## Insert your name, return address, email and phone number## January 2013 The Hon. Greg Hunt MP Minister for the Environment PO Box 6022 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 By email only greg.hunt.mp@environment.gov.au feedback@reefhaveyoursay.com.au edoqld@edo.org.au Public Consultation Manager Great Barrier Reef Strategic Assessment GPO Box 668 Brisbane QLD 4001 By email only Dear Minister Hunt and Public Consultation Manager, DRAFT STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT WON’T PROTECT OUR GREAT BARRIER REEF ## Insert short sentence why YOU love the Reef## I write to express concern with the Draft Strategic Assessment for the Great Barrier Reef. The draft coastal zone program report component prepared by the Queensland Government does not give an accurate picture of key Queensland laws. Its deficiencies include: 1. Failure to correctly describe the extent of major roll backs of Queensland laws protecting vegetation from clearing, laws protecting national parks and the impact those roll backs will have on the Reef; 2. Failure to highlight that major port developments currently undergoing assessment are exempted from restrictions on capital dredging in the Draft Queensland Port Strategy and that the State Government is ‘fast tracking’ many existing major projects for example the Gladstone LNG Project; 3. No adequate acknowledgement that ‘major projects laws’ in Queensland governing most coastal developments and laws governing land use at ports do not include principles of ecologically sustainable development and lack transparency and accountability; 4. Failure to note that the Queensland Government has reduced the number of public servants administering environmental laws and that the Queensland Government’s ‘Forward Commitments’ are very weak and include vague plans to simply ‘work with’ the Australian Government. Overall, Queensland’s laws are specifically designed to facilitate development and are not in any way adequate to maintain the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the Reef, or to protect matters of national environmental significance. Without transformation of Queensland’s laws, the strategic assessment must be rejected. It is inadequate to form the basis for a long term sustainability plan for the Reef. The proposed program should not be endorsed under the Commonwealth EPBC Act. Actions that affect the Reef must require a case-by-case rigorous individual assessment process as required by UNESCO. Yours sincerely, ##Insert your name and signature ##