MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND NATURAL RESOURCES STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES WORKSHOP BRIEF ON CAPACITY BUILDING TO DEVELOP A GHG INVENTORY FOR KENYA 20nd to 25th January 2014 Group Photo taken at the final GHG training workshop held 20th -25th January 2014 at Bontana Hotel Nakuru MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND NATURAL RESOURCES STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Introduction The LECB project with support from UNDP is building capacity of the national GHG team to develop a sustainable Green House Gas Inventory management system. Previously, a series of workshops and working sessions have been carried out to develop robust institutional capacity and establishing proper instructional arrangements, identification of gap from the previous communication and potential improvements, procedures for planning GHG inventory preparation, documentation, data collection and archiving.The GHG Team is composed of key stakeholders from the sectors of Energy, Waste, Industry Processes and Product Use (IPPU), and Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use (AFOLU). The sector teams are led by the relevant government agency representatives. The LECB Project, in the week of 20th to 25th January 2014 facilitated the final workshop with the following objectives for capacity building on the GHG inventory for Kenya; I. To train the sector level teams on uncertainty assessment for the respective UNFCCC GHG inventory sectors, and on procedures for documentation of the inventory data at the national level. II. To create understanding of the need of a robust Archiving System, procedures for selecting national activity data and emission factors and related parameters (units, source, year of data, etc. ) used in the inventory preparation process for selected key sectors III. Develop specific data archiving procedures, and finalize on institutional roles and arrangements, and development of an archiving plan. IV. Train the sector level teams on and carry out uncertainty assessment for the respective UNFCCC GHG inventory sectors, and on procedures for verification and documentation of the inventory data at the national level. V. VI. To develop and implement a QA/QC system for the National GHG Inventory. To carry out estimations of GHG Emission/Removals in the inventory preparation process for selected key categories for all the sectors including data compilation, documentation of appropriate methods and emission factors, estimating and MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND NATURAL RESOURCES STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES calculating anthropogenic GHG emissions by sources and removals by sinks using the data collected by each sector Workshop Achievements Following the last workshop; the Kenya GHG team has made great strides towards achieving a sustainable GHG Inventory management system. The following tasks were carried out in preparation of the GHG team to build a prototype inventory and the much needed inventory improvement strategy. I. Uncertainty estimates and additional information This activity was carried out using the IPCC 2006 inventory Software version 2.12 to generate detailed information for each emissions category for which an uncertainty estimate was assigned including lower bound and upper bound uncertainty estimates. In addition all relevant information for each key category was documented to increase transparency of the estimates i.e. QA/QC activities wasperformed, and the team was trained on documentation and data quality uncertainty assessment using the pedigree matrix and error propagation.This task was accomplished using the IPCC guidelines, the GPGs II. Calculation of Emissions and or Removals The inventory team was trained on calculation of emissions and or removals for the AFOLU, Energy, IPPU, and Waste sectors using the respective modules of the IPCC 2006 inventory Software version 2.12 for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. III. Developed Key QA/QC Procedures and plan Quality assurance and quality control measures and general (Tier 1) QC procedures were agreed upon and Personnel responsible for coordinating QA/QC activities were selected for each sector. The QA/QC review team and procedures were developed in addition to reporting, documentation, and archiving procedures. IV. Developed Key Archiving Procedures and plan Archiving plan of records that have been created during the development of the inventory (references, methodological choice, expert comments, revisions, etc.) was developed. The MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND NATURAL RESOURCES STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES plan was developed at sector level and for the overall inventory team. An Archiving System was aimed at making the national inventory transparent and reproducible, and facilitates development of subsequent inventories by future inventory staff and category leads (individuals responsible for developing estimates within a particular sector). All information used to create the inventory will be archived by the secretariat in a single location in both electronic and/or hard copy (paper) storage so that future inventory managers can reference all relevant files to respond to reviewer feedback including questions about methodologies. Archived information should include all emission factors and activity data at the most detailed level, and documentation of how these factors and data have been generated and aggregated for the preparation of the inventory. internal documentation on QA/QC This information should also include procedures, external and internal reviews, documentation of annual key categories and key category identification, and planned inventory improvements. Copies of all archive documents will be kept in at respective sector level archives to reduce the risk of losing data. The archiving procedures were agreed upon and Personnel responsible for coordinating archiving activities were selected for each sector. Way forward The planned activities include developing the inventory improvement strategy per sector to complete fill the identified data, legal and institutional arrangement gaps, designing archiving system arrangements, final report, manuals and recommendation on the next steps. MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND NATURAL RESOURCES STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Photos from the GHG inventory final training Group members during a plenary session MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND NATURAL RESOURCES STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES IPPU/Waste Sector Team members engaged in a documentation exercise MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, WATER AND NATURAL RESOURCES STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES AFOLU sector team members inputting data using inventory software