Primary Computing Progression Y3+4Worcs Oct13 v4final

Primary Computing Progression
Technology Enhanced Learning
A Progression for Primary Schools
Years 3 & 4
Worcestershire Schools can access this document from
the Resource Filter on Edulink… Teaching and Learning… ICT and Learning Technologies
Primary Computing Progression
Primary Computing Progression
What do we want children to achieve?
ICT in the Early Years Foundation Stage
ICT in Key Stages 1 and 2
How to use the ICT Progression
Assessment of ICT capability
Supporting documentation
The Progression
Understanding algorithms (Programming, Logo and Control)
Information Handling (database and graphing)
Text Processing and Mulltimedia
Digital Image
Sound and Music
Electronic Communication
Understanding Computer Networks
Research (internet and CD ROM)
Progress Grids
Progression Gird
Progression Gird
Progression Gird
Progression Gird
page 25
page 26
page 27
page 28
– use of tools for presentation/communication
– use of tools to find things out
– use of tools for control and modelling
- understanding of information technologies
Appendix 1
The language of the KS2 Computing Curriculum exemplified
page 29
Primary Computing Progression
1. Introduction
The purpose of these materials is to provide primary teachers with a up-to-date structure for the
teaching of the Computing curriculum from 2014. It also encompasses the key features of
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) for, without continuing to teach the skill set from the ICT
curriculum, there is a danger that the technology will get in the way of learning in other contexts
rather than enhance it. It must be remembered that the Computing curriculum removes the
necessity to assess against pre-defined levels. However, we have retained some elements of
assessment advice from the previous curriculum to support teachers to understand next steps for
This document makes explicit progression through Key Stages 1 and 2. It is shown as expectations
across pairs of year groups (years 1 & 2, 3 & 4, and 5 & 6). We have adopted this approach (rather
than individual year groups) because there is no specific point at which children should necessarily
develop a particular skill; more importantly, this should be dictated by the learning journey of the
child and the extent to which skill, knowledge and understanding has developed. As information
technology develops (which is happening ever more rapidly) the goal posts move and allocations of
skills to individual year groups quickly become out dated. The paired year group approach will also
be more accessible to many small schools.
The progression of knowledge, skills and understanding will enable all teachers to gauge a range of
expectations that may be appropriate for their children. Subject based examples show how
technology enhanced learning (TEL) can be planned into both discrete and subject based lessons.
Schools will need to offer children the full breadth of National Curriculum entitlement and this
document sets out progressions of capability by core themes / applications.
Schools have a statutory requirement to teach children Computing; however it is up to them to
decide how this is best delivered. Some schools will undoubtedly decide to offer discrete coding
lessons on a regular basis until confidence and competence among their teachers has developed.
Others may plan to develop the Computing curriculum by embedding the skills into the wider
curriculum. It is certainly the case that competence in the use of information technology is best
developed when there is a real reason both to develop and apply a particular skill and when
children have access to resources as a normal part of their learning.
However a school tackles the teaching of Computing, the planned curriculum should include
opportunities for children to capitalise on technology enhanced learning (TEL). This means that
teachers need to be clear about the learning objectives, and monitor children’s progress in learning
techniques, applying these techniques in their learning, developing their higher order thinking skills
and making qualitative judgements about when and when not to use information technologies.
Information and communications technologies are embedded in our society. Children consume
technology daily. They are growing up at a time of rapid technological change and adopt these
technologies as a matter of course both at school and at home, for work and in their leisure time.
One aim of the Computing curriculum is to move children from being passive consumers of
technology to active creators. Schools have a responsibly to ensure that children develop the
necessary knowledge, skills and understanding in order to be successful citizens of the future.
Primary Computing Progression
2. What do we want children to achieve?
In order to function effectively and safely in the future it is essential that a child has knowledge
and understanding of the concepts involved in working with technology, has acquired the
necessary skills, can apply these to new learning situations as appropriate and understands the
significance of ICT in the contemporary world, in their learning and life. The extent to which they
can do this safely, independently, and appropriately, making their own decisions, defines their level
of achievement.
3. ICT in the Early Years Foundation Stage
Learning about technology starts from birth because it’s the way the world works today.
Technology is an integral part of all young children’s environment and world. They are surrounded
by technology just as they are surrounded by language, print and numbers. In the home,
technology includes remote controls for television, DVDs and sound systems, toys that have
buttons and buzzers, mobile phones, washing machines, microwave ovens and other machines that
require programming, and of course, computers. Outside the home, children are also immersed in
the technological world: they see automatic doors, cash machines, bar code scanners, digital tills
and weighing machines, and security cameras. Technology is something children are going to grow
up with, learn about and master, and use as a tool to increase their understanding in all areas of
Many activities in the early years revolve around children developing an understanding of their
environment. Settings encourage children to explore, observe, solve problems, predict, discuss and
consider. ICT resources can provide tools for using these skills as well as being examined in their
own right, with computers not the only resources. ICT equipment added to role-play reflects the
real world, builds on children’s experiences and allows them opportunities to understand how, why,
when and where different forms of technology are used in everyday life.
Early experiences form a foundation upon which KS1 and KS2 can build and the current early
learning goals have specific objectives relating to ICT.
By the end of the Foundation Stage most children will:
 Show an interest in ICT
 Know how to operate simple equipment
 Complete a simple program on the computer and / or perform simple functions on ICT
 Find out about and identify the uses of everyday technology and use information and
communication toys to support their learning.
Primary Computing Progression
4. National Curriculum Computing in Key Stages 1 + 2
Purpose of study
A high-quality computing education equips pupils to understand and change the world through logical
thinking and creativity, including by making links with Mathematics, Science, and Design and
Technology. The core of Computing is Computer Science, in which pupils are taught the principles of
information and computation, and how digital systems work. Computing equips pupils to use
information technology to create programs, systems and a range of media. It also ensures that pupils
become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through,
information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active
participants in a digital world.
The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils:
 can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including
abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
 can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing
computer programs in order to solve such problems
 can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies,
analytically to solve problems
 are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication
Attainment targets
By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills
and processes specified in the relevant programme of study.
Subject content
Key stage 1
Pupils should be taught to:
 understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and
that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions
 create and debug simple programs
 use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
 use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
 use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; know where to go for
help and support when they have concerns about material on the internet
 recognise common uses of information technology beyond school.
Key stage 2
Pupils should be taught to:
 design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or
simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts
 use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of
input and output
 use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors
in algorithms and programs
 understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such
as the world-wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration
 use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be
discerning in evaluating digital content
 use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; know a range of ways to report concerns and
inappropriate behaviour
Primary Computing Progression
 select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital
devices to accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data
and information.
5. How to use the ICT Progression
The progression is based on three pairs of year groups:
Years 1 and 2
Years 3 and 4
Years 5 and 6
Managers and subject coordinators will need to have an overview of all three, class teachers may
need to consider the content of more than one pair of year groups in order to cater for those
children who are working considerably above or below expectations.
The Progression is based around the key elements from the KS1 and KS2 Programmes of Study for
Computing (described above) and each of these is broken down into typical ICT applications within
a broad heading.
A grid has been placed at the end of each skill in order to support teachers to keep a record of skills, knowledge
and understanding that have been introduced and revisited over time.
Opportunities for technology enhanced learning (TEL) are described as relevant to each of the
elements of the Computing curriculum.
Each application is broken down into:
Skills - what the children do
Knowledge and understanding - which needs to be drawn out by teachers to ensure
children develop deep understanding and not just skills
Outcomes - which should describe children’s work.
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) - indicating how information technology can
enhance learning in other contexts.
Technology enhanced learning should be integrated into medium and short term planning across all
subjects. This need not be an arduous task, it can be done simply by referencing the particular
aspect or application that is being developed / used, and making a reference back to this
document. A medium term planning grid is available as a simple mapping tool to help ensure
that the full range of entitlement is used across each year group. Teachers of single year group
classes will need to liaise with their colleagues in the partner year group (Y1/Y2, Y3/Y4, Y5/Y6) to
agree more detailed progression.
Each school should also develop its own resource map.
6. Assessing progress through the Computing
Assessment is central to classroom practice and a key professional skill. Effective assessment
establishes what a child knows, understands and can do. It also informs the planning of future
learning and enables a school to review the effectiveness of the curriculum and teaching.
Schools are required to report annually to parents, describing progress in Computing. This report
should contain comments on the child's progress, achievement, strengths, weaknesses and next
steps. Teachers will use their professional judgement to determine the most effective method of
Primary Computing Progression
gathering evidence of pupils' progress but it will certainly require knowledge of the context in
which work was completed rather than simple scrutiny of a finished outcome.
One good approach to assessment might be to consider, perhaps on an annual basis, what a child
has accomplished for each of the applications they have been exposed to. The ICT Outcome
statements for the former ICT curriculum have been retained at the back of this document as a
There is no statutory requirement for schools to arrive at a levelled judgement but the approach to
assessment outlined above should mean that judgements can be made with no extra effort beyond
that required for Assessment for Learning that would naturally take place.
7. Supporting documentation
An Analysis of the language of the KS1/2 Computing Curriculum; Jane Finch; Sept
2013. Available to Worcestershire schools via the Resource filter on Edulink… ICT
and Learning Technologies
Primary Computing Progression
Primary Computing Progression
Understanding algorithms
Programming, coding and control
Solve open ended problems with a floor robot, screen turtle and other programmable
Design, write and run executable programs using a programming language e.g. that used for
a floor robot, Scratch, Kodu, Espresso Coding.
Be able to debug an algorithm (set of instructions) and correct any errors.
Use repetition in programs to make them more efficient. E.g. Rpt4[FD5 RT90] to draw a
square with Roamer
Be able to explore the effect of changing variables. Use them to make and test predictions.
Use 'selection' in a programming sequence i.e. use 'if… then… else…' type actions or
statements e.g. if a character is touching a wall then bounce back, else move forward.
Create simple flow diagrams to control physical devices or systems (real ones or on screen
simulations) using inputs, outputs, including sensors.
Knowledge and Understanding
Know how computer simulations can represent real or imaginary situations and how this can
help in the wider world. Discuss their use of simulations and compare with reality.
Apply and test sequencing skills in a variety of contexts and talk about their experiences.
Know that there are many computer languages to write programs with.
Use logical reasoning to explain how simple algorithms work.
Understand the need to be precise when framing and sequencing instructions.
Know and understand the technical language used in programming.
Understand how everyday devices are controlled using inputs and outputs (e.g. automatic
doors, traffic lights, intruder alarms) and that these may be physical or respond to a sensor.
Understand that a control box connected to a computer running appropriate software can be
used to control devices (bulbs, buzzers, motors …) and that these can be simulated on
Know that data logging devices can be pre-programmed to collect data for a given time and
on different triggers.
Know that simulations are often guided by hidden rules.
Primary Computing Progression
Technology Enhanced Learning
Years 3 & 4 Understanding algorithms
 Write instructions for a floor robot / screen turtle to navigate a map
 Write instructions on screen in the form of a flow diagram
 Explanatory texts - Select and use a range of technical and descriptive vocabulary to
explain how algorithms and programs work – tell the ‘story’
 Report writing - Investigate problems to be faced in an adventure and mystery story.
 Suitable adventure games could be used to model some scenarios
 Persuasive texts - e.g. use evidence from data loggers to strengthen a point of view or
argument T23 present a point of view in writing
 Create regular 2D shapes with angles other than right angles
 Identify patterns and relationships involving shapes, and use these to solve problems
 … draw right angles and to identify right angles in 2-D shapes; compare angles with a
right angle; recognise that a straight line is equivalent to two right angles
 Draw polygons and classify them by identifying their properties, including their line
 Recognise horizontal and vertical lines; use the eight compass points to describe direction
 Use Logo to investigate tessellation and tiling patterns
 Use a function machine in mathematics to demonstrate a model exploring input and
output (rules and variables)
 Construct circuits, incorporating a battery or power supply and a range of switches, to
make electrical devices work e.g. buzzers and motors
 Use sensors to detect changes in the environment so that a physical action takes place
e.g. a rise in temperature will open the green house window.
 use a simulation to explore the rules governing plant growth
 Use a simulation to explore animal habitats
 Identify opportunities for logging data and follow through simple investigations.
 Compare experiences of data logging with manual means of collecting similar data.
Other Subjects
 Use software that provides a visual or graphical environment to create fantasy worlds
 Use a program simulating life in an ancient civilisation, make choices and consider the
impact of them
 Use programmable musical equipment e.g. keyboards.
Primary Computing Progression
Information Handling
(Databases, Graphing, Spreadsheets)
Collect appropriate data, enter it into a database and use the database to answer simple
questions and provide information
Raise questions of the data and translate them into search criteria
Change the contents of cells in a spreadsheet to explore “What if …” questions
Use a spreadsheet to record data and produce graphs
Generate and compare different charts and graphs (using graphing software, database or
spreadsheet) and understand that different graphs are used for different purposes
Create and use a branching database to organise and sort data to answer questions
Use a spreadsheet to explore simple patterns (eg in a number square)
Determine the data needed to answer a specific question; organise, present, analyse and
interpret the data in tables, diagrams, tally charts, pictograms and bar charts, using ICT
where appropriate
Begin to develop skills to identify clearly what data needs to be collected and design a
questionnaire or use a input device (e.g. data logger) to aid its collection
Knowledge and Understanding
Understand the need to structure information properly in a database.
Know, understand and use the vocabulary: file, record, field, data, information.
Recognise similarities and differences between ICT and paper-based systems.
Talk about the advantages of using ICT to change, sort, interrogate and classify data
Understand that questions are key to organising data efficiently in a branching database.
Know that ICT can create graphs that are used for different purposes and some are more
appropriate and easier to read than others.
Begin to understand that different programs (graphing, databases, spreadsheets) create
graphs in different ways and are appropriate to different needs and purposes.
Begin to make choices about how to organise data to solve a specific problem. Know that
simulations are often guided by hidden rules.
Know and understand the difference between data and information.
Primary Computing Progression
Technology Enhanced Learning
Years 3 & 4 Information Handling
 Asking questions – use of correct and technical vocabulary
 Identify how different texts are organized
 Explain the story of a graph
 Follow a line of enquiry by deciding what information is important; make and use lists,
tables and graphs to organise and interpret the information
 Answer a question by collecting, organising and interpreting data; use tally charts,
frequency tables, pictograms and bar charts to represent results and illustrate
observations; use ICT to create a simple bar chart
 Suggest a line of enquiry and the strategy needed to follow it; collect, organise and
interpret selected information to find answers
 Answer a question by identifying what data to collect; organise, present, analyse and
interpret the data in tables, diagrams, tally charts, pictograms and bar charts, using ICT
where appropriate
 Set up a branching database to sort 2D / 3D shapes or numbers according to their
 Use a prepared spreadsheet to make decisions on how pocket money could be spent in a
 Create a branching data base about the characteristics of materials
 Survey mini-beasts in the environment, create keys and enter results into database
 Create a branching database to assist in the identification of pond animals
 Record the results of an experiment investigating friction and use the results to answer
hypotheses. (e.g. cars down slopes)
 Use of heart monitor to measure heartbeat
 Use a data logger to test the insulation properties of several different materials
Other Subjects
 Explore relationships in personal data (e.g. leg length and long jump)
 Collect weather data and use this as part of their work in comparing weather around the
 Undertake a needs analysis & evaluation for sandwiches and snacks
 Contrasting locality study: collect process and exchange information by email
 Design a questionnaire to collect data for use with a spreadsheet as graphing package
 Design a branching database about the wives of Henry VIII
 Create a database to investigate how people spend their time
 Explore changing variables in pre-designed spreadsheets
Primary Computing Progression
Text Processing & Multimedia
Use different font sizes, colour and effects to communicate meaning for a given audience.
Use layout, format, graphics and illustrations for different purposes or audiences
Insert and edit simple tables
Use page setup to select different page sizes and orientations
Use Cut, copy and paste to refine and reorder content
Use appropriate editing tools to ensure their work is clear and error free (using tools such as
spell checker, thesaurus, find and replace)
Select suitable text, sounds and graphics from electronic resources (eg Espresso) and use it
appropriately their own work
Select and import sounds from their own recording, create their own effects and music and
import from other sources
Select and import graphics from digital cameras, graphics packages and other sources and
prepare for use (cropping, resizing, editing)
Create a range of hyperlinks and produce a non-linear, interactive presentation
Recognise key features of layout and use design features such as text boxes, columns,
Knowledge and Understanding
Recognise the key features of different layouts and consider how to meet the needs of the
audience (e.g. poster, news paper, menu, instructions, etc)
Understand that evaluation and improvement is a vital part of a design process and that ICT
allows changes to be made quickly and efficiently. Demonstrate through editing their work.
Recognise that ICT can automate manual processes (eg. find and replace). Understand the
advantages and disadvantages of this
Compare the different contributions of sounds, words and images from a variety of electronic
Recognise the features of good page design and multimedia presentations
Develop increasing sense of audience and talk about their choices and decisions
Primary Computing Progression
Technology Enhanced Learning
Years 3 & 4 Text Processing & Multimedia
 Children create an interactive digital map of a quest for myths and legends
 Children create, edit and illustrate shape poems
 Children work collaboratively on an ICT based presentation which includes different font
 Children create an explanation text with still images from video and hyperlinks to further
 Children create a PowerPoint presentation or PhotoStory of a poetry reading
incorporating altered digital images and altered recorded speech
 Children create a persuasive trailer for a film using PhotoStory or similar software with
sound effects, music, voice-over and scanned children’s art
 Take photos to create a Maths trail around the school based on shape, symmetry or
 Create a poster to promote good dental health
Other Subjects
 Children use email for collaborative story writing and/or local study
 Children create a set of estate agents details to sell a Roman Villa
 Children take photographs of the view through our window and annotate them to
illustrate change
 Children write and present a newspaper article about evacuees
 Children create a multi-page guide book about a local place of worship
 Children produce a poster, tourist leaflet or website connected to other subjects
 Children produce a multimedia presentation on a Greek god they have been researching
 On a school trip children collect digital images, video, and sound samples and use these
to produce a multimedia presentation to show either their parents, other children in the
school or upload to the school website or learning platform
 Children create a photomontage of parts of faces from a variety of sources linked to class
work eg Africa
 Children record vocals and sound effects to accompany their story book
Primary Computing Progression
Digital Image (Art programs,
Photographs, Animation and Video)
Graphics Packages
Acquire, store and retrieve images from cameras, scanners and the internet and begin to
use paint packages or photo-manipulation software to change an image (e.g. apply different
Select specific areas of a painting, copy and paste to make repeating patterns. Resize
elements. Investigate symmetry and reflection tools.
Digital Photographs
Begin to independently capture, store, retrieve and edit a digital image
Develop greater control over the digital stills video camera and use the enhanced tools
(Macro, Landscape, Zoom)
Discuss and evaluate the quality of their own and others’ captured images and make
decisions (e.g. keep, delete, change)
Animation & video
Create a short animated sequence from captured images in simple storyboarding software,
to communicate a specific idea.
Capture “footage” from camcorders into simple movie editing software. Arrange, trim and
cut clips to create a short film that convey meaning
Import music and stills into video editing software and add to film projects.
Add simple titles and credits
Knowledge and Understanding
Understand that a digital image can be captured from a number of different devices and it
can be stored, developed and enhanced
To begin to understand how images from different sources (stills, video, graphics,
animation) are used to enhance a presentation or communicate an idea
Understand that evaluation and improvement is a vital part of a design processes and ICT
allows for to make changes quickly and efficiently
Understand the need for caution when using the internet to search for images and what they
should do if they find images that upset them. (See school’s Acceptable Internet Usage
Understand that film conveys meaning and begin to understand the “language of film”
Primary Computing Progression
Technology Enhanced Learning
Years 3 & 4 Digital Image
 Use a digital camera to capture freeze frame in drama to show different shapes and
emotions – modify the images
 Create a photo-fit image for a Wanted poster of a story character
 Create an explanation text with digital images from video and hyperlinks to further detail
 Use the tools in photo editing software to create their own fantasy settings to support
their writing.
 Create a digital recording, sound and/or video, of a poetry reading incorporating edited
digital images and recorded speech
 Create a persuasive trailer for a film, with sound effects, music, voice-over and scanned
children’s art
 Take photographs which illustrate different shapes or symmetries for a display
 Use a digital microscope for research, capture an image and use it to present findings and
demonstrate understanding
 Make animation of seasons, or plant growing
 Create an advert for healthy food, using either live action or animation
Other Subjects
 Take photographs of the view through our window and sequence / annotate them to
illustrate change
 Plan, frame and take photographs to illustrate a poster about Roman life
 Make a video for a local weather forecasts
 Design wrapping paper for Christmas or DT project
 Create pop art-style images by changing effects of a still image
 Create a photomontage of parts of faces from a variety of sources linked to class work
 Use digital images to create a collage based on a theme (e.g. local area)
 Create a copy of a TV programme to fit with other work (e.g. Weakest Link: Henry VIII's
wives; historical Through the Keyhole or cookery programme)
 Use animation to illustrate the water cycle
 On a school trip, collect digital images, video, and sound samples and use these to
produce a multimedia presentation to show either their parents, other children in the
school or upload to the school website or learning platform
Primary Computing Progression
Sound and Music
(sound capture and editing, podcasts and music
Use ICT to select and record voice and sounds – (e.g. Dictaphone, digital voice recorder,
Sound recorder in IWB software)
Use recorded sound files in other applications
Locate and use sound files from Internet, CD ROM, learning platform and Multimedia
software (e.g. IWB software)
Select, import and edit existing sound files in sound editing software (e.g. Audacity).
Use music software to experiment capturing, repeating and reordering sound patterns.
Use music software to create a simple multipart percussion composition
Use ICT to create and perform sounds or music that would otherwise not be possible live –
e.g. playing a multi-part piece or a very fast piece
Knowledge and Understanding
Talk about software which allows easy manipulation and creation of sound and music
Begin to understand that copyright exists on most recorded music and that downloading
music from the internet should be done in accordance with the law
Understand that all types of sounds can be combined in editing software.
Primary Computing Progression
Technology Enhanced Learning
Years 3 & 4 Sound and Music
 Record speech and sound effects to accompany writing e.g. to be played alongside
reading work aloud or public performance
 Record an MP3 commentary e.g. a guide to accompany a local walk with descriptive and
explanatory speech pertinent to specific points on the walk
 Write, record and edit an audio play
 Create an explanation text with images taken from video and hyperlinks added to further
 Create a multimedia presentation of a poetry reading incorporating altered digital images
and altered recorded speech
 Create a persuasive trailer for a film, with sound effects, music, voice-over and scanned
children’s art
 Use sound editing software to investigate sound waves and patterns e.g. Podium,
Other Subjects
 Add spoken French to a presentation /image (MFL)
 Compose music or sound effects to accompany poems, stories, drama, dance
 Compose music or sound effects to fit with a topic theme
 Create a musical portrait of a character for a story or to describe a setting
 Children incorporate animal sounds found on the internet into their presentation
 Compose pentatonic compositions to accompany images/film clips focussing on the Far
 Use sound effects to accompany film/still images e.g. appropriate WAV files to accompany
clip art or images to enhance a presentation
 Record vocals and sound effects using different timbres to accompany a story
 Use iTunes, Windows Media Player etc. to listen to music and sounds, create playlists etc.
 Record using sound recording devices (e.g. mp3 recorder, laptop, other handheld devices
etc. to record sound bites of voice or music compositions
Primary Computing Progression
Electronic communication
(Opportunities for communication and collaboration)
Log on to an email account, open emails, create and send appropriate replies.
Create and send an email to a prearranged partner, selecting the recipient from a class
address book.
Create own address book/add to an existing one.
Attach different files to emails
Contribute to discussion forums, blogs and surveys.
Create own discussions, blogs and surveys.
Contribute to a Wiki
Begin to use video conferencing as a class, if appropriate. (Perhaps with another class or
school, even abroad as part of a wider topic.)
Knowledge and Understanding
Understand that email has to be sent to a specific email address and the need for accuracy.
Understand that files of different types can be attached to emails
Understand there are other methods of communication e.g. blogging, instant messaging and
when these can be used etc
Talk about different forms of electronic communication and their use of it, its advantages
and disadvantages.
Think about the different styles of language layout and format of different electronic
communications and how these vary depending on the audience.
E Safety
Understand there are rules to keep them safe when communicating electronically, work
within these rules understanding what they are and why they exist.
Know of other methods of communication and discuss the importance of personal safety at
home as well as in school
Primary Computing Progression
Technology Enhanced Learning
Years 3 & 4 Electronic communication
 Children use email for collaborative story writing
 Answer a survey on books they have read to contribute to a class book reviews
 Collaborate with others on a science project or investigation, exchanging ideas and trying
out suggestions from others.
Other Subjects
 Use email or video conferencing to communicate with another school within the context of
“connecting ourselves to the world”
 Use email or video conferencing to share information - locality study
 View from the window – set up link with foreign school. Email pictures of view from
window with details of what your school is like. Receive pictures from foreign school and
comment on differences.
 Contact an expert to augment discussions on a topic being developed in class
 Contribute to a class discussion on how the school can be more effective at recycling
 Use email in discussions to find out views related to a particular issue e.g. local
 Planning a visit – research route, prices, use email to communicate with companies and
with each other
 Collate information for a school project in their E portfolio
 Contribute to group pages pulling together information, text and images for presentation
of a topic
 Add contacts' details of members of the local community to an address book. Use these to
email groups about their views relating to particular issues.
Refer to the South West Grid for Learning 'Digital Literacy and Citizenship' scheme of work for e-safety
resources. This provides a developmental approach from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 4.
( - DigLit for all Key Stages).
Primary Computing Progression
Understanding computer networks, the
internet and provision of multiple services
Be able to explain that the computers in the classroom are part of the school network. That
they are connected by wires (or wirelessly) to a main computer called the server. Other
devices such as printers, projectors and visualisers may also be connected. Draw or a label a
diagram to show this.
Be able to explain that the server is connected to the Internet which is made up of a global
network and is able to communicate with other servers to share resources and data. Draw or
a label a diagram to show this.
Log into the school network using their own user name and password
Be able to locate their own folder on a particular drive to save and retrieve their work
Be able to select either the colour or black and white printer. Switch display between the
computer and the visualiser. Upload photographs from the school camera to the class folder
on the network.
Access a given website by typing in the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) into the address bar
of a browser and be able to explain what the different parts of the ‘address’ (URL) refer to
Be able to explain what the school’s monitoring software does and why it has been installed
Knowledge and understanding
Know that a network is a group of computers that are connected so that they can
communicate and share resources and data with each other
Know that an individual’s user name and password gives them unique access to particular.
or personal, areas on the school network and that their use is monitored to keep them safe
Know that computers communicate with each other using shared 'protocols' – the signals,
messages and "passwords" that different computers use when "talking" to each other. E.g. a
classroom is a network with the teacher and lots of children (communicating devices).
Routes and rules (protocols) are made and understood for communicating with each other
(hands up before speaking to the teacher, formality of language used)
Know that the server sits in a different part of the school, performs tasks for the rest of the
computers and is connected to the Internet
Understand that the Internet and the World Wide Web are not the same thing – the WWW is
a collection of hyperlinked web pages and websites and is just one of the many services
provided over the Internet
Primary Computing Progression
Research technologies
Follow a simple search to find specific information from a web site or CD ROM
Develop key questions and key words to search for specific information to answer a problem
(e.g. a question such as where could we go on holiday? would become holiday destinations)
Save and retrieve accessed information through the use of Favourites, History, and Save
Use found information purposefully to complete specific tasks e.g. copy, paste and edit
relevant information
Understand the dynamics of search engines and know that there are different search engines
- some within sites, and some for the whole of the Internet (e.g. Google). Use them
Use search engines for different media (e.g. Google Image Search, video,
Skim read and sift information to check its relevance and modify search strategies if
Knowledge and Understanding
Understand a website has a unique address and the need for precision when typing it
Evaluate different search engines and explain their choices in using these for different
Understand that some information found through searching is more relevant than others
Talk about and describe the process of finding specific information noting frustrations and
how they overcame them
Begin to recognise that anyone can author on the internet and sometimes web content is
inaccurate and even offensive
Develop their knowledge of internet safety and the need for rules. Understand what they
should do if they discover offensive material
At this stage children’s use of the internet should continue to be guided by adults. It is
not advisable to allow children unsupervised access to search engines. Image search
terms should always be tested by an adult.
Refer to the South West Grid for Learning Digital Literacy scheme of work for e-safety resources.
This provides a developmental approach from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 4.
( - DigLit for all Key Stages).
Primary Computing Progression
Technology Enhanced Learning
Years 3 & 4 Research
 Search for resources to support the writing of a quest or myth
 Read background information about an author, for example through research on the
 Download an instructional fact sheet. Compare the class draft with the online version
 Research a particular area (based on own interest or wider curriculum) using a wide range
of reference materials
 Research and investigate recounts in the form of magazine and on-line newspapers
 Answer a question by collecting, organising and interpreting data; use tally charts,
frequency tables, pictograms and bar charts to represent results and illustrate
observations; use ICT to create a simple bar chart
 Answer a question by identifying what data to collect; organise, present, analyse and
interpret the data in tables, diagrams, tally charts, pictograms and bar charts, using ICT
where appropriate
 Research a company's website to find out about the manufacturing of a product
 Children explore natural habits using online virtual habitats
Other Subjects
 Use the internet to research weather around the world
 Use online information sources to find out about mythical creatures
 Find information to assist in solving imaginary crimes using a database of suspects
 Investigate the visual elements used by artists such as Bridget Riley, Kandinsky or other
famous artists by using online information sources
 Explore a place of worship by taking a virtual tour
 Use the British Museum website to find information about an artefact for a report
 Explore census on-line information to help build a picture of what local life was like a
century ago
 Use the internet to investigate customs of other faiths
 Use a search engine to find photographs and information about children in the second
world war or other areas of class work
 Use the internet to explore “How and where do we spend our time?”
Primary Computing Progression
Progression Grid 1 –use of tools for presentation/communication
Description of
Share ideas using text,
images and sounds.
Generate, amend and
record work. Share
ideas in diff. forms
including text, tables,
images and sound.
Generate, develop,
organise and present
work. Share and
exchange ideas with
Present information in
different forms. Show an
awareness of intended
audience. Show the
need for quality in
Exchange info. & ideas
with others in a
variety of ways
including email.
Structure, refine and
present information in
different forms and
styles for specific
purpose and
audiences. Exchange
info. & ideas with others
in a variety of ways
including email.
Text & Multimedia
Digital Image
Sound and Music
Electronic Communication
Work with others and with support
to contribute to a digital class
resource which includes text,
graphic and sound.
Generate their own work, (with
help where appropriate with
multimedia) combining text,
graphics and sound. Save and
retrieve and edit their work.
Use a range of simple tools in a
paint package / image
manipulation software to create /
modify a picture.
Use a range of tools in a paint
package / image manipulation
software to create / modify a
picture to communicate an idea.
Create a simple animation to tell a
Chose suitable sounds from a bank
to express their ideas. Record
short speech.
Contribute ideas to a class email to
another class / school etc.
Compose music from icons.
Produce a simple presentation
incorporating sounds the children
have captured, or created.
Work collaboratively by email to
share and request information of
another class or story character.
Record and present information
integrating a range of appropriate
media combining text and graphics
in printable form and sound and
video for on-screen presentations
which include hyperlinks. Begin to
show an awareness of the intended
audience and seek feedback.
Manipulate digital images using a
range of tools in appropriate
software to convey a specific mood
or idea.
Create a simple podcast, selecting
and importing already existing
music and sound effects as well as
recording their own.
Make a short film / animation from
images (still and / or moving) that
they have sourced, captured or
Create multiple track compositions
that contain a variety of sounds.
Use advanced tools in word
processing / DTP software such as
tabs, appropriate text formatting,
line spacing etc appropriately to
create quality presentations
appropriate for a known audience.
Use images that they have sourced
/ captured / manipulated as part of
a bigger project (eg presentation
or document).
Create and share more
sophisticated podcasts and
consider the effect that their
podcasts will have on the
Multimedia work shows restrained
use of effects that help to convey
meaning rather than impress.
Independently create an
interactive presentation, with
hyperlinks, using resources they
have created or found through
research. Make independent
choices about the best media to
use and consider the needs of their
audiences and the impact their
presentation will have. Finished
presentation demonstrates an
understanding of good design
Add special effects, transitions,
titles etc. to their films /
animations as appropriate,
considering the effect they will
have on the viewer.
Independently select, use and
evaluate appropriate ICT
applications to locate, generate,
amend and combine digital images
/ movies from different sources for
a specific audiences or tasks. The
finished presentation shows an
understanding of style appropriate
to the tasks / audiences.
Use ICT to compose appropriate
music for podcasts and evaluate its
Manipulate music and sounds to
enhance presentations / films /
images / photos relevant to
audiences and purpose. Examples
will include compositions from
music software which include
multiple voices mixed on multiple
tracks as well as sound captured or
sourced independently and edited
and mixed using a variety of tools
and techniques.
Begin to understand the need to
abide by school e-safety rules.
Share ICT work they have done
electronically by email, VLE, or
uploading to authorised sites.
Where possible seek and respond
to feedback.
Abide by school rules for e-safety.
Create, send and reply to emails,
making use of an address book
and sending attachments.
Participate in video conferencing as
a group, appreciating the need to
abide by certain rules.
Understand the need for e-safety
rules and abide by them both in
and out of school.
Independently engage in electronic
communication (email, VLE, video
conferencing, web logs, etc) in the
course of work. Identify when such
technology is helpful and comment
on effectiveness, advantages and
disadvantages of it. Understand
the implications for e-safety and
use the rules they have learned
and developed, at all times.
Primary Computing Progression
Progression Grid 2 –use of tools to find things out
Research (internet & CD ROM)
Handling Information (Database and
Explore information from various sources.
Show they know information exists in
different forms.
As a class exercise children explore information from a
variety of sources (electronic, paper based, observations
of the world around them, etc.). They show an awareness
of different forms of information
As a class or individually with support, children use
a simple pictogram or painting program to develop
simple graphical awareness / one to one
Organise and classify information
Children use a search engine to find specific relevant
information to use in a presentation for a topic. They save
and retrieve their work.
Use a graphing package to collect, organise and
classify data, selecting appropriate tools to create a
graph and answer questions. Enter information into
a simple branching database, database or word
processor and use it to answer questions. They
save, retrieve and edit their work.
Children use a simple database (the structure of
which has been set up for them) to enter and save
and save information on a given subject. They
follow straight forward lines of enquiry to search
their data for their own purposes. They talk about
their experiences of using ICT to process data
compared with other methods.
Children work as a class or group to create a data
collection sheet and use it to setup a straight
forward database to answer questions. Enter
information and interrogate it ( by searching,
sorting, graphing etc). Begin to reflect on how
useful the collected data and their interrogation was
and whether or not their questions were answered.
Description of behaviours
Present their findings. Enter, save and
retrieve work
Save, find and use appropriate information.
Follow straight forward lines of enquiry
Understand the need for care in framing
questions when collecting, finding and
interrogating information.
Interpret their findings Question plausibility.
Recognise that poor-quality information leads
to unreliable results. Add to, amend and
combine different forms of information from a
variety of sources.
Select the information they need for different
purposes, check its accuracy and organise it
in a form suitable for processing.
Using another curriculum area as a starting point, children
ask their own questions then use ICT sources to find
answers, making use of search engines, an index, menu,
hyperlinks as appropriate. Children use the information or
resources they have found. Children talk about using ICT
to find information / resources noting any frustrations and
showing an emerging understanding of internet safety.
Make use of copy and paste, beginning to understand the
purpose of copyright regulations and the need to
repurpose information for a particular audience. They
show an understanding that not all information on the
internet is accurate. Develop a growing awareness of how
to stay safe when using the internet (in school and at
home) and that they abide by the school's internet safety
Independently and with due regard for safety, search the
internet using a variety of techniques to find a range of
information and resources on a specific topic. Use
appropriate methods to validate information and check for
bias and accuracy. Repurpose and make appropriate use
of selected resources for a given audiences,
acknowledging material used where appropriate.
Independently solve a problem by planning and
carrying out data collection, by organising and
analysing data involving complex searches using a
database, and by drawing conclusions and
presenting findings. The need for accuracy is
demonstrated and strategies for spotting
implausible data are evident. Children should be
able to talk about issues relating to data protection
and the need for data security in the world at large
(eg health, police databases).
Primary Computing Progression
Progression Grid 3 –use of tools for control and modelling
Description of behaviours
Logo & Control
Recognise that many everyday devices
respond to signals and instructions
Make choices when using such
devices to produce different
Control simple everyday devices to
make them produce different
Make simple choices to control a simple
simulation program.
Control a device, on and off
screen, making predictions about
the effect their programming will
have. Children can plan ahead.
Children are able to play an adventure
game and use a simple simulation,
making choices and observing the
results. Their conversation shows they
understand that computers are good at
replicating real life events and allowing
them to explore contexts that are
otherwise not possible.
Use models and simulations to find
things out and solve problems.
Recognise that simulations are useful in
widening experience beyond the
classroom. Make simple use of a
spreadsheet to store data and produce
Plan and give instructions to make
things happen. Describe the effects.
Explore what happens in real and
imaginary situations.
Use sequences of instructions to
control devices and achieve specific
outcomes. Make appropriate choices
when using ICT-based models or
simulations to help them find things out
and solve problems
Use ICT systems to control events in
a predetermined manner. Sense
physical data. Use models and
simulations to explore patterns and
relationships. Make predictions
about the consequences of decisions.
Create sequences of instructions to
control events. Understand the need to
be precise when framing and
sequencing instructions. Understand
how ICT devices with sensors can be
used to monitor and measure external
events. Explore the effects of
changing the variables in an ICTbased model.
Children are able to type a short
sequence of instructions and to
plan ahead when programming
devices on and off screen.
Engage in Logo based problem
solving activities that require
children to write procedures etc.
and to predict, test and
modify.Use control software to
control devices (using output
commands) or to simulate this on
screen. Predict, test and refine
their programming.
Independently create sequences of
commands to control devices in
response to sensing (i.e. use
inputs as well as outputs). Design,
build, test, evaluate and modify
the system; ensuring that it is fit
for purpose.
Modelling and Simulations
Set up and use a spreadsheet model to
explore patterns and relationships. Make
predictions. Know how to enter simple
formulae to assist this process.
Set up and use their own spreadsheet,
which contains formulae to investigate
mathematical models. Ask "what if …"
questions and change variable in their
model. Understand the need for
accuracy when creating formulae and
check regularly for mistakes, by
questioning results. Relate their use of
spreadsheets to model situations to the
wider world.
Data Logging
(links to Science and Maths)
Begin to use a data logger to sense
physical data (sound, light,
Use a data logger confidently,
connected to the computer or
remotely, to capture continuous or
intermittent data readings.
Interpret the results and use these
in their investigations. Realise the
advantages of using ICT to collect
data that might otherwise be
Children are able to identify their
own opportunities for data logging
and carry out their own
experiments. They check and
question results and are able to
spot trends in data and identify
when problems may have
Primary Computing Progression
Progression Grid 4 – Understanding of information technologies
Description of behaviours
Individual technologies
Networking technologies
The Internet as a technology
Show an awareness of the range of
devices and tools they encounter in
everyday life
Show an awareness that what they
create on a computer or tablet device
can be shown to others via another
device (e.g. printer, projector, Apple
Show an awareness of a range of
inputs to a computer (IWB, mouse
touch screen, microphone, keyboard,
Begin to show an awareness that
computers can be linked to share
Use websites and demonstrate an
awareness of how to manage their
journey around them (e.g. using the
back/forward button, hyperlinks)
Describe their use of ICT and its
use outside school.
Begin to show discernment in their use
of computing devices and tools for a
particular purpose and explain why
their choice was made.
Show an understanding that their
password is the key to accessing a
personalised set of resources and files
(e.g. My Documents). Show an
awareness of where passwords are
critical in everyday use (e.g. parents
accessing bank details)
Show an awareness that not all the
resources/tools they use are resident
on the device they are using.
Begin to show an understanding of
Compare their use of ICT with
other methods and with its use
outside school.
Make choices about the devices and
tools they use for specific purposes and
explain them in relation to the context.
Begin to show an awareness of specific
tools used in working life.
Show an understanding of the school
network and how it links computers to
resources in school and beyond.
Compare this with other networks they
may encounter at home or in the wider
world (e.g. banks)
Perform a search using different search
engines and check the results against
each other, explaining why they might
be different.
Show an awareness of the need for
accuracy in spelling and syntax to
search effectively.
Evaluate the tools available to them
including any that are unfamiliar or
new and use them to solve problems.
Demonstrate an awareness of the
appropriateness of outcomes
depending on choices regarding tools
and devices.
Show an understanding of how filtering
and monitoring tools affect their use of
the school network and Internet and
compare this with their experience of
access outside school.
Use collaborative tools and e-mail
showing a sensitivity for this type of
remote collaboration and
Talk about their use of ICT.
Talk about their experiences of ICT
both inside and outside school.
Discuss their knowledge and
experience of using ICT and their
observations of its use outside
school. Assess the use of ICT in
their work and reflect critically in
order to make improvements in
subsequent work.