
Textiles Trend Forecast Report
Textiles Trend Forecast Report
Kat Thornsen and Molly McKinlay
Textiles Trend Forecast Report
Trend 1: Silk
Turning more ecofriendly, produced with only a few chemicals. It is now being made of protein,
which makes it more comfortable. It is strong, can handle a lot of pressure being pulled, the
smaller the yarn the more it resembles silkiness.
More focus on giving no hormones to silkworms.
After being used, it is biodegradable.
Some natural silks are mulberry silk, tasar silk, muga silk and eri silk. They are grown in
forest trees that are in natural conditions.
They are becoming blended with other fibres such as cotton, linen, wool and polyester.
Silk will be made more into garments that are close to the body such as thermal underwear,
dresses, gloves, handbags.
Textiles Trend Forecast Report
Trend 2: Organic cotton
Going organic with cotton means:
Workers be around less carcinogens, because those are used to protect regular cotton
Organic producers use only methods and materials allowed in organic production
In 2009, organic fiber sales reached $521 million in the United States, growing by 10.4 percent
over the previous year. Large retail stores are continuing to use organic cotton as advertising that
their clothing is protecting the earth. Clothing of all styles can be made using organic cotton.
Textiles Trend Forecast Report
Trend 3: Wool
Being a resource for diaper covers:
 Saves money on all those diapers
saving landfills from mounds of diapers
Wool diaper covers are:
Naturally anti-bacterial
Naturally flame retardant
There are now wool dryer balls =reduces drying time =going green
Wool characteristics
Does not cling to skin
Fire resistant
Strands of wool are crimped
More clothing that needs to be flame retardant will use wool
More fabrics for exercising will use sheep’s wool to keep the person cool when its hot
and warm when its cold.
Textiles Trend Forecast Report
Trend 4: Bamboo
Modern bamboo clothing is clothing made from either 100% bamboo yarn or a blend of bamboo
and cotton yarn.
Release 35% more oxygen than an equivalent stand of a tree
Trees are faster going then other trees, and are fully grown within a few months
Clothes are being increasing made by bamboo fibers.
Textiles Trend Forecast Report
Trend 5: Hemp
Why it’s green
Clothing can be 100% hemp and or a mixture of hemp and other fabrics such as cotton
100% hemp
Made from inner bark of cannabis plant
Strong so it is often used for rope but can become soft and comfortable when made into
No pesticides are needed
Can be cultivated in about 100days
Because of its durability and eco-friendly nature the future of hemp is great.
Hemp can be made into purses, hoodies, dresses, virtually anything