Charter of Ethics

Office of Assistant for Research and
In the name of God
Charter of Ethics
By the grace of God and the belief that the universe is the presence of God and He is constantly
monitoring human acts and in gratitude for high rank of knowledge and research, and due to
importance of university place in promotion of human culture and civilization, we, students and
board members of Islamic Azad University, commit to consider and do not violate following
principles in doing research actions:
1. The principle of truth seeking: trying to search truth and loyalty to that and avoiding
hiding truth in any kind.
2. The principle of rights observance: the commitment to full respect for the rights of
researchers and samples (human, animal and plant) and other copyright owners.
3. The principle of material and moral ownership: the commitment to full compliance with
all material and moral rights of university and research partners.
4. The principle of national interests: the commitment to uphold national interests and
considering country progress and development at all stages of research.
5. The principle of fairness and trust observance: the commitment to avoid any non-science
support and the protection of properties, equipment and resources available.
6. The principle of privacy: the commitment to the preservation of secrets and confidential
information of individuals, organizations and nations, and all persons and entities
associated with the research.
7. The principle of respect: the commitment to observe limits and venerations in doing
investigation and observing criticism and avoiding any kind of disrespect.
8. The principle of promotion: the commitment to foster knowledge and dissemination of
research results and transferring them to scientific colleagues and the students unless they
are prohibited by law.
9. The principle of acquaintance: the obligation for acquaintance from any kind of
unprofessional behavior and making positions toward those that pollute fields of science
and scientific research into non-science contaminants.