Steven Howlett - University of Roehampton

Dr Steven Howlett
Research monograph
Volunteering and Society in the 21st Century, with Rochester C and
Ellis A, Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Refereed journal papers
At the sharp end of the credit crisis: A profile of Valleys Credit Union,
Cato MS, Myers J and Howlett S, Local Economy, 28, 6: 539-552.
Developing volunteer management as a profession, Voluntary Sector
Review, 1: 355-60.
Book chapters
Facilitating volunteering as leisure: How not to take the fun out of
everything, Leisure in Mind: meanings motives and learning,
Elkington S and Gammon S (eds) London: Routledge
Considering quality and measuring impact, Volunteers in hospice and
palliative care: A resource for voluntary service managers, (Second
Edition), Scott R, Howlett S and Doyle D (eds), Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Setting the scene: the landscape of volunteering, Volunteers in hospice
and palliative care: A resource for voluntary service managers,
(Second Edition), Scott R, Howlett S and Doyle D (eds), Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Edited collections
Volunteers in hospice and palliative care: A resource for voluntary
service managers, (Second Edition), with Scott R and Doyle D, Oxford:
Oxford University Press.