ASCCC Guidelines for Successful Presentations Thank you for being willing to participate in our event. Your expertise and experience is valuable and most appreciated by the attendees and event planners. The following presentation guidelines were developed to help ensure a successful presentation for you and the audience. Prepare well in advance to ensure a clear and focused session. Work collaboratively with other presenters in defining the goal of the presentation, the role and responsibilities of each presenter, as well as the sequence and length for presenting information. Good practices include lecture for important facts and data and interaction when discussing conclusions or solutions, allowing the attendees to contribute to the content of the session. In addition, good facilitation allows presenters and participants to address salient points and meet the goals of the presentation. Know your audience and try to anticipate what they will want to gain from your presentation. Articulate your goals for the presentation and determine the best method of conveying the information. Keep the purpose of the session narrowly focused for the time period. Keep it interactive and engaging through questions, discussion, stories, examples, activities, and brainstorms. Strategies that might assist may include: •At the beginning, ask for a few comments on what the audience wants from the session. Try to respond to those concerns during the presentation. •Ask small groups to identify questions. List all questions and respond to as many as you have time to answer. •Assign specific scenarios or questions for pairs or small groups to discuss. •Ask attendees how the information applies to their own situations. •Ask who has been faced with a similar situation. Ask how they handled it, what worked, and what didn’t. (Caveat: Don’t lose control. If it starts to get off track, gently bring it back around.) Use a visual aid when necessary, such as PowerPoint or Keynote. Ensure that the visual aid has a purpose; it should clarify, support, or illustrate key content. The visual aid should never take the place of or distract from the presenter; it should only enhance the presentation. Provide handouts only if absolutely necessary. In an effort to support sustainable practices, the Academic Senate encourages all presenters to go “paper-light” and request resources, handouts, and supporting materials be posted to our website prior to the institute or conference. Organize the presentation – introduction, body, and conclusion. Give a clear indication of what will be included in the session, provide the salient information and close with a summary of the content including final thoughts. Don’t forget the evaluations! Timing is everything. Determine time limits for all presenters. Ask one person to keep time and develop a “wrap it up” signal. Have fun! Enjoy your presentation and the participants. KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE Successful presentations take into consideration the audience. While everyone at an institute or conference believes in and is committed to community colleges and their mission, each group has somewhat different needs, roles, goals, and interests. Your presentation will be stronger if you take difference perspectives into consideration. The following may help you prepare your presentation to meet the needs of the diverse groups in your audience. Faculty Faculty are responsible for teaching and learning as well as all academic and professional matters on their college campuses. Faculty members and leaders are interested in the: Form and function of educational programs and services, and are focused on the implications for their students, instruction, and disciplines. Educational trends and issues and their effect on students, faculty, and the institution as a whole. Administrators Presidents and senior administrators have a different focus than mid-level managers. The latter are interested in operation detail while chancellors, presidents, and vice presidents are interested in the broader picture. Others interests include: Program planning, implementation, and evaluation issues. Administrative and program implications at local colleges when discussing educational research and policy issues. Trustees Trustees are concerned about the implications for their policy role: Maintaining good CEO/board relationships. Acting as a community bridge and buffer. Addressing broad policy issues and implications. Monitoring institutional effectiveness. Classified Staff Classified staff members are proud of their role in supporting the delivery of educational programs, and have unique experiences and perspective. Presentations should include the “what, when and why” of programs How changes in delivery impact daily operations, and how classified staff can effective influence decisions on the campus. Student Leaders Student leaders are interested in ensuring that programs meet student needs, student concerns are addressed, and student groups have an opportunity to be involved in decision-making. Adapted from CCLC Guidelines for Effective Presentations