WESTERVILLE SOUTH THEATRE BOOSTERS MEETING MINUTES Meeting Date: October 6, 2015 at 7:30 pm Meeting Location: WSHS Elected Offices President: JB Hagerman 1st Vice President: Michelle LeWinter 2nd Vice President: Amy Parker Secretary: Sue Messina Interim Treasurer: Heidi Wilson Treasurer Elect: Pam Warrick PRESENT: Heidi Wilson, Derrick McPeak, JB Hagerman, Michelle LeWinter, Sue Messina, Amy Parker, Matt Wolfe, Pam Warrick, Kathy Hayman, Vicki Williams, Ed Hayman I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:33 PM by Michelle LeWinter. II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES/Secretary's Report a. The September 1 Secretary’s report was presented. Vicki Williams moved to approve the minutes, Pam Warrick seconded, and the motion carried. III. TREASURER’S REPORT – Heidi Wilson a. Cash Balance: The ending balance was $8,631.25. b. A request was made to the boosters by Derrick for money to fix lights in the theatre. The estimated total to fix the lights was $1,200. Derrick asked the boosters for $500 to help cover the cost. Amy Parker moved to have the boosters donate $500 to help cover cost of the repair of the lights. Kathy Hayman seconded and the motion carried. c. With 13 orders placed, the Pampered Chef fundraiser earned the troupe $223.10. d. Vicki Williams moved to reimburse Amy Parker $34. Pam Warrick seconded and the motion carried. e. The 2015-2016 budget was presented to the members present for a vote. Sue Messina moved to approve the budget for the 2015-2016 school year. Vicki Williams seconded and the motion carried. f. Vicki Williams moved to approve the September Treasurer’s report. Kathy Hayman seconded and the motion carried. IV. FIRST VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT—Michelle LeWinter a. Miss Firecracker—discussion centered around how to get a better response to the volunteer spot for Miss Firecracker than for Leaving Iowa. Concern with a small cast, getting enough help on Volunteer Spot. Matt agreed to ask Craig Charleston about how to update the calendar. Amy Parker volunteered to take any leftovers from the tech meals and concessions to feed the homeless. b. Restaurant nights—a Chipotle fundraiser will be held November 9. Panda Express and City BBQ fundraisers will be held in January and February. V. SECOND VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Amy Parker a. Thirty-one gifts fundraiser will be ready to go when we are. They will put an ad in the program for Miss Firecracker, and have a table set up at Miss Firecracker and Scho Show to take orders. The sale is to start November 1. Christy will give packets to the students at the October 20 theatre troupe meeting. Orders can be made online or the students can sell them. b. We made $1,485 in ads from the Leaving Iowa program. This amount includes some ads from all shows. c. Amy Parker requested that the troupe logo be digitized for better resolution for programs and correspondence. Derrick was going to try to do it, and have it ready for To Kill a Mockingbird. VI. DIRECTOR’S REPORT – Matt Wolfe and Derrick McPeak a. After school supervision—The concern was raised regarding the need to have adult supervision for all after school activities. Since the scho show is student directed, and neither Matt nor Derrick can be there right after school, there was concern as to whether there would be a problem with rehearsals. There would be an attempt to continue rehearsals as usual, and determine what to do if there turned out to be a problem with that. VII. COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Photography—Pictures can be taken for Miss Firecracker on Tuesday, October 27 from 5:00 to 9:00 PM. b. New York City trip—As of this date there still were not enough people signed up to meet the minimum for the trip. The suggestion was made to invite the band to sign up as well. VIII. OLD BUSINESS a. It appears that the leak in the scene shop has been fixed. IX. NEW BUSINESS a. No new business There being no further business, Heidi Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting. Michelle LeWinter seconded, and the motion carried.. Next Booster meeting: November 3 at 7:30 pm, in the WSHS guidance office. Respectfully Submitted, Sue Messina – Theatre Boosters Secretary