Minutes WASH meeting-5 Oct 2011

Minutes of WASH ClusterMeeting held on
5 Oct, 2011 at 02:00 pm, Faisalabad hall, Serena Hotel
Date: Wednesday, 5 Oct, 2011
Time: 02:00 pm
Venue: Faisalabad hall, Serena Hotel
Agenda Items:
1. Update on situation/ Sindh/ Balochistan/ Hydrological
2. Assessments: Results from Balochistan and Inter-agency in-depth assessment
3. Information management: Tools, Inputs
4. Draft sanitation guidelines
5. AOB
Agenda item
Update on the situation:
Assessments: Results from
Balochistan and Inter-agency
in-depth assessment
Key action points of the last meeting were discussed.
Inter-cluster coordination was discussed
An update on the hydrological situation was given, rain on the
north of the country flowing down; major changes have not been
observed as yet.
WHO gave an update on the epidemiological situation, 54 alerts of
the acute watery diaheoria have been received.
There have been confirmed 19 outbreaks of acute watery
diaheoria, 64 for the dengue, 15 for measles and 4 for malaria.
ICCM in Sindh has agreed to prioritize 8 most severely affected
districts with the largest population including Badin, MirpurKhas,
Sanghar, Sh. Benazirabad, TM Khan, TandoAllahyar and Umerkot.
WASH Cluster is looking to prioritize response in TSs with IOM
information for approx. ~900,000 people. Some camps have been
closed and some have increased, although the population is
decreasing as some people are gradually moving out. Updated
information should be out in the coming days.
The HC/HCT (Humanitarian Country Team) has been pushing to get
the non-notified districts included as part of the assessment and
humanitarian response.
Question on water contamination of LBOD. WHO to share water
quality testing results with Cluster for wider distribution.
As far as the situation in Balochistan is concerned, assessment
summary shared, however the background data not available.
Data will be shared if and when made available. NDMA and Cluster
have said that the details would be shared with the rest of the
humanitarian community. There were specific districts that the
government said would take care of.
OFDA inquired about the temporary settlements /formal
government run camps in Balochistan and what the exact numbers
beneficiaries were. Thus far information is that only one camp of
approximately 3,800 people exists in Naseerabad, though even this
has not been formally declared.
WASH initial targets/response plan is based on 60 percent of the
Action Point
Share with partners the exact
number of temporary
settlements and beneficiary
Those agencies interested in
SAG to send their names to
by Friday 14 October.
Information Management:
Tools, Inputs
affected population as per initial assessment until assessment
updated. UNICEF and MSF have begun responding
A pictoral representation of 60 percent of the WASH targets was given.
A figure of 2.5 m USD has been reported for funding for Balochistan
against initial WASH response plan.
OFDA commented on the sectoral implementation capacity and
security, which he said is a big issue down there and preference should
be given to local NGO’s.
Cluster recommendation that agencies with existing capacity in
Balochistan and with emphasis on use of national staff support the
An update on Information Management was given.
With regards to the single reporting format and 3W’s WASH Cluster IM
sat with the smaller ICCM group with NDMA and discussed the format
that was to be used in order to capture data for the 3W.
Funding is low, only 8 % has been funded up to date.
3W has been a weekly tooland need a regular update from agencies;
detailed strategy with instructions posted online.
WASH 3Ws presented, map shared. Comments: 1) sanitation should be
broken down as per strategy not only for temporary latrines.
Challenges on IM include beneficiary counting for various WASH
interventions, for example against tankering and NFI distribution.
Cluster is working towards conclusion.
IM SAG for WASH possible if agencies interested.
Strategy will be circulated being very careful with numbers so that no
double counting goes on and will be posted online (pakresponse).
Oxfam suggested that instructions on use of Pur sachets and hygiene
education messages in Sindhi be shared. Oxfam to send to Cluster and
posted on pakresponse
Water tankering template presented, to be part of 3W information
Fund tracking sheet presented. It was suggested that it would be
Oxfam to send hygiene
education messages to WASH
IM (Ali Rehmat).
Water tracker tankering format
will be posted uploaded on
Any agency interested in IM SAG
to let Cluster know.
Fund tracking sheet to be
submitted weekly to cluster.
Mult-Sector Assessment
Coordination: District Level
worthwhile to add in-kind donations although they are not presently
included as yet. Weekly input from cluster agencies
expected.Information will not be used by agency but to support overall
advocacy for the Cluster.
Response discussion: Importance of exploitation of additional water
sources, cluster to coordinate/advocate effectively with Government
to help source additional water sources (cluster to follow-up),
importance of focusing on household water treatment,
Question on analysis of supply chain for PUR/aquatabs. Thus far no
shortage seems likely, Cluster to feedback on this to group.
New item on the use of ‘expired’ aquatabs distributed by NDMA.
Feedback from Cluster in Sindh is that there is not major issue and that
this news item is not effecting cluster work in Sindh.
Question regarding effectiveness of PUR for arsenic removal. WHO to
share study with group.
Three level of assessment information should available for cluster
planning: 1) updated IOM TSS information, 2) Government secondary
data collection, 3) Inter-agency assessment
Assessment questionnaire finalized b/w Cluster and WFP. To be
posted online, but based on McRAM previously endorsed by cluster.
NDMA/HC currently discussing issue of assessment being limited to
notified districts. Humanitarian community against this, concerns will
be share through Cluster.
Set to begin as soon as notification issue resolved. Early next week.
Humanitarian community focal points for WASH in districts shared.
Commitment of these agencies required to ensure proper
Any agency unable to meet expectations as per TOR shared in Sindh
should approach Cluster leads for discussion/support.
District WASH meetings under roll out in Sindh.
Agencies acting as district WASH
cluster focal points will be
expected to formally nominate
persons for this task to help
ensure accountability.
Where required, Cluster leads to
be approached to seek
additional support.
Draft Sanitation guidelines
Detailed Hygiene and sanitation guidelines for longer phase of
responsehave been drafted and will be posted for comment. SAG to
A detailed draft of the
sanitation& hygiene guidelines
will be shared with the group
and will be posted online. SAG
will meet to review.
PFRRP Revision
PFRRP revision discussions/timeline underway
Two options (to be finalized by HCT): 1) relief and time critical ER
based for 6 months, 2) broader, expanded to all sectors over 1 year
OFDA: in view of no major secondary outbreak last year, delay in
response thus far, resilience of population, important to define critical
needs, no focus on lengthy ER or development.
Discussion in Cluster generally endorsed option 1. Clear definitions
exist for life-saving.
Discussion DRR to support increase resilience of populations, other, to
be part of appeal revision or not.
NDMA, Need to wait for results of assessments to inform appeal
Cluster overall agreed to focus on 1) overall strategy agreement, 2)
focus planning at district level (Sindh), provincial (Balochistan), and to
proceed with provincial SAG review of projects to be endorsed at
federal level. Guidance will be shared accordingly with all cluster
SAG to meet to discuss WASH
strategy for appeal revision and
way forward to ensure wash
Chair (Lasharisb; NDMA) told members that assessment was
initially to take place on Monday but due to un-notified districts
it has been put off, update on that will be given on Friday.
The timeframe for assessment would be 10 days for the field
work, 19 for development and 25 – 26 for response plans and relaunch of the appeal.
ACF emphasized that meetings, in particular District level
planning session should be planned and communicated ahead of
Agencies still open to
participate in the Global Hand
Washing day event.
Agencies to their logos and
inclusion of statement to be
signed by the ministry
time to ensure appropriate agency representation.
Partners agreed on bi-weekly meetings.
Asiya suggested a SAG meeting on Tuesday, 11 Oct, 2011 (to be
Mac gave update on the Global Hand Washing day. Agencies are
still open to participate. Planning and preparations are
underway. Banners have been received.
Declaration has been sent to the government for
institutionalizing hand washing with soap.
Members of the cluster were requested to send their logos and
inclusion of statement to be signed by the ministry
(government). Media will be present.
The event will take place on the 14/15Oct, 2011. Venue:
National Library, Islamabad. Time: 0900 – 1000 hrs.
UNDP shared with colleagues that 114 de watering pumps have
been provided which the government has processed and will be
given to PDMA Sindh within a period of two weeks.
OFDA: question to NDMA regarding: 1) government response
and requested feedback regarding support at district levels and
whether technical capacity exists within the government for
these interventions or if support is required, 2) re-iterated
request to re-deploy water filtration units donated last year and
to look at what can be done to make these operative, 3)
expressed concern that limiting the assessment/response to
notified districts may willfully exclude affected populations and
requested the government to reconsider this decision.
NDMA feedback on above: NDMA has no problem with
assessment in any district, it is up to the provincial governments,
Cluster lacks monitoring capacity (for WTus), help in this capacity
is sought (more detailed monitoring). Cluster to follow up in this
Next Meeting
UNHABITAT is piloting pee/poo bags in Sindh. Feedback will be
shared in coming days/weeks of suitability for this as an option
to scale.
Next meeting tentatively scheduled forWednesday 19 Oct,
2011.(Venue and time to be confirmed).