 **), and in Capricorn (130.41 *). The weighted value of the Moon in
Cancer is above extreme critical importance level. The weighted value of the Moon in Scorpio is above
critical importance level. It is interesting to note that both Moon positions are in water signs. The
weighted value of the Moon in Aries, in Libra, and in Capricorn is above worth considering level. It is
necessary to note that among all Moon positions cardinal signs are playing important role.
Sun in Scorpio Base Line & Big Range Days
Sun in Scorpio Crests & Troughs
The baseline of our study shows that Sun was in Scorpio 316 trading days during the study.
From the results of the Mercury signs we can see that there is no significant 4 % or greater
reversals when the Sun is in Scorpio and Mercury is also in Libra (114.26), in Scorpio (103.14), and in
Sagittarius (85.51).
From the results of the Venus signs we can conclude that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun
is in Scorpio and Venus is in Capricorn (139.65 *). Venus in Virgo (115.8), Libra (67.59 #) Scorpio (112.5),
and Sagittarius (97.53) had a low probability of occurrence of reversal.
High Probability Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs we can conclude that 4 % or
greater reversals when the Sun is in Scorpio have a greater probability of occurrence when the Moon is
in Aries (128.21 *), in Taurus (163.17 **), in Cancer (138.07 *), and in Virgo (153.94 **). The weighted
value of the Moon in Taurus, the Full Moon, is above the critical level of 150. The weighted value of the
Moon in Virgo, also earth sign, is also above critical importance. The weighted value of the Moon in
Aries, and the Moon in Cancer, both cardinal signs, is above the “worth noting level of 120. All the earth
signs have a higher than expected correlation to 4% or greater reversals when the Sun is in Scorpio.
Cardinal signs of the Moon have better than average probability of coinciding with reversals.
Low Probabilities Reversals: from the results of the Moon sign with the Sun in Scorpio we can
conclude that 4 % or greater reversals have the least probability of occurrence when the Moon is in Leo
(57.51 ##), in Aquarius (49.58 ###), and in Pisces (28.59 ###). The weighted value of the Moon in Pisces
and the weighted value of the Moon in Aquarius is below the extreme critical importance level of 50.
The weighted value of the Moon in Leo is below critical importance level of 67. Thus we can conclude
that the time when the Moon transits trough consecutive signs of Aquarius and Pisces 4% reversals are
less likely. The same is true when the Moon is in Leo while the Sun is in Scorpio.
Crest Correlations: In the table of crests we can see that the Moon in Aries was 4 times, in
Gemini 3 times, in Cancer 4 times, in Scorpio 2 times, and in Capricorn 2 times. The weighted value of
the Moon in Aries was (214.99 ***), it had 4 crests versus 1 trough. The weighted value of the Moon in
Cancer was (231.53 ***), it had 4 crests versus 1 trough. Both Moon positions in cardinal signs fit both
our criteria of special solar-lunar situation. Therefore we can conclude that the Sun in Scorpio while the
Moon is in Aries and the Moon is in Cancer are the most reliable crest correlations. The weighted value
of the Moon in Gemini was (150.52**) but it had 3 crests versus 2 troughs. Probably in time that solarlunar combination will become a crest correlation. The weighted value of the Moon in Capricorn was
(130.80*). That solar-lunar combination has 2 crests versus 1 trough. The weighted value of the Moon in
Scorpio is (130.80*) which is slightly above our required “worth noting” level. The ratio of that solarlunar combination is 2:1.Therefore we can conclude that the Moon in Scorpio while the Sun is also in
Scorpio, or the New Moon, has better that average probability of coinciding with a reversal. It is
interesting to note that there was no crest with the Moon in Pisces while the Sun was in Scorpio.
Trough Correlation: In the table of troughs we can see that the Moon was in Taurus 4 times, in
Virgo 4 times, and in Libra 4 times as well. The weighted value of the Moon in Taurus is (249.78***), it
has 4 troughs versus 1 crest. We can conclude that the Moon in Taurus, the Full Moon, is the most
reliable trough correlation. The Moon in Virgo has the weighted value (196.25**). The ratio of that solarlunar correlation is 4:2. The weighted value of the Moon in Libra is (183.17**). That solar-lunar
combination also has 4 troughs and no crests. We can conclude that the Moon in Virgo and the Moon in
Libra, two consecutive signs, are trough correlations.
High Probability Big Range Days for Day Trading: The most consistent “big range” volatility days
when the Sun is in Scorpio, occurred when the Moon was also in Aries (130.24*), in Taurus (165.76**),
in Leo (145.87*), in Virgo (130.24*), and in Aquarius (125.75*). The weighted value of the Moon in
Taurus is above the critical importance level. The weighted value of the Moon in Aries, in Leo, in Virgo,
and in Aquarius is worth considering. It is interesting to note that all fixed signs including the Sun in
Scorpio played important role in Big Range Days.
Sun in Sagittarius Base Line & Big Range Days
Sun in Sagittarius Crests & Troughs
The baseline of our study shows that Sun was in Sagittarius 305 trading days during the study.
From the results of the Mercury signs we can see that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun is
in Sagittarius have a greater probability of occurrence when Mercury also is in Sagittarius (129.24*).
Mercury in Scorpio (92.07) and Mercury in Capricorn (21.56###) did not produce a reversal.
From the results of the Venus signs we can conclude that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun
is in Sagittarius have a greater probability of occurrence when Venus is also in Libra (173.30**) and in
Aquarius (305.00***). Venus in Scorpio (48.42###) and Venus in Capricorn (88.97) did not have an
influence on reversals.
High Probability Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs we can conclude that 4 % or
greater reversals have the highest probability of occurrence when the Sun is in Sagittarius and the Moon
also is in Aries (293.27***), in Taurus (146.63*), Leo (152.50**), Libra (211.85***), and Sagittarius
(158.85**). The Moon in Aries and in Libra, both Cardinal signs, have the weighted value score above
extreme critical importance. They are instances of the most reliable reversal. The Moon in Leo and the
Moon in Sagittarius, the New Moon, have weighted value above critical importance. Leo and Sagittarius
are both fire signs.
Low Probabilities Reversals: from the results of the Moon sign with the Sun in Sagittarius we can
conclude that 4% or greater reversals have the lowest probability of occurrence when the Moon is also
in Gemini (47.11###), Cancer (47.11###), Capricorn (48.92###), and Pisces (43.86###). All solar-lunar
combinations have the weighted value below extreme critical importance level, thus confirming that
above-mentioned solar-lunar combinations are less likely to produce a trading reversal.
Crest Correlations: In the table of crests with the Sun in Sagittarius, we can see that the Moon is
in Aries 4 times, and in Leo 3 times. Leo and Aries are fire signs. The weighted value of the Moon in Aries
is (390.99***). There are 4 crests versus 2 troughs. The weighted value of the Moon in Leo is
It has 3 crests and no troughs. Both solar-lunar combinations fulfill both requirements.
Therefore we can conclude that the Sun in Sagittarius with the Moon in fire signs of Aries and Leo is
crest correlation.
Trough Correlation: In the table of troughs with the Sun in Sagittarius, we can see that the Moon
was in Aries 2 times, Taurus 2 times, Libra 3 times, and in Sagittarius 2 times. The weighted value of the
Moon in Libra is (317.71***). It has 3 troughs versus 1 crest. The weighted value of the Moon in
Sagittarius, the New Moon, is (211.85***). Ratio of troughs to crests is 2:1. Therefore we can conclude
that when the Sun is in Sagittarius while the Moon is in Libra or in Sagittarius there are the most reliable
troughs occurring. The weighted value of the Moon in Aries is (195.55**). There are 2 troughs versus 4
crests. We already mentioned that Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Aries is in fact a crest signature.
The weighted value of the Moon in Taurus is (195.55**). There are 2 troughs versus 1 crest. That solarlunar combination fulfills our requirement; it is a trough correlation. It is interesting to note that there
were no troughs when the Moon was in Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, and Pisces.
High Probability Big Range Days for Day Trading: The most consistent “big range” volatility days
when the Sun is in Sagittarius, is when the Moon is also in Leo (152.50**), Scorpio (221.06***), and
Capricorn (244.35***). It appears that the Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Leo, both fire signs; the
Sun in Sagittarius and the Moon in Scorpio, fire and water signs, the market is more unstable than usual.
Sun in Capricorn Base Line & Big Range Days
Sun in Capricorn Crests & Troughs
The baseline of our study shows that Sun was in Capricorn 280 trading days during the study.
From the results of the Mercury signs we can see that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun is
in Capricorn have a greater probability of occurrence when Mercury also is in Aquarius (244.19***).
When Mercury was in Sagittarius (70.77#), and in Capricorn (75.76#) there was no reversal.
From the results of the Venus signs we can conclude that 4 % or greater reversals when the Sun
is in Capricorn have a greater probability of occurrence when Venus is also in Sagittarius (131.44*), and
Pisces (291.70***). There was low probability of reversal when Venus was in Scorpio (36.49###),
Capricorn (77.77#), and Aquarius (47.30###).
High Probability Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs we can conclude that 4 % or
greater reversals when the Sun is in Capricorn have a greater probability of occurrence when the Moon
is in Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The weighted value of the Moon in Libra is (253.58***). That is
above extreme critical importance 200 level. Therefore that solar-lunar combination is the most reliable
reversal. The weighted value of the Moon in Sagittarius is (194.48**), and the weighted value of the
Moon in Aquarius is (152.17**). Both solar-lunar combinations have weighted value above critical
importance level. Therefore we can conclude that they are very reliable reversals. It is interesting to
note that Libra and Aquarius are both air signs.
Low Probabilities Reversals: from the results of the Moon sign with the Sun in Capricorn we can
conclude that 4 % or greater reversals have the least probability of occurrence when the Moon is in
Aries, Gemini, Cancer, and Virgo. The weighted value of the Moon in Virgo is (43.24###), below critical
importance. Therefore we can conclude that the Sun in Capricorn while the Moon is in Virgo has
extremely low volatility. The weighted value of the Moon in Aries is (53.07##), in Gemini is (61.45##),
and in Cancer is (53.07##), below critical importance 67 level. Therefore we can consider all the abovementioned Moon positions as a time band when 4% reversals are less likely than normal.
Crest Correlations: In the table of crests we can see that the Moon in Taurus is 2 times, and the
Moon in Libra is 5 times. The weighted value of the Moon in Taurus is (194.48**), which is very close to
extreme critical importance. The weighted value of the Moon in Libra is (507.29***). Both solar-lunar
correlations have crests only and no troughs, thus fulfilling both our requirements. Therefore we can
conclude that the Moon in Taurus and the Moon in Libra while the Sun is in Capricorn are crest
correlations. Interesting to note that there was no crests when the Moon was in Gemini, Cancer, Leo,
Virgo, and Capricorn.
Trough Correlation: In the table of troughs we can see that the Moon was in Gemini once, in
Sagittarius 3 times, in Capricorn 2 times, and in Aquarius 2 times. The weighted value of the Moon in
Sagittarius is (291.67***), in Capricorn, the New Moon, is (202.94***), and in Aquarius is also
(202.94***). All three solar-lunar combinations are above extreme critical importance. The Moon in
Sagittarius had 3 troughs versus 1 crest. The Moon in Capricorn had 2 troughs and no crests, and the
Moon in Aquarius had 2 troughs versus 1 crest. We can conclude that the Moon in consecutive signs
Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius, while the Sun is in Capricorn are trough correlations. The Moon in
Gemini had a weighted value (122.76*), which is considered “worth noting” but in that instance we had
only 1 trough and no crests. May be in time it will become trough correlation.
High Probability Big Range Days for Day Trading: The most consistent “big range” volatility days
when the Sun is in Capricorn occurred when the Moon was also in Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn. The
weighted value score of these solar-lunar combinations was (122.76*), (172.87**), and (202.94***)
respectively. Virgo and Capricorn are both Earth signs, and Capricorn Moon is a New Moon.
Sun in Aquarius Base Line & Big Range Days
Sun in Aquarius Crests & Troughs
The baseline of our study shows that Sun was in Aquarius 305 trading days during the study.
From the results of the Mercury signs we can see that 4% or greater reversals when the Sun is in
Aquarius have a greater probability of occurrence when Mercury is in Capricorn (139.13*).
From the results of the Venus signs we can conclude that 4% or greater reversals when the Sun
is in Aquarius have a greater probability of occurrence when Venus also is in Aries (196.77**) and a low
probability of occurrence with Venus in Sagittarius (37.89###), Capricorn (104.67), Aquarius (44.07###),
and Pisces (118.55).
High Probability Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs we can conclude that 4% or
greater reversals when the Sun is in Aquarius have the highest probability of occurrence when the Moon
is also in Taurus (134.20*), Cancer (157.38**), Virgo (218.58***), Sagittarius (255.07***), and Aquarius
(145.72*). The weighted value of the Moon in Virgo and the Moon in Sagittarius is above our 200
extreme critical importance level. Virgo and Sagittarius are mutable signs. Therefore we can conclude
that when the Moon is in mutable signs of Virgo and Sagittarius while the Sun is in Aquarius there is a
possibility of the most reliable reversal. The weighted value of the Moon in Cancer is above the critical
importance level; thus very reliable reversals are likely to occur. The Moon in Taurus and the Moon in
Aquarius, both fixed signs, has the weighted value above our “worth considering” level with better than
average probability of coinciding with reversal. It is necessary to note that the Moon in Aquarius is a
New Moon.
Low Probabilities Reversals: from the results of the Moon sign with the Sun in Aquarius have the
lowest probability of occurrence when the Moon is in Aries (33.97###), and Gemini (37.89###). The
weighted value of the Moon in Aries and Gemini is below our extreme critical importance level.
Therefore we can conclude that when the Moon is Aries or Gemini while the Sun is also in Aquarius the
probability of a 4% reversal is less likely to occur.
Crest Correlations: In the table of crests we can see that the Moon is in Taurus 2 times, in Virgo
4 times, in Sagittarius 2 times, and in Aquarius 3 times. The Moon in Sagittarius did not have required
150 weighted value level, just 141.20*. Also there were not right crests and troughs ratio. The weighted
value of the Moon in Virgo is (282.41***) which is above extreme critical importance .There are 4
instances of crests and 2 instances of troughs, so it fulfills the required ratio 2:1. The weighted value of
the Moon in Aquarius, the New Moon, is (211.81***). There are 3 instances of crest and 1 trough. Thus
again both our requirements are fulfilled. The Moon in Taurus has the weighted value (173.30**). There
are 2 crests versus 1 trough. Once again both our requirements are fulfilled. Therefore we can conclude
that the most reliable crest correlations correspond to the Moon in Virgo while the Sun is in Aquarius,
and to the New Moon, or when both Sun and Moon are in Aquarius. First Quarter Moon or the Moon in
Taurus with Aquarius Sun can be a crest correlation.
Trough Correlation: In the table of troughs we can see that the Moon is in Cancer 3 times, in
Virgo 2 times, and in Sagittarius 5 times. The weighted value of the Moon in Sagittarius is (376.51***).
That combination has required amount troughs versus crests 5:2, and its weighted value is extremely
high, therefore we can conclude that the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Sagittarius are correlated to
troughs. The weighted value of the Moon in Cancer is (244.00***), and it has 3 troughs versus 1 crest;
therefore it also qualifies to be a troughs correlation. The Moon in Virgo has a weighted value 150.48. It
has 2 troughs versus 4 crests. That solar-lunar combination has a very high weighted value, especially for
crests. Therefore most likely the Moon in Virgo while the Sun is in Aquarius is rather reversal signature
than specifically trough or crest correlation.
High Probability Big Range Days for Day Trading: The most consistent “big range” volatility days
when the Sun is in Aquarius, is when the Moon is in Cancer (183.00**), Virgo (282.41***), Scorpio
(127.08*), and Sagittarius (169.44**).
Sun in Pisces Base Line & Big Range Days
Sun in Pisces Crests & Troughs
The baseline of our study shows that Sun was in Pisces 312 trading days during the study.
From the results of the Mercury signs we can see that 4% or greater reversals when the Sun is in
Pisces have a greater probability of occurrence when Mercury also is in Aquarius 165.44** and a low
probability of occurrence with Mercury in Pisces (79.88#) and Mercury in Aries (33.19###).
From the results of the Venus signs we can conclude that 4% or greater reversals when the Sun
is in Pisces have a greater probability of occurrence when Venus is also in Aquarius (120.00*) and in
Aries (150.76**) and a low probability of occurrence with Venus in Capricorn (33.91###) and Pisces
High Probability Reversals: From the results of the Moon signs we can conclude that 4% or
greater reversals when the Sun is in Pisces have the higher probability of occurrence when the Moon is
also in Aries (134.48*), in Gemini (173.33**), in Cancer (144.44*), and in Leo (130.00*). The weighted
value of the Moon in Gemini, or First Quarter, is above the required 150 level. The Moon in Aries, in
Cancer, and in Leo is above our “worth noting” 120 level. Therefore we can conclude that the Moon in
Gemini is very reliable reversal.
Low Probabilities Reversals: from the results of the Moon sign with the Sun in Pisces we can
conclude that 4% or greater reversals have the lowest probability of occurrence when the Moon is in
Virgo (33.91###) and in Libra (27.86###). The weighted value of the Moon in two consecutive signs of
Virgo, Full Moon, and Libra are below extreme critical importance level of 50. Therefore we can
conclude that the Moon in Virgo and the Moon in Libra, when the Sun is in Pisces, probability of a 4%
reversal is less likely to occur.
Crest Correlations: In the table of crests we can see that the Moon in Aries was 3 times, in
Taurus 2 times, in Gemini 3 times, in Leo 2 times, and in Pisces 2 times. The weighted value of the Moon
in Gemini is (182.46**), above critical importance 150 level. There were 3 crests versus 3 troughs, so
that requirement was not fulfilled. The Moon in Aries has the weighted value (169.88**) but amount of
crests and troughs is 3:2. The weighted value of the Moon in Leo is (136.89*). In that instance there
were 2 troughs and 2 troughs. The weighted value of the Moon in Taurus is (126.36*), above of our
“worth noting level”, also there is 2 crests versus 1 trough. The Moon in Pisces has the weighted value
(131.41*), above “worth noting” level. There are also 2 crests versus 1 trough. We can conclude that
there is no strong correlation to crest among all solar-lunar combinations. The Moon in Gemini, the
Moon in Aries, and the Moon in Leo while the Sun is in Pisces are rather reversal correlations. The Moon
in Taurus and the Moon in Pisces, the New Moon, are “worth noting”.
Trough Correlation: In the table of troughs we can see that the Moon was in Gemini 3 times, in
Cancer 4 times, in Leo 2 times, and in Scorpio 2 times. The weighted value of the Moon in Cancer is
(220.13***). There were 4 troughs versus 1 crest, so it qualifies both requirements for trough
correlation. The weighted value of the Moon in Scorpio is (129.14*) which is slightly higher than “worth
noting” level. There were 2 troughs and 1 crest. Therefore the Moon in Scorpio while the Sun is in Pisces
has better than average probability of coinciding with reversals. The weighted value of the Moon in
Gemini (First Quarter) is (169.88**), which fits one of our requirements for reversal but the amount of
troughs and crests was equal 3 troughs versus 3 crests. Therefore the Moon in Gemini while the Sun is
Pisces is a very strong reversal correlation. The Moon in Leo also should be considered as reversal
correlation; its weighted value is (123.76*), and there were 2 troughs versus 2 crests. After
consideration of various solar-lunar correlations we can conclude that the Moon in Cancer while the Sun
is in Pisces is the most reliable trough correlation.
We view this work as an extension to the original study outlined in the book previously
mentioned, “ The Ultimate Book On Stock Market Timing Vol. 4 Solar / Lunar Correlations To ShortTerm Trading Reversals“ by Raymond Merriman. The original work covered the DJIA, NASDAQ and
Nikkei over a 60 year period.
This study would add 11 additional years, with data from December 22, 1998 - December 31,
2013 as the ETF XLY closely approximates the broader US stock markets.
It is our intent to analyze this current study in tandem with Ray’s original work. It will be
interesting to note the similarities evident within the current market environment.