Code of Practice on - Formulating Policies

Code of Practice on - Formulating Policies & Codes of Practice
Summary description: This document provides guidance on the formulation of University
policies and codes of practice (other than Quality Office documentation). It aims to promote
ease of use and consistency of documents enabling better communication across the
University. The Governance Office can provide a template that meets the requirements of
this code of practice.
Scope: all staff
With effect from: November 2011
Other related policies/documents:
 Coversheet for Policies and Codes of Practice can be found
 The Style guide for generic documents can be found at, (under
Visual identity - internal documents section).
 The Equality Analysis Guidance Notes can be found at
 Advice from the University Solicitor on issues to consider when reviewing a policy or CoP
can be found at
Contact for further information:
Morag Horner,
Governance and Compliance Manager
Tel: 01482 465579
This document is available in alternative formats from the Governance Office
Approved by: University Registrar and Secretary
Next due for review:
October 2017
Reference to any superseded policy/amalgamations
N/A - V1.0 November 2011, v1-01, 24 April 2012, 16 August 2012
Relevant legal framework
Code of Practice on Formulating Policies and Codes of Practice
2014-07-28 v1-04
Equality analysis
Freedom of information
This Policy is publicly available through the University’s Publication Scheme under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Other professional standards reference points
Not applicable
Code of Practice on Formulating Policies and Codes of Practice
2014-07-28 v1-04
Code of Practice on - Formulating Policies & Codes of Practice
What is the difference between a Regulation, Policy and Code of Practice? Documents
providing guidance should fall into one of three categories: Regulations, Policies or Codes of
Practice (CoPs). The distinction between each is summarised below.
- University regulations are official rules governing the conduct of staff
and/or students. They carry out a specific part of the University’s Charter, Statutes and
Ordinances, and must be followed.
Academic Regulations provide the University with an appropriate quality and standards
framework. Compliance with academic regulations is compulsory.
- University policies contain principles that help the University achieve its
Strategic Plan and discharge its corporate responsibilities. They are designed to guide all
major decisions and actions.
Code of Practice - CoPs support policies in the day-to-day operation of the University. It
details the processes, procedures or organisational structures to be applied in a given
setting. CoPs allow some discretion or leeway in their implementation and do not include
penalties for breaches.
Coversheet: Policies and Codes of Practice must include a cover sheet which can be
located from
House Style: Guidance on use of the University’s visual identity and use of language can be
found at, under Visual identity – internal documents section.
Formulating Policies and Codes of Practice: University policies and codes of practice
have a clear purpose
give clear definitions of responsibilities
be up to date and accessible
be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis
be clear about who is responsible for monitoring and review.
be applied consistently with proper regard to fairness, equality of opportunity and public
To ensure that policies and CoP requirements are clear, the following terms must be used in
all new or revised documents (unless the convention is clearly inapplicable).
Code of Practice on Formulating Policies and Codes of Practice
2014-07-28 v1-04
Denoted by the word must – there is no discretion whether to take the
action in question.
Denoted by the word should – denotes good practice. A justification will
be required for not taking the action advised.
Denoted by the word may – taking the action is discretionary but evidence
will be required to demonstrate that taking the action has been
Use of the footer: All documents must have the following information in the footer; document
title, originator/author of the document, (department/section and/or title [not name], date the
document was finalised, Version control, page number.
Use of annexes: Forms, templates and examples of good practice should be annexed to the
main document and suitably referenced.
Version control: When a document is drafted each different draft requires a revised date and
version number in the footer to distinguish it from the previous draft. At the start of the drafting
stage the document version will always begin with v0-01. Each change to the document will
be given a one up serial number eg v0-02, v0-03 etc. Once a document has been finalised
the version number changes to ‘ v1-00’. Major changes to the document should be given a
new version number v1-05, v2-00, etc.
Equality Analysis: Prior to approval, a document must be subject to an equality analysis.
Advice on the Equality Analysis process is available from the Equality and Diversity Advisor,
Anne Mwangi extension 6333 or email The Equality Analysis and
guidance notes are available on the university portal
Consultation: The originating department or section must ensure that appropriate
consultation with staff and/or students and other stakeholders has taken place prior to
Approval of documents: The approval required for particular documents is summarised
Type of document
University Regulations
Academic Regulations
University Policies
Faculty Policies
University Academic Codes of
University Codes of Practice
Authority to approve
The Executive
Faculty Board
University Learning, Teaching and
Assessment Committee
A member of the Executive
Dissemination: Following approval of a new or revised document, the originating department
or section must disseminate it appropriately, including publication on the University web or
portal site.
Code of Practice on Formulating Policies and Codes of Practice
2014-07-28 v1-04
Monitoring and Review: Policies should be formally reviewed at least every three years, with
appropriate updating in between. Advice from the University Solicitor on issues to consider
when reviewing a policy or CoP is located on the web at by clicking on this link.
Code of Practice on Formulating Policies and Codes of Practice
2014-07-28 v1-04