School of Social Work GSA MINUTES OCTOBER 14, 2014 5:30PM 684 BALDY MEETING CALLED BY Chelsea Colon TYPE OF MEETING Open Meeting FACILITATOR Chelsea Colon NOTE TAKER David Youhess ATTENDEES Officers: Chelsea Colon, Marna Metcalf, Carla Kuhl, David Youhess, Student Attendees: Alla Kazakhian, Brenda (last name missing) AGENDA TOPICS TOPIC 1 Officers Review of Minutes Approval of Minutes from Sept. 24 (4-0) TOPIC 2 Open Time for attending students to raise issues or concerns Attending student discussed the challenge she’s experienced with some faculty members. There is a perception among some students that not all Faculty teach from a trauma -informed perspective. She’s observed some faculty “forcing opinions on students” and that the t rauma-informed care is not coming through in the teaching. Carla shared that these concerns have also been voiced by others in her classes as well. CONCLUSION TOPIC 3 We will note the concerns and share them with our faculty advisor and during our upcoming meeting with the Dean. Roswell Platelet donation update Carla talked to our contact at Roswell, Anita and she is “thrilled” with the process we’ve developed to share names of potential volunteers. The process is such that we will ask for volunteers then share the names with Anita for her to follow up with more details. So far, 6 students have volunteered. CONCLUSION TOPIC 4 We will continue on as we have with this process. October Volunteer Opportunity: Ronald McDonald Donation Drive Chelsea made flyers which look great! She will post it on the SSW Facebook page and will email students via the list_serv. Carla and David recommended highlighting the “1-time” nature of the volunteer/donation opportunity as this will likely speak to students sensibilities given their present time committments . We also discussed purchasing a more permanent bin to put in the lounge that will make it convenient to transport collected items for now and in the future. (i.e. bin with wheels). We will aim to start this on Oct. 20 th. CONCLUSIONS Carla will look into purchasing a donation bin with wheels for a permanent home in the SSW lounge. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Identify potential products for donation bin and bring pictures for us to review Carla Oct. 21 TOPIC 5 Setting up GSA website Chelsea got an email from the GSA webmaster which said that we cannot have a SSW website independent of the overall GSA structure. A website would allow us to post information regarding volunteer opportunities, minutes from open meetings and another documents related to promotions we might be doing CONCLUSIONS We want to move forward to creating a website by reaching out to the GSA webmaster. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Contact the webmaster to ensure we can have access to create connected to the overarching GSA structure. Chelsea Nov. TOPIC 6 Self-Care Workshops Guided mediation by Elaine Hammond Elaine needs us to decide on a data ASAP: It would need to occur on a Wed. at 12:30 in 684 Baldy We will propose Nov. 12 th as the date to run the mediation and hold Nov. 5 th as a backup/alternative. Promotion of UB Wellness’ Stress-less workshop: The workshop will be on Tues. Oct. 28 th at 12:45-1:30pm in 684 Baldy. Other ideas: Another idea Marna discussed was to promote a “stress-less” cooking class in partnership and led by UB Wellness. The workshop would involve 2 sessions, 1 learning to cook a healthy meal, the other led by students. We would then share the meal together. Discuss the desire to get student feedback. CONCLUSIONS We are moving forward with Guided mediation by Elaine as well as promoting the Stress-less workshop conducted by UB Wellness. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Follow up with Elaine to confirm date Carla Oct. 28 Send out Stress-less workshop on list_serv Marna Oct. 15 Purchase water for Stress-less event Create survey-monkey survey to query students’ interest in cooking class Carla Oct 28 Marna ? TOPIC 7 Grad Speaker Chelsea: Provided update from Kathryn Kendell including: We need to have a bio & headshot for the selected speaker by Feb 1 st so the program is ready to print We need to rent regalia for the speaker which the club pays for. In years past, a choice has been provided for students in the form a survey Carla: Our contacts at Jericho fell through. We’ve tried to contact them multiple times and received no feedback. We are going to move on to prospect elsewhere. Chelsea: Contacted Mark about a potential speaker (Dan Frontera) and will follow up to receive share more information including Data/Time/Place/Expectation of being a speaker. She will also let him know that will be talking with other potential speakers and that students will ultimately be given a chance to share their opinion. Marna: Contacted Harry Schultz, but was unable to reach him. She will follow up again as well as contact the organization, Push Buffalo to prospect for speakers. David: Will follow up with Arlene Kaukus, current director of UB Career Services and previous CEO of the United Way in Buffalo to see if she has any ideas about potential speakers. We reviewed the survey results from the students again which received a high response rate. It incidated a preference for someone who is 1) A leader of nonprofit, 2) Leader in Healthcare, 3) Veteran. We will continue to keep this in mind. CONCLUSIONS This remains a top priority and we need to continue to focus on identify possible speakers with enough time for students to vote and provide feedback. ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Follow up with Dan Frontera Chelsea ASAP Follow up with Harry Schultz Marna ASAP Reach out to Push Buffalo to prospect for potential speakers Marna ASAP Reach out to Arlene to prospect for potential speakers David ASAP TOPIC 8 Communication to Students and Attendance at future meetings We discussed the importance of encouraging students to attend our future open meetings so we can know their interests and points of concern and ultimately better represent them We discussed that we could do a better job communicate to students what it is we do for them, as well as to provide a concrete agenda ahead of time and identify a topic for each open meeting. We hope that by doing so it will connect with students and their personal areas of concerns, motivating them to attend meetings. We decided our next topic for student feedback and open forum will b: “Are Faculty Trauma -Informed in the Classroom?” CONCLUSIONS Send out more target emails promoting future Open meetings that provide tangible topic areas of focus ACTION ITEMS PERSON RESPONSIBLE DEADLINE Send out email via list_serv promoting next meeting. Carla 1 week ahead of Nov. Open meeting 1. Plan to create another survey in a few weeks to gather data on what SSW students would like to see from their GSA OTHER NOTES How can we be most useful to students? And how can we make sure that -ANDwhatever put our energy into, students will want to do? LINGERING FUTURE Could we run professional development or networking opportunities—i.e. AGENDA ITEMS a panel discussion from Social Workers? FROM Oct 14 MEETING 2. David will explore whether it is possible for him to attend the Faculty meetings on behalf of the GSA.