Social Worker`s Checklist for Pre Placement Checks and Consultation

Appendix One
Send via secure transmission a copy of the child’s care plan?
Review the most recent inspection report for the IFA/ Residential Provider
(Note – Commissioning Officer will obtain this as part of placement
commissioning process. CSW to confirm this has been completed)
Where a placement in a Children’s Home is being considered, obtain a
copy of: (Note – Commissioning Officer will obtain these as part of
placement commissioning process. CSW to confirm this has been
 the Home’s Statement of Purpose
 copy of registration certificate
 the Home’s location assessment which should include details of the
home’s safeguarding arrangements, including any measures taken
by the home to manage safeguarding concerns arising from the
neighbourhood where the home is located.
Arrangements in place for primary and secondary health care to meet
known health needs.
Arrangements made for access to specialist health services such as
CAMHS in a timely fashion.
Consultation has taken place with LBC Virtual School and arrangements
made for place in a suitable school; higher education; training and school
Arrangements made for suitable support from the Youth Justice /
Offending Service particularly for the supervision of any order that is in
Arrangements made for suitable support and safeguarding from
exploitation and abuse in the community.
Arrangements made for provision of early years services.
Arrangements made for provision of suitable integrated youth services.
Arrangements made for provision of specialist services for Looked After
Children including Designated Nurse for LAC.
Consultation with the IRO.
Views and wishes of the child.
Views and wishes of the parent/s and relatives as appropriate.
Other areas for discussion with the local authority representative (not
placement) where the child is to be placed, may include
 Number of previous placements and reasons for child leaving earlier
 Expected start and duration of placement
 Plans for 16+ / leaving care support if the child is likely to turn 16+
whilst living in the area authority
 Contingency arrangements if the placement does not succeed
Yes /
No/ NA
(Note – this information should be contained in the placement referral form
as a point of reference)
Record of consultation taken place with local authority representative, analysis and
conclusions in making a recommendation about the suitability of the placement to
meet the needs of the child (Note: This is a brief synopsis. To avoid duplication, the
detail of the discussion and findings should be recorded straight on to ERP and
authorisation template):
Consultation completed by:
Name of officer:
Designation of Officer:
Date/s consultation completed
A copy of the completed consultation should be stored on the Child’s electronic case record