Part-time teaching staff

University of Bath
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Categories of staff requiring Board of Studies Approval
Part-time teaching staff in one or more of the following categories1 should be approved by the
Faculty Board of Studies prior to appointment:
a) all part-time staff who have primary responsibility for assessment;
b) all part-time staff who teach on a regular basis;
Teaching staff who provide the occasional guest lecture do not need to be approved by the Faculty
Board of Studies.
Teaching by Postgraduate Students (Student Teaching Assistants): Departments may not require
holders of University quota studentships to teach, although they may strongly recommend that they
do so. Departments may require holders of departmental studentships to teach if they so wish.
Payments to postgraduates for teaching should be made at the rate of current approved hourly rate
(details available from the HR Department), to include all associated marking.
See QA9: for details of procedures
for the approval of Student Teaching Assistants.
The Board of Studies has agreed 2 that the Dean can approve routine appointments under Chair’s
Action and that the details of these will then be reported directly to the Board of Studies.
Requests for the appointment of part-time staff should be submitted by Departments to the Faculty
Assistant Registrar, using the pro forma overleaf, at least two weeks prior to a Board of Studies
meeting. A copy of the curriculum vitae should also be attached. After approval by the Board of
Studies the Faculty Assistant Registrar will inform the Departmental Co-ordinator. Departments
may send requests for HR to issue a Registration Agreement in advance of the Board of Studies
approval (because this makes no reference to specific contract details nor is it a committment that
the person will definitely be contracted) but Departments must not issue a Confirmation of
Assignment to the individual being contracted prior to receiving the notification of approval
from the Faculty Assistant Registrar.
Period of Approval
Once initial approval has been given by the Faculty Board of Studies for the appointment of an
individual, approval does not have to be sought each year unless the initial appointment duties
change (eg another unit is being taught or additional assessment duties are being undertaken). The
approval of the Faculty Board of Studies will stand for 5 years.
Senate Policy agreed October 1992 and Board of Studies minute 002, 29.10.97.
Board of Studies minute 161, 10.6.98.
University of Bath
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Part-time teaching appointments are approved by the Dean, under Chair’s Action and then reported to the Faculty Board
of Studies. Please complete all relevant sections of the form below before submitting to the Faculty Executive Assistant.
Department proposing
Reason for appointment (eg
specialist staff)
Name of appointee
Staff long term sickness
Dr Andrew Bengry-Howell
Flat 2,Burlands House,3-4 Burlands Road,Chippenham,SN15 3DF
Programme of Study
BScHons Psychology
Unit(s) and % contribution to
Assessment duties (if
applicable), and staff member
who will moderate/supervise the
Marking PS10120. Prof Chris Griffin
You should attach a copy of the curriculum vitae of the appointee to this form. It would, in addition to this, be helpful
if you could indicate the following below:
Current employment
Research Fellow
If the appointee is a post-graduate
student, state student’s research
Relevant Academic and
professional qualifications
Relevant experience
Teaching Fellow at University of Bath
If no teaching experience, please
state any employment experience
relevant to the appointment.
This appointment request should be approved by the relevant member of academic staff (eg Director of Studies) who
should sign below:
Position: ………………………………………………..
Date: ……………………………