Candidate Proficiency Alignment

Candidate Proficiencies Alignment
Calumet College of St. Joseph
Education Department
Candidate Proficiencies Alignment
The Education unit presents the alignment of standards from three educational entities: 1) The Indiana Department of Education
(IDOE) Essential Pedagogy, 2) The Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC), 3) The National Board
for Professional Teacher Standards (NBPTS) and 4) The Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI) for elementary.
The following table combines the standards from the first three entities and aligns them with the unit’s Candidate Outcomes.
To assure a high level of pedagogical and content knowledge for all teacher candidates, the unit program has defined five major
objectives corresponding to the academic, developmental, and social needs of PK-12 students. These are aligned with the three pillars
of the conceptual framework: Preparation, Reflection and Transformation. All teacher candidates are required to demonstrate:
1. Understanding How Students Learn and How They Differ
2. Knowledge of What to Teach
3. Continuous Personal and Professional Growth
4. Demonstration of How to Teach Effectively
5. Effective Implementation of Technology
The unit’s alignment of its Candidate Outcomes with the standards of the IDOE, INTASC and NBPTS demonstrates a comprehensive
approach to the achieving consistency professional performance.
Candidate Proficiencies Alignment
Alignment of Unit’s Candidate Outcomes with the Standards of the IDOE, INTASC and NBPTS
Education Unit Candidate Outcomes
Preparation: #1. Understanding How Students
Learn and How They Differ
Teacher candidates:
 design curriculum to motivate students through
active learning in supportive environments.
 monitor and manage student learning using
appropriate assessments as an integral part of
 plan lessons that reflect an understanding of
students’ developmental characteristics and needs,
using a variety of pedagogical techniques to convey
information and teach skills.
 establish classroom rules and procedures: to promote
an organized and productive learning environment,
to set appropriate behavior standards that
communicate high and realistic expectations for
students’ behavior, and to ensure that students
understand both expectations and consequences of
 promote student learning by providing responsive
instruction that makes use of effective
communication techniques; instructional strategies
that actively engage students in the learning process;
and timely, high-quality feedback.
Essential Pedagogy
Teacher candidates:
 exhibit a strong working knowledge of subject
matter that enables students to better understand
patterns of thinking specific to a discipline.
 stay abreast of current knowledge and practice
within the content areas, related disciplines, and
Developmentally appropriate
literacy standards based on
scientifically-based reading research
and developed and approved by the
Understanding of historical and
contemporary development of early
childhood education
Psychology of child development,
including, but not limited to the
development of exceptional needs
Competence in multicultural
Essential Pedagogy
Preparation: #2. Knowledge of What to Teach
Principle #2
Teaching across the content areas
of: English/Language Arts, Math,
Science, Social, P.E./Health, Music
Visual Art (See content standards)
The candidate understands
how children learn and
develop, and can provide
learning opportunities that
support their intellectual,
social and personal
Principle #3:
The candidate understands
how students differ in their
approaches to learning and
creates instructional
opportunities that are
adapted to diverse learners.
Principle #1:
 The candidate understands
Core #1
Teachers are
committed to
students and their
Core #2
the central concepts, tools of
inquiry, and the structures of
the discipline(s) he or she
Teachers know the
subjects they teach
Core #5
Teachers are
members of
Candidate Proficiencies Alignment
 design instruction appropriate for all students that
reflects an understanding of relevant content and is
based on continuous and appropriate assessment.
 know and understand the importance of the state
content and performance standards as outlined in
the Indiana Teacher Content Standards and
Essential Pedagogy for Teachers.
 know and understand the relevant content of the
discipline being taught, including concepts,
principles, relationships, methods of inquiry, and
key issues.
 know how to plan lesson content and skills and
implement instructional strategies that make
connections within the discipline and across
 know how to use varied activities and instructional
groupings to engage students in instructional
content and to meet instructional goals and
 know and understand how to engage students
intellectually by teaching content in relevant and
meaningful ways that promote all students’ active
and invested participation in the learning process.
 know how to develop and use a variety of formative
and summative assessment tools, consistently
applied to instructional goals and outcomes, fairly
administered, accurately measured, carefully
interpreted, and effectively communicated.
 plan instructional experiences that progress
sequentially and support stated instructional goals;
are aligned with the Indiana Academic/Core
Standards are clear, relevant, meaningful, age
appropriate, and able to be assessed.
Curriculum Development, lesson
planning assessment and data used
in informing instruction
teaches and can create
learning experiences that
make these aspects of subject
matter meaningful for
 Principle #4:
The candidate understands
and uses a variety of
instructional strategies to
encourage student’s
development of critical
thinking, problem solving and
performance skills
 Principle #7
The candidate plans
instruction based upon
knowledge of subject matter,
the community and
curriculum goals.
 Principle #8
The teacher understands and uses
formal and informal
assessment strategies to
evaluate and ensure the
continuous intellectual, social
and physical development of
the learner.
Candidate Proficiencies Alignment
Reflection: #3 Continuous Personal and
Professional Growth
Teacher candidates:
respect individual and cultural differences of
students and their families.
model and encourage appreciation for students’
cultural heritage, unique endowments, learning
styles, interests, and needs.
design learning experiences that show consideration
for student culture and heritage in appropriate
classroom, school, and social contexts.
collaborate with diverse families, professionals, and
integrate and adapt instructional strategies and
assessments that are appropriate for and responsive
to diverse student’s needs, abilities, and interests
including the needs of English language learners.
acknowledge and address concerns that affect
learners by using community diversity, strengths,
and resources.
create a learning environment in which diversity and
individual differences are valued and respected.
recognize and support the efforts of families to
engage in the education of their children.
 commit to grow professionally, benefiting from the
use of self-assessment.
 serve as advocates for students and the profession.
 participate in mentoring opportunities and in
beginning teacher support systems.
think critically, solve problems, reflect on teaching
practice, demonstrating success through a variety of
roles when teaching.
demonstrate a commitment to learn, improve the
profession, maintain professional ethics and personal
integrity, and share responsibility for the result of
student learning with the members of the learning
identify and use group processes to make decisions
Essential Pedagogy
Classroom and behavioral
management, including but not
limited to the legal rights and
responsibilities of teachers,
students and families
 Reflection on and evaluation of
professional practices, professional
conduct and leadership
 Collaboration and consultation with
team members including
colleagues, families, primary
caregivers, agency personnel, and
other service personnel to design
and implement experiences and
Principle #5:
The candidate uses an
understanding of individual
and group motivation and
behavior to create a
learning environment that
encourages positive social
interaction, active
engagement in learning and
Principle #9:
The candidate is a
reflective practitioner who
continually evaluates the
effects of his/her choices
and actions on others
(students, parents and other
professionals in the
learning community) and
who actively seeks out
opportunities to grow
Core #3
Teachers are
responsible for
managing and
monitoring student
Core #4
Teachers think
about their practice
and learn from
Core #5
Principle #10:
The candidate fosters
relationships with school
colleagues, parents and
agencies in the larger
community to support
students’ learning and wellbeing.
Teachers are members
of learning
Candidate Proficiencies Alignment
and solve problems, as a member of a collaborative
educational team.
 enhance content and pedagogical knowledge and
skills through a variety of professional development
Transformation: #4 Demonstration of How to
Teach Effectively
Essential Pedagogy
Teacher candidates:
 demonstrate a belief that children can learn by being
respectful and sensitive to learners and enabling
learners to use their skills and talents.
 are dedicated to teaching life-long learning by
engaging students in active learning to promote
critical thinking, creativity, and problem solving
focused on future learning.
 are committed to professional and ethical standards
reflected in daily decisions.
 work to create an environment in which taking risks,
sharing new ideas, and innovative problem solving
are encouraged and supported.
 engage in an active exchange of ideas with teaching
colleagues; observe peers; and encourage feedback
from students to establish a successful learning
 know and understand the importance of
communicating enthusiasm for learning, of interacting
with students in ways that reflect support and show
respect for all students, and of using effective
interpersonal skills (including both verbal and
nonverbal skills) to reach students and communicate a
sincere commitment to student success.
 create an environment in which learners work
cooperatively and purposefully using a variety of
resources to understand themselves, their immediate
community, and the global society in which they
 manage and monitor student learning using
appropriate assessments and adjusting instruction
Application of effective teaching
practices for teaching young
children through a variety of early
and ongoing clinical experiences
with infant and toddler, preprimary-aged and primary-aged
children within a range of
educational programming models
Differentiation of instruction and
teaching methods, including
methods for teaching English as a
new language and students with
exceptional needs, designed to
maximize student engagement
Use of informal and formal
assessment and evaluation
strategies in collaboration with
others to plan individualized
curriculum and teaching practices
Principle #2:
The candidate understands
how children learn and
develop, and can provide
learning opportunities that
support their intellectual,
social and personal
Principle #3:
The candidate understands
how students differ in their
approaches to learning and
creates instructional
opportunities that are
adapted to diverse learners.
Principle #4:
The candidate understands
and uses a variety of
instructional strategies to
encourage student’s
development of critical
thinking, problem solving
and performance skills.
Principle #8
The teacher understands
and uses formal and
informal assessment
strategies to evaluate and
ensure the continuous
Core #1
Teachers are
committed to
students and their
Core #3
Teachers are
responsible for
managing and
student learning
Core #4
Teachers think
about their
practice and learn
from experience
Core #5
Teachers are
members of
Candidate Proficiencies Alignment
encourage learners to work independently and
cooperatively in a positive and stimulating learning
climate fueled by self-discipline and motivation.
manage the learning environment effectively so that
optimal learning occurs.
Transformation: #5 Effective Implementation
of Technology
Teacher candidates:
 integrate technology in teaching and
 adapt instruction to respond to diverse
students’ abilities, needs, and interests.
 select materials, technology, activities, and
space that are developmentally appropriate
and designed to engage students' interest in
Essential Pedagogy
 Use of technology to support
instruction, access and manipulate
data, enhance professional growth
and productivity; communicate and
collaborate with colleagues,
families, and community agencies
and conduct research.
intellectual, social and
physical development of
the learner.
Principle #9:
The candidate is a
reflective practitioner who
continually evaluates the
effects of his/her choices
and actions on others
(students, parents and other
professionals in the
learning community) and
who actively seeks out
opportunities to grow
Principle #10:
The candidate fosters
relationships with school
colleagues, parents and
agencies in the larger
community to support
students’ learning and wellbeing.
Principle #6:
The candidate uses
knowledge of effective
verbal, nonverbal and
media communication
techniques to foster active
inquiry, collaboration and
supportive interaction in
the classroom.
Principle #10:
The candidate fosters
Core #2
Teachers know the
subjects they teach
Core #3
Teachers are
responsible for
managing and
monitoring student
Candidate Proficiencies Alignment
relationships with school
colleagues, parents and
agencies in the larger
community to support
students’ learning and wellbeing.
select and organize topics recognizing the
dynamic nature of knowledge so students
make clear connections between what is
taught in the classroom and what they
experience outside the classroom.
select and use materials, technology,
activities, space, and other resources that
are developmentally appropriate, that
support instructional goals and objectives,
and that are designed to engage student
interest in meaningful learning.
use verbal, nonverbal, and media techniques
so that students explore ideas
collaboratively, pose questions, and support
one another in their learning.
 Principle #4:
The candidate understands
and uses a variety of
instructional strategies to
encourage student’s
development of critical
thinking, problem solving and
performance skills
Core #5
Teachers are
members of