Portfolio Presentation Guide for Presenters

Portfolio Presentation Guide for Presenters
Your portfolio presentation is a formal, oral presentation of your body of work for the
semester. You are expected to take your presentation seriously by demonstrating obvious pride
and honest reflection.
You will need to prepare a 5-7 minute presentation following the guidelines to follow. You will
not READ your artifact entry forms word-for-word to your audience. Rather, you will engage in
an authentic conversation about you and your growth thus far as a reader, writer, and thinker
in this class.
You will present to and answer questions posed by several small audiences (1-3 people) while
several others are doing the same thing in the room. The small audiences will rotate on to the
next presenter about every 5-7 minutes. Mrs. Price will be a part of one of the small audiences.
As a presenter you must prepare to speak about and provide evidence concerning everything
How to present it…
Choose one reading artifact that is important to you.
Explain why it was important to you.
Explain what standard it addressed.
Explain how it changed you, helped you grow, etc.
Choose one writing artifact that is important to you.
Explain why it was important to you.
Explain what standard it addressed.
Explain how it changed you, helped you grow, etc.
Choose one language artifact that is important to you.
Explain why it was important to you.
Explain what standard it addressed.
Explain how it changed you, helped you grow, etc.
What are you most proud of this semester?
Successes Show evidence of it in your portfolio.
Explain why it makes you proud!
What was most challenging for you this semester?
Show evidence of it in your portfolio.
5 Challenges
Explain how you grew from the challenge, and how you will continue to try
to overcome it.
Turn to your data section.
Explain what the vocabulary data page (blue) reveals about your growth.
Explain what the other data sheets (purple, brown, yellow) reveal about
your progress toward meeting all of the standards.
Talk about the goals you have for next semester.
What do you want to accomplish?
What standards do you want to master?
What do you want to change about yourself as a scholar?
8 Questions? Ask your audience if they have any questions for you, and answer them!
I’M PRESENTING ON ________________________________, DECEMBER ___________.
Portfolio Presentation Guide for Gallery Walkers
Portfolio presentations are a formal event. Presenters are expected to take their
presentations seriously by demonstrating obvious pride and honest reflection.
As a gallery walker, you are expected to show respect to the presenters by taking
their presentations seriously, and actively listening to what they have to say.
You will need to bring a food item or napkins, plates, or cups to contribute to
the potluck that happens simultaneously with the presentations. The signup
sheet is posted on Mrs. Price’s website: mrsprice-cec.wikispaces.com.
You will listen to several presentations with a small group (1-3 people) and ask questions of the
presenters concerning their presentations while several others are doing the same thing in the
room. Your small group will rotate on to the next presenter about every 5-7 minutes.
Your grade as a gallery walker is made up of 4 parts:
1. Bring a contribution for the potluck.
2. Be professional and respectful throughout the presentations.
3. Fill out and hand in the Active Listening Guide for Gallery Walkers.
4. Fill out and turn in the reflection questions below AFTER you have been both a
presenter AND a gallery walker. (You will hand in THIS piece of paper.)
1. What connections did you notice between the different presenters?
2. After participating in the portfolio presentation experience, how do you think you did
on your portfolio this semester?
3. What is one thing that you will do differently next semester? Why?
I’M GALLERY WALKING ON ________________________________, DECEMBER ___________.