Hamlet Act 5 Scene 1: Discussion Questions

Hamlet Act 5 Scene 1
Group Discussion Questions
Lines 1-30
1. Identify the serious subject the gravediggers discuss here. Then, identify
elements of grim humor in the dialogue.
2. Point out a scene of grim humor or inappropriate humor from Act 4.
Lines 42-61
3. Sum up the joking riddle the Gravedigger develops in these lines.
4. What idea about death do these first two pages of this scene possibly
convey and how does this idea relate to themes already expressed by the
play and its hero?
Lines 57-58
5. Identify the type of figurative language used, the things being compared,
and how the image adds to the comic effect of the scene.
Lines 76-114
6. Identify the lines that most clearly express Hamlet’s deepest thoughts on
death and paraphrase them.
Lines 101-104
7. Explain what Hamlet means here and why these lines are appropriate for
Hamlet’s consideration of a skull that he imagines may be that of a lawyer.
Lines 120-138
8. Concentrate on the shifting meanings of the words Hamlet and the
Gravedigger use. Discuss the play on “lie”, “man”, and “woman”.
9. How might wordplay be related to the play’s themes?
Lines 149-165
10.Explain the dramatic irony of the situation here and discuss how the irony
contributes to the continuing humor of scene 1 and to Shakespeare’s
developing characterization of Hamlet.
Lines 187-219
11.Discuss Hamlet’s meaning and relate it to the play’s theme. Then, identify
the lines that most clearly state Hamlet’s thoughts on death.
12.Describe how these thoughts relate to his thoughts expressed in lines 76114 when he considers the Gravedigger’s treatment of skulls.
Lines 241-258
13.Look for evidence of Laertes’s emotional state. Is there any evidence of the
anger Laertes showed in Act 4?
Lines 258-290
14.Examine these lines to determine what motivates Hamlet’s behavior here.
Other than grief and shock, might cause him to act out as he does?
Lines 300-305
15.Why are these lines important in the development of the plot?