The Topic of the Lesson: “Folk music. The Simple Tenses vs The Continuous Tenses.” The date: The 20 th of March Form: the VIIIth form Type of the lesson: Mixed Time: 45 min. Teacher: Arsene Aliona,1st Didactic Degree School: High School “Lucian Blaga” Subcompetences: Talking about daily routine. Asking general questions for getting specific information . Operational objectives: To spell the musical instruments To speak about daily routine using simple tenses. To ask general questions for getting specific information. Method used: Communicative Approach Method Techniques used: Discussion, Matching, Dialogues, Questioning, Power Point Presentation, Pair work, game ”Guess the Superstar”. Visual Aids: Pictures, Cards, markers, Computer, English for Life 8 form, pupil’s book. Stages Time Objectives Learning activities Strategies, Methods, Techniques Evaluation I. Capturing students’ attention. Warming up II. Homework checking III. Phonetic Drills 1min Greeting. What do you do? What are you doing? Communicative approach. Dialogue. Elicit answers. Dialogue. Reading in chain. Reading. Matching. Role-play. IV. Introducing the topic of the lesson 1min V. Introducing the objectives of the lesson 1min 5min 3min 1min VI.1 Enforcing the new topic (Simple tenses) 8min to guess the Write 3-5 sentences about a music star superstar. to spell correctly The teacher asks the pupils to write the the sounds. words according to the transcript piano, cello, guitar, trumpet, drum, accordion, trombone, flute. Pupils come to the board: match the picture, spell the words. Power PointPres The teacher announce the topic of the lesson: “The Simple Tenses vs Continuous Tenses”. Pupils read the topic of the lesson. to make the The teacher asks the pupils to listen to the pupils aware of objectives of the lesson. the work they Pupils get acquainted with the tasks they have to fulfill have to fulfill during the lesson. during the The teacher asks the pupils: lesson What simple tenses do they know? What continuous tenses do they know? Pupils give elicit answers. To make similar The teacher presents with pupils the topic sentences. on slides, gives examples: *Present Simple: + S+V/V-s,es -S+don’t/doesn’t +V ? Do/Does+S+V…..? *Past Simple: + S+V-ed(2) -S+didn’t+V Pupil’s pronunciation Communicative approach. Communicative approach, repetition. Pupils’ knowledge on the topic. Pair work The ability of using the learnd patterns when speaking about daily routine Notes ? Did+S+V…..? *Future Simple: + S+will+V -S+will not/won’t +V ? Will+S+V…..? 5min to talk about daily routine VI.2 Asking questions 6min To ask general questions for getting specific information VI.3 Enforcing the new topic (Continuous tenses) 7min To distinguish between continuous tenses The teacher directs pupils’ attention to the scheme and asks them to talk about their daily routine The teacher asks two pupils to come in front of the classroom and gives them a superstar that they have to guess by asking general questions Communicative approach, Description Pupils’ speaking Communicative approach, play the game “Guess the superstar” Text comprehension The teacher presents with pupils the topic on slides, gives examples: *Present Continuous: + S+be+Ving *Past Continuous: + S+be+Ving Reading Dialogue comprehension *Future Continuous: + S+will+be+Ving X. Writing 5min XI. Homework 1min XII. Evaluating the lesson and pupils 1min The teacher directs pupils attention to Ex.7 page 46. Pupils write the correct word or phrase from the brackets in their copybook. The teacher explains the homework Do it at home Ex.1,2,3.page46 The teacher evaluate pupils’ activity gives them marks.