Module 5: Handout Culture Worksheet Short name for Challenge

Module 5: Handout Culture Worksheet
The Challenge Description should
be taken from your needs
Short name for Challenge:
Challenge Description:
What research based
strategy/action will be used to
improve student performance?
Strategy name is the abbreviated
version of the descriptive strategy
S1. Strategy Name: High achieving environment
Description of Strategy:
Create an environment that allows learners to achieve at their highest potential.
What research based actions will
be used to improve student
academic performance?
AS1. Action Step Name: Behavior Education Plan
Description of Action Step:
Develop a K-12 grade school wide behavior education plan based (BEP) on RtI (tiered).
How will progress for each action
step be measured?
What kind of evidence can we
collect or observe that indicates
that the action step is completed or
taking place?
Will we see it in an evidence box or
in a walk through or both? What
will we see?
When possible, think sequence.
Action steps should include who,
what, when?
Take the action steps down to the
Student behavior data will be collected during the first nine weeks. Teachers will refer individual students based on
data. Teachers will meet monthly to discuss data and other implementation issues. Students’ progress will be
monitored on a four-week cycle.
Evidence – Documentation Box
Evidence – Walk Through
Student Referrals
Individual Student Behavior Data (Classroom Level)
Goal Setting Meeting
Parental Contact
Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly Data Analysis
How will the school provide timely
assistance if action step does not
change performance?
What resource and specific
expenditures will be needed for
successful implementation of this
action step?
Looking down the row, does the
faculty need any PD in order for this
action step to be successful?
This info will be moved up to the
resource box under Interventions
Professional Development:
This info will be used for the PD
What research based actions will
be used to improve student
academic performance?
AS2. Action Step Name: Tiered Instruction
Description of Action Step:
Students who have not met their goals for at least two consecutive weeks will meet with the
BEP team to reevaluate their goals and progress.
Teachers will daily implement tiered instruction using research-based strategies (ARI, ARI-
This info will be moved up to the
intervention box under the Strategy
When possible, think sequence.
Action steps should include who,
what, when?
Take the action steps down to the
Module 5: Handout Culture Worksheet
PAL, TEAM-MATH, Storytown, Language!, etc.) that will allow students daily access to a
variety of materials (print resources, manipulatives, technological resources, audio/visual
resources, etc) that target different learning styles/preferences and reading abilities.
How will progress for each action
step be measured?
Teachers will develop lesson plans using the Macon County RtI Lesson Plan format, which will incorporate researchbased strategies; students in grade K-12 will take a an online learning styles inventory to help teachers plan lessons to
meet the variety of learning styles/preferences in each classroom.
What kind of evidence can we
collect or observe that indicates
that the action step is completed or
taking place?
Will we see it in an evidence box or
in a walk through or both? What
will we see?
Evidence – Documentation Box
Evidence – Walk Through
Lesson Plans (Individual and Collaborative)
Copies of Resources (graphic organizers and other
mental models)
Assessment Results
Results from Learning Inventory
How will the school provide timely
assistance if action step does not
change performance?
What resource and specific
expenditures will be needed for
successful implementation of this
action step?
Looking down the row, does the
faculty need any PD in order for this
action step to be successful?
This info will be moved up to the
resource box under Interventions
Professional Development:
This info will be used for the PD
What research based actions will
be used to improve student
academic performance?
AS3. Action Step Name: Inquiry Learning
Description of Action Step:
School level Reading Coaches, Department Heads, and/or Administration will provide
support and reflective collaboration to teachers struggling with implementation (team
teaching, peer coaching, peer lesson planning, professional development in identified
Students will participate in inquiry-based, independent learning activities.
How will progress for each action
step be measured?
This info will be moved up to the
intervention box under the Strategy
When possible, think sequence.
Action steps should include who,
what, when?
Take the action steps down to the
Weekly lesson plans will document the use of strategies and activities. Walk-throughs and observations will show
evidence of the implementation of strategies and activities.
Module 5: Handout Culture Worksheet
What kind of evidence can we
collect or observe that indicates
that the action step is completed or
taking place?
Will we see it in an evidence box or
in a walk through or both? What
will we see?
Evidence – Documentation Box
Evidence – Walk Through
Variety of Assessments (planning, regulation,
completion of learning task)
Rubrics (Teacher and Student)
Lesson Plans
Whole-class, Small group, individual
Pictures of Projects
Samples of Student Work
Collaborative Lesson Planning
Learning Surveys
How will the school provide timely
assistance if action step does not
change performance?
What resource and specific
expenditures will be needed for
successful implementation of this
action step?
Looking down the row, does the
faculty need any PD in order for this
action step to be successful?
This info will be moved up to the
resource box under Interventions
Professional Development:
This info will be used for the PD
What research based actions will
be used to improve student
academic performance?
AS4. Action Step Name: Professional Development
Description of Action Step: Training/Book studies/Invited speakers to address rural poverty,
School level Reading Coaches and/or Administration will provide support to teachers
struggling with implementation (team teaching, peer coaching, peer lesson planning,
professional development in identified weaknesses).
Response to Instruction, and Differentiated Instruction issues according to research based
How will progress for each action
step be measured?
This info will be moved up to the
intervention box under the Strategy
When possible, think sequence.
Action steps should include who,
what, when?
Take the action steps down to the
One-hundred percent of the faculty will participate in trainings/book studies. Practical applications of research will be
observed in student and teacher motivation and achievement.
Module 5: Handout Culture Worksheet
What kind of evidence can we
collect or observe that indicates
that the action step is completed or
taking place?
Will we see it in an evidence box or
in a walk through or both? What
will we see?
Evidence – Documentation Box
Evidence – Walk Through
Group Learning Portfolio
Implementation of strategies learned in lesson plans
How will the school provide timely
assistance if action step does not
change performance?
What resource and specific
expenditures will be needed for
successful implementation of this
action step?
Looking down the row, does the
faculty need any PD in order for this
action step to be successful?
This info will be moved up to the
resource box under Interventions
Professional Development:
This info will be used for the PD
Establish teacher leaders to attend specialized trainings on issues of rural poverty, Response
to Instruction, Differentiated Instruction to train remaining faculty during monthly faculty
meetings and/or monthly departmental meetings.
This info will be moved up to the
intervention box under the Strategy