CHC Logo Here: This template is intended as a guide to be adapted consistent with the internal needs of your organization and required federal, state, and accrediting agency standards and regulations Policy Area: Title of Policy: In-person, Walk-Ins, and Telephone Triage Effective Date: Approved Date: Revision Date: I. Subject: Number: Page Number: Approved by: Rationale for policy: The telephone provides an invaluable communication link between healthcare providers and patients and aids in improving patient access to care. Studies have shown that telephone care reduces unnecessary office visits and patients’ out-of-pocket expenses (American College of Physicians–American Society of Internal Medicine; 2000: White Paper). II. Purpose: To sort and prioritize telephone calls, improve accessibility to care and use of facility & community resources (EMS 911). In-person, face-face triage (includes walk-ins) and telephone triage involves the collection of pertinent information and initiating a decision-making process that categorizes and prioritizes the needs of patients seeking care. Triage is a “clinical” service and is a specific and immediate response a patient’s chief concern. Telephone triage does not involve making diagnosis by phone but rather it is a process of fact finding. Telephone triage is used to assess chief concern over the phone and offer recommendations for the next step of care. Patients calling for appointments may need phone triage to assess the acuity of their condition. III. Scope: This policy applies to front desk personnel, physicians, Licensed Independent Practitioners (LIPs) and other licensed or certified practitioners (CHA(P)s. This policy excludes major disaster situations, mental health services, and community services. IV. Procedures: A. Personnel Involved Triage is performed by Physicians, LIPs (NPs, PAs) and other licensed or certified practitioners (RNs, CHA(P)s). At minimum the triage provider is required to maintain their Basic Life Support and additional certifications as required per their job description and position. Additional recommendations include but are not limited to TNCC, ENPC, and PALS. At least 2 patient identifiers (name, DOB) are required to verify that the correct chart is being viewed. Staff will speak directly to patient whenever possible. CHC Logo Here: This template is intended as a guide to be adapted consistent with the internal needs of your organization and required federal, state, and accrediting agency standards and regulations When unable to speak to the patient directly a record of the name and contact information of the patient or patient’s representative is recorded. Calls are returned to the patient or representative is made in a timely manner (set time frame). B. Hours of Practice Availability The clinic is open to receive telephone calls from 8:00am – 5:30 pm Monday through Friday. After hour calls are forwarded automatically to (the on-call provider’s cell/AfterHours Nurse Triage Line for e.g.) C. Emergent Calls/Walk-Ins In the event that a patient or his/her representative presents to or calls the clinic reporting any of the signs or symptoms on the Emergent Calls List (Appendix A), the following steps will be taken immediately: 1. When a patient presents to the office, a medical provider will assess patient immediately to determine urgent/emergent status and course of action. 2. When a patient or his/her representative calls the clinic the caller is to be kept on line, EMS/911 activated, and clinic medical provider is to be notified immediately. D. Urgent Calls/Walk-Ins In the event that a patient or his/her representative presents to or calls the clinic reporting any of the signs or symptoms noted on the Urgent Calls List (Appendix B), the following steps will be taken: 1. When a patient presents to the office a medical provider will promptly assess patient to determine if urgent/emergent status/same-day/future appointment to be made. 2. When patient or his/her representative calls the clinic with signs or symptoms on the Urgent Call List the medical provider will be given the call immediately to evaluate and determine the best course of action. E. Non-Emergent/Non-Urgent Calls/Walk-ins When a patient or his/her representative calls the clinic with signs and symptoms that are not on Appendix A or B and are not deemed to be urgent or life-threatening, a same day appointment will be made or if patient or representative chooses not to be seen same day the patient will be offered an opportunity to schedule an appointment at his or her convenience. A Telephone Triage Message Form will be completed and sent to the patient’s primary care or covering provider for timely follow up (set time frame) (see attached Telephone Triage Message Form). When a patient chooses not to be seen the same day, the patient will be provided instructions by the provider on where to seek treatment should symptoms worsen. The instructions include when to call 911 or seek treatment at the CHC Logo Here: This template is intended as a guide to be adapted consistent with the internal needs of your organization and required federal, state, and accrediting agency standards and regulations emergency department, the contact number and hours of operation for the emergency department or referral facility. Every business day the patient’s primary care provider must receive a report of the previous night’s triage activities for review and for follow up as applicable. All telephone consultation made internally or externally must be entered into the patient’s medical record. F. Documentation Requirements o All triage notes, telephone triage message forms. o Date and time of assessment. o Name of attending triage personnel. o Presenting patient concern. o Relevant history. o Relevant assessment findings. o Allocated triage acuity e.g., requires emergent, urgent, same day visit. o If re-triage is necessary the re-triaged assessment along with time completed and reason. o Assessment and any diagnostic, first aid, or other treatment measure provided. o Discharge plan if the patient is discharged from triage, emergency, or any advice given by telephone. o Confirmation of patient or representative’s understanding and agreement to plan of care, instructions, and/or advice. o Disposition: to home or hospital for example. G. Quality Review Compliance is monitored daily when changes are made to the policy. Once processes are established monitoring is done quarterly. This policy will be monitored through on-site medical record audits. Evaluation of triage process is also done through patient satisfaction surveys. Triage decisions for appropriateness of actions taken by provider are reviewed quarterly and feedback is provided to staff and document as an education program (see attached telephone triage audit form). This policy is reviewed annually and then circulated to staff to sign and date acknowledging that it has been reviewed. The protocols and algorithms are reviewed at least once every 2 years with input from the medical director and medical staff. CHC Logo Here: This template is intended as a guide to be adapted consistent with the internal needs of your organization and required federal, state, and accrediting agency standards and regulations V. REFERENCES Health Resources and Services Administration: HRSA PAL 2014-03 Requirements for FTCA #4 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) ECRI Institute American College of Physicians–American Society of Internal Medicine: Telephone Triage. Philadelphia: 2000: White Paper. National Institute of Health (NIH) Katz, Harvey P. MD, 2001. Telephone medicine: Triage and training for primary care. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company. National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA): Element B VI. RESOURCES VII. Related Policies and Procedures (list all P&P is applicable, otherwise state none in this section.) CHC Logo Here: This template is intended as a guide to be adapted consistent with the internal needs of your organization and required federal, state, and accrediting agency standards and regulations Appendix A Emergent Calls List: EMS/911 If patient presents to clinic complaining of any of the following symptoms, request assistance immediately from medical personnel and call 911: If you receive a call from a patient or patient representative stating any of the complaints below, keep caller on the line and have someone activate EMS/911: Note: list is not intended to be all inclusive but rather a guide for triage. Airway –compromised or obstructed o Choking o Neck or spine injury o Croup with cyanosis in any infant of child A. Breathing problems – severe respiratory compromise o Difficulty breathing (from any cause), o Difficulty speaking, or swallowing o Near drowning o Acute allergic (anaphylactic) reaction with respiratory difficulty (food, bee sting, medication) B. Circulation- suspected or impending shock o Cardiac arrest o Any chest pains suggesting possibility of heart attack, chest pain with or without discomfort of the jaw, arm, neck pain and or heaviness in chest o Uncontrollable bleeding o Acute allergic (anaphylactic) reaction with respiratory difficulty (food, bee sting, medication) o Poisoning or overdose of medication with change in mental status, signs of shock, or any respiratory difficultly C. Disability an d/or neurologic impairment or paralysis o Convulsion (seizure) o Inability to walk, talk, or move limb o Any neurologic symptoms suggestive of stroke: Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg (especially on one side of the body), sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech; Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes, sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination, sudden severe headache with no known cause o Coma or unconsciousness o Head trauma with change in normal behavior such as extremely hard to arouse, excessively fussy, loss of consciousness, confusion o Diabetic hypoglycemic reaction with mental confusion and inability to take oral glucose D. Other o Severe trauma (e.g., fall from high place such as a tree or building window) o Obvious fracture and/ or bone protruding from skin o Neurological symptoms such as seizures or o Head Trauma with behavioral changes and or recurrent vomiting o o o o Severe pain, unable to walk Suicide threats or attempts Sexual assault Abuse CHC Logo Here: This template is intended as a guide to be adapted consistent with the internal needs of your organization and required federal, state, and accrediting agency standards and regulations Appendix B Urgent Calls List Immediate appointment – As soon as possible (within 2 hours) Note: these are just examples. Judgment is required based on suspected severity, patient or parental anxiety, or potential consequences of conditioning worsening if not seen immediately. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Acting very ill (very irritable or lethargic) Severe or increasing abdominal pain or pain localized to the lower abdomen Acute allergic reaction (e.g., hives) without respiratory symptoms or signs of anaphylaxis Extremely anxious parent or acutely depressed patient Burns Sudden change in any condition and symptoms worsen Croup symptoms in infants less than 6 months of age Fever in infant under 3 months of age Fever 104° F or greater Purple or blood colored rash Testicular Pain Severe Pain of any kind Inconsolable crying in child or infant Patient or patient representative has called more than one time about same complaint in last 24-48 hours Appointment same day (within 8 hours) Note: these are just examples. Judgment is required based on no risk or low risk form not being seen immediately and patient comfort. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Diarrhea Earache Fever uncontrolled by treatment Joint pain or swelling Excessive urination and thirst Pain or burning on urination Skin infection Sore throat Swollen glands Future appointment (within 3 days or less) Note: Patients are very reluctant to wait, so the appointment should be given as soon as possible, depending on the time available and the nature of the problem. These are examples to serve guidelines for similar chronic problems. □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Recurrent anxiety attacks Mild chronic depression Diagnostic problems with non-acute symptoms that have been present for a long time (e.g., recurrent headache, chronic abdominal pain) Emotional or behavioral problems Enuresis (bedwetting) in a child over 4 years of age Growth problems School problems CHC Logo Here: This template is intended as a guide to be adapted consistent with the internal needs of your organization and required federal, state, and accrediting agency standards and regulations Telephone Triage Algorithm Patient Calls By Receptionist Call is Answered By Automated Telephone System Call is transferred to designee By Designee Answered Questions are posed to patient By Voicemail Designee listens to message and calls patient back Message is left for practitioner Established triage p rotocols To informal protocols Told they will receive a call back Designee researches issue Designee Patient receives call back physician patient is told if condition worsens to call back Call 911, or go to the emergency department at a hospital. Medical Mutual Insurance Company of Maine's "Forms" are offered as reference information only and are not intended to establish practice standards or serve as legal advice. MMIC recommends you obtain a legal opinion from a qualified attorney for any specific application to your practice. CHC Logo Here: This template is intended as a guide to be adapted consistent with the internal needs of your organization and required federal, state, and accrediting agency standards and regulations Telephone Triage Documentation Audit Indicates who took the message Date Present Time Present Patient Name Present Problem/Patient Complaint Current Medications Caller’s Name if Not Patient Relationship to patient Other Medical Problems Allergies Patient’s phone or cell # Patient’s Age Weight Patient’s Work Phone # Pregnant? Primary Care Provider Problem/Patient Complaint Medication refill per policy Medication – name and dose Pharmacy Name Pharmacy Phone # Follow up instructions given to patient Treatment Plan Appropriate Clinical Advice Given to Patient Patient Verbalizes Understanding of Treatment Plan and/or Clinical Advice Given Patient Understands to Call Back if Symptoms Worsen or to Call the ER if the Office Is Closed Call Returned By Name of Caller Documented Date/Time of Call Documented Provider Consulted Documented Provider Review/Signature Present Date/Time of Provider Signature Page 1/2 MRN MRN MRN MRN MRN CHC Logo Here: This template is intended as a guide to be adapted consistent with the internal needs of your organization and required federal, state, and accrediting agency standards and regulations Summary Results of the Telephone Triage Documentation Audit: Results Reviewed with the Following Staff Members: Process Improvements Discussed: Review/Education Presented By: Date: Page 2/2 Medical Mutual's "Forms" are offered as reference information only and are not intended to establish practice standards or serve as legal advice. MMIC recommends you obtain a legal opinion from a qualified attorney for any specific application to your practice. CHC Logo Here: This template is intended as a guide to be adapted consistent with the internal needs of your organization and required federal, state, and accrediting agency standards and regulations CHC Logo Here: This template is intended as a guide to be adapted consistent with the internal needs of your organization and required federal, state, and accrediting agency standards and regulations Telephone Triage Message Form Message taken by: Date: Patients Name: DOB: Time: Age: Allergies: Callers Name (if not patient): Callers relationship to patient: Patient Chief Concern/Problem: Current Medication: Past Medical History: Primary Care provider: Patient can be reached at: □ Home □ Cell □ Work Home #: Weight: Medication refill request? Cell #: YES NO Is patient pregnant? YES NO Work #: Name of Medication(s) continued: Name of Medication: Pharmacy Name: Pharmacy Phone #: Pharmacy Fax#: Page 1/2 CHC Logo Here: This template is intended as a guide to be adapted consistent with the internal needs of your organization and required federal, state, and accrediting agency standards and regulations Follow Up: □ Emergency department referral □ Given instructions over phone □ Prescription called in □ Refill medication made to pharmacy □ Appointment made for ___________ at __________ AM/PM □ Referral to _______________________ made on _______________ Communication with Patient Treatment Plan: Clinical Advice Given to Patient: Patient verbalizes understanding of treatment plan and/or clinical advice given. □ YES Comments: Patient understands to call back if symptoms worsen or call the ED if office is closed. □ YES Comments: Call Returned by: Date/Time: Provider consulted □ YES □ NO Provider Signature: Date/Time: Page 2/2